
Reincarnated In Zootopia

Guy gets reincarnated into Zootopia as a Golden Tiger.

Festapup98 · Others
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I was currently sitting in front of an old man dressed in all white. I kind of figured what happened. Guess I died. I just hope the girl I pushed out of the way of that truck is okay.

"Sorry to tell you this but you died." The old man said.

"I kind of figured that, but can you tell me if the girl I pushed is safe?"

"Yes actually, thanks to you she will now be able to cure cancer." He said while smiling.

"That's good, so what's going to happen to me now. Is this the part where I get judged?"

"Yes and no. You now have the choice to go to Heaven of get reincarnated in a world, and race of your choosing with wishes based off your Karma."

"How many wished do I get?"

"Well you would get 3, but since you saved that girl ill raise it to 5."

"Cam I have some time to decide, please?"

"Of course. Take as much time as you need."

(30 minutes later)

"Okay, I want be born into the world of Zootopia. I want to be born as a male Golden Tiger, with an devilishly handsome face, a perfect singing voice that's able to sing any genre without training, a perfect body, to be able to never have any illness, and to be a grand master of MMA."

"Okay, done. What age do you want to wake up as?"

"Let's do 20."

"Okay and I'll even throw in something extra for you."

"Thanks!" After I said that I blacked out.

I started to feel warmth on my body. I slowly opened my eyed and looked around. It looked like I was in a hospital room. I slowly sat up and looked out of the window that had the curtains open. This is my new life now. I hear the door open and I heard an audible gasp. I looked toward the source and saw a nurse staring wide eyed at me, and then she took off.

'That was weird.' I thought.

After a couple minutes, the same nurse came in with a person that looked to be the doctor. "Um, hello. Can you tell me why I'm in the hospital, or better yet who I am.?" I asked as I smiled.

"Ah, it seems you have amnesia." The doctor said. "Your name is Luke Fozu. As for why you're here, you were hit by a truck and have been in coma 2 months."

"Oh, do you know anything about me or can you call someone that has a relation to me."

"Yes, I'll go call her now."

"Thank you, would it be alright if I sing while I wait. I just have the urge so sing?" I lied.

"Yes, but don't overdo it. Remember you haven't used your vocal cords for a while." I nodded in response.

After they left I tried singing something from my old life 'Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.' I was amazed at my voice. It was like an angel took over my voice. After I finished the song, I heard someone clapping near the door. I turned my head and was met with a beautiful tiger. She was dressed in jeans and a t shirt. What surprised me the most was she was crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked in a worried voice.

"Because I thought I was never going to see you, or hear your voice again." She said in a shaky voice.

"I'm sorry, but can you tell me who you are. I was told I have amnesia."

"I was told by the doctor. I'm Tora Fangmeyer, your girlfriend of 2 years."

I went wide eyed. I have a girl friend in this world, and she's a beautiful one at that. All of a sudden I felt my head in extreme pain. It felt like it was being drilled. I started screaming in pain. Tora ran to me and screamed for help. That's the last thing I saw before I passed out."