
Reincarnated inside the novel as an exorcist

After reincarnating in his favorite novel, Yami finds himself trapped in a world of war between angels and demons, hidden from the eyes of humanity. Wrapped in mystery and danger, he struggles to unravel the secrets behind his death and the lost time in hell. However, upon awakening in a coffin, Yami is faced with an unusual and frightening situation, challenging even the understanding of the supernatural.

Fabiohenriquey · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The main characters

In a scenario veiled by shadows, the real world is just the tip of the iceberg, covering what human eyes can see. However, beyond the tangible layers of reality, lies a hidden realm, imbued with long-forgotten energy. This energy, a gift from the heavens or perhaps from other spheres, bestows powers that defy natural laws. Some exorcists have the gift of shaping blazing flames with a mere thought, while others bend time at their will.

These skilled exorcists are trained by a secret society known as the Order of the Dawn. They are the silent guardians, protecting humanity against supernatural threats. But this blessed energy is not just a gift; it is a force as multifaceted as it is dangerous. Some exorcists are blessed with healing gifts, capable of bringing relief to deep wounds, while others, with a mere thought, can unleash devastating storms.

However, these extraordinary abilities do not come without a price. For every blessing, there is a lurking curse in the shadows. The same energy that bestows power can also corrupt and consume, turning the abilities into a source of torment for their bearers.

In a world with blessed energy, enchantments are manifestations of power that can range from attacks to protections, barriers, or even supernatural-like abilities. They are complex, requiring a deep understanding of the energy and knowledge of how to manipulate it.

Enchantments can be powerful, but their creation comes at a price. They consume the blessed energy of the user and, in some cases, can damage the conjurer's soul. Yami, after surviving hell, gained an exceptional understanding of enchantments. His knowledge of the future allowed him to see beyond the conventional, shaping enchantments with precision and extraordinary skill.

While other exorcists excelled in supernatural abilities, Yami became a master in creating enchantments, which were essentially gesture, word, and symbol-based magic. This unique ability allowed him to shape temporary realities or unleash intense forces, but always at a cost - a piece of his own soul in exchange for each elaborate enchantment.

The scene returns to the tranquil garden of Blair, where the vibrant colors of the flowers contrasted with the tension in the air. Amidst the serenity of the place, Blair uttered the words: "They are exorcists..." As she watched the approach of the newcomers, Yami, in turn, felt a whirlwind of questions forming in his mind: "Why would exorcists be here? It doesn't make sense for the Order of the Dawn to send them to deal with Blair. So, what is the real reason for their presence?" Curiosity and caution mingled in his attentive gaze, trying to unravel the mysterious presence of the newcomers.

Yami held back a sigh, his expression reflecting a calm determination. "Don't worry, I will deal with the exorcists," he said to Blair. "It seems they are here because of me."

Suddenly, a surge of blessed energy formed behind Blair, causing her to turn with a surprised expression. The atmosphere in the garden changed, the air became dense as the sunlight seemed to diminish, creating a strange and intense aura. The channeling of this energy was different, powerful in a way she had not seen before.

The golden glow began to intertwine, forming complex patterns in the air. Blair felt a familiar tingling run down her spine, a warning sign that rarely failed. Someone or something was approaching, and the nature of the channeled energy suggested a powerful visitor.

Yami felt the subtle change in the environment even before Blair turned around. The blessed energy being channeled so intensely and precisely was something he recognized well. It was the signature of someone very skilled in the use of that energy.

The flower petals in the garden seemed to gently ripple, the birds that had previously sung melodiously now seemed disturbed, as if they sensed the approach of something out of the ordinary.

Blair remained calm, but her mind worked quickly. She did not expect such imposing visitors at that moment. Her gaze sought to understand what was to come, preparing to deal with any situation that the channeling of energy might bring.

The portal formed slowly, like a veil being lifted to reveal the other side. A bright and unsettling aura radiated from the portal, creating a spectacle of dancing lights that spread through the garden. Expectation and uncertainty intertwined in the charged atmosphere, indicating the imminent arrival of someone or something very powerful.

The portal finally opened completely, revealing the imposing figures of three exorcists. Akira, with his youthful countenance and black hair contrasting with red eyes, exuded confidence and power. By his side, Uzui, also youthful in appearance, displayed brownish hair and black eyes, maintaining a serious expression. And next to them, Saori, with her youthful appearance, exhibited white hair and blue eyes, radiating an aura of concentrated determination.

Yami observed the arrival of the exorcists with a mixture of curiosity and caution. He immediately recognized Akira as the protagonist of the novel in which he had been trapped, an unsettling coincidence that brought to light a troubling connection. He understood the importance of the three in the hierarchy of exorcists and the seriousness that their presence implied at that moment. The blessed energy surrounding each of them was undeniable, indicating powerful abilities and extensive experience.

Yami positioned himself firmly between Blair and the exorcists, his determined expression reflecting the seriousness of the situation. He cast a concerned look at Blair and, in a calm but firm tone, said, "Let them deal with me, escape while you can." However, his eyes remained focused on the exorcists, ready for what would come next.

Meanwhile, Akira, the exorcist at the forefront of the group, displayed a challenging smile, his confidence overflowing in every word. "You will not leave here without my permission," he declared, his voice carrying authority. "I traveled halfway around the world to carry out a classified mission, but seeing what I face here, I question the information that was given to me."

Uzui, with a mischievous smile, teasingly nudged Akira. "Oh, look, it seems like Akira is getting a bit full of himself, huh? All this posturing!" He laughed, playfully teasing his friend.

Akira, with a serious look, rolled his eyes. "Don't start, Uzui. We are on an important mission and your antics do not help." His expression revealed a slight embarrassment, contrasting with the seriousness of his initial posture.

Saori, the calmest of the group, tried to pacify the situation. "Calm down, everyone. Let's stay focused, we are here for an important reason," she said, trying to ease the tense atmosphere that was beginning to form between Akira and Uzui.

Uzui, letting out a mocking laugh, couldn't resist and said, "HAHAHA, sorry, Saori, but when Akira tried to intimidate with that serious voice, I just couldn't miss the chance to tease him."

Akira, still serious, replied, "Uzui, this is not the time for your jokes. We are here to solve a serious problem."

Saori, remaining calm, interrupted, "Let's focus, everyone. We have a delicate situation here."

Uzui let out a mocking laugh, "Do you really try to look intimidating, Akira? But there's a funny side to it, I admit!"

Akira frowned, pretending indifference, "At least I try. Unlike some, who only know how to make jokes!"

Saori tried to calm the situation, "Come on, everyone, don't spoil the mood. We have more important matters to attend to now."

Yami observed the three exorcists in front of him, a sense of recognition mixed with a strange nostalgia taking hold of him. Meanwhile, Blair, showing her skill, took advantage of the moment of distraction to teleport with a simple enchantment. Her farewell was quick and unexpected, leaving Yami intrigued and at the same time surprised by her ability.

Meanwhile, Akira and Uzui, immersed in a heated discussion, seemed not to notice Blair's departure. The exchange of taunts and challenges between them was almost comical, contrasting with Saori's attempt to separate the two and calm the situation. The scene was a mixture of confusion, tension, and a touch of peculiar humor, while Yami watched all this, incredulous and surprised by the unexpected dynamics unfolding before his eyes.

Suddenly, the three exorcists interrupted their discussion and turned to the man with black hair and eyes in front of them. The sudden absence of the witch did not go unnoticed. "Did she flee?" Akira questioned, with an accusatory tone. "No, she must have gone to use the restroom," Uzui replied, trying to maintain lightness in the situation. However, Saori, visibly irritated by the lack of seriousness, felt frustration pulsing. Veins bulged on her forehead as she thought, "What did I do to deserve these two idiots?" The scene was a chaotic mix of emotions and attitudes, with a man with black hair and eyes observing the situation, a furious exorcist, and two exorcists trying to disguise the embarrassment of the situation.

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