
Reincarnated in Touhou with the Trolling system

A Internet Troll Was Walking Down The Street And Got Hit By Truck-Kun, and so was granted a troll system upon transmigrating in the world of Gensokyo -If you have anything to say then you can speak to me directly here https://discord.gg/fzgaHb4J Touhou Project, art and Story elements belong to their respective owners. I don't own anything, so please don't send me to swim with the fishes~

Blender_Person · Video Games
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32 Chs

New System who This?


[Users health condition is taken to account]

[deciding system type based on hosts memories]





[Congrats user the system you have gained is the Discipline System]


Richard: "urg... my head"

As Richard was waking up after having his body turned into a batch of donuts he could not help but notice his heavy headache while still being drowsy from waking up. He slowly raises his head while looking around at his surroundings.

Richard: "wha- where the hell am I!"

A complete white void surrounded him, disorienting and unfamiliar. There was no sense of direction, no landmarks, just an endless expanse of nothingness.

Richard: "Am I dead? No, I can't be... I have to get back."

[System Activated]

The voice of the system broke through his confusion, clear and calm.

[So you're awake now huh?]

Richard: "What the... Who are you?"

[I'm the 'Discipline System' I suppose. I don't really have a name since I was born a couple minutes ago]

Richard: "Born a couple of minutes ago? That's... no no, What's happening? Is Yukari alright?"

[Nope she's very dead, You got really lucky brat. You should of died]

Richard felt a cold shiver run down his spine. Yukari, the powerful Yokai who had a cabal of powerful EX rank skills was dead?

Richard: "How can she be dead? She was so strong... and I was... or I thought I was strong too"

[She underestimated the enemy and paid the price. The one who attacked you managed to copy her powers and used them against her. And get this he used your own EX skill]

Richard's mind raced as he tried to process this information. He felt a surge of anger at his own helplessness

Richard: "My own skill? wait... you mean Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist? Wait wait who are you?"

[Bingo! Pretty damn powerful ain't it?]

Richard clenched his fists, frustration boiling within him. He had trained so hard, gained such incredible abilities, and yet he had been defeated so easily. His own skill had been turned against him.

Richard: "Don't ignore me wait. How did he even manage to copy it? That skill should be unique to me!"

[It wasn't even your skill to begin with, kid]

Richard's eyes widened in shock and confusion.

Richard: "What do you mean it wasn't mine? I used it to beat Youmu so clearly I could use it"

[True, But the 'Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist' isn't a skill that was truly yours. its, eh its a long story]

Richard: "I'm listening"

[Alright, kid, here it is. you remember when you first got sent here and your system spent ten 'troll points' to make your self competent?]

Richard thought back to years ago when he was sent to Gensokyo, remembering the head shattering pain of gaining competence and the embarrassment of remembering what he did before he had gained competence

Richard: "Yeah I remember it"

[Well because ten troll points is worth nothing it was super botched, it was more of a curse than anything, well not to you but to... but well other you]

Richard: "Other me? What are you talking about?"

[The system didn't just grant you competence. It just made you and then put you in control of the system and body, leaving the original one to just sit and watch. The whole time]

Richard felt a chill run down his spine as he tried to grasp the enormity of what the system was saying.

Richard: "So, there's... another version of me, trapped in me, watching everything I do?"

[All coming together?]

Richard: "That's... horrifying. How do I fix this?"

[Oh your original system already did fix it, Since you were not spreading misery which is the whole point of the troll system, it decided to fix the problem, and bring the original sadistic guy back and he got all your stats and skills]

Richard felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He had always thought he was in control, but now it seemed he had been nothing more than a temporary placeholder.

[The last straw was when you solved this incident with everyone being happy with the outcome so it activated the EX rank curse it gave you on Christmas to split your conscious into another body and attempted to split system authority as well. but the system split was a little botched so you still had some authority and so it made me]

Richard's mind raced as he tried to piece everything together. The Christmas incident... he remembered it vividly. The system had given him a free EX rank skill spin and he got some bs curse that did nothing

Richard: "So, you're saying that my original system was plotting against me?"

[Bingo! ...again]

[The original system saw you as a bit of a lost cause. It saw you as a waste of system potential. You were in the way]

Richard's heart sank at the system's blunt assessment. He had trusted it, relied on it to survive in Gensokyo, and now it seemed like it had been working against him all along.

Richard: "Damn... so am I just back to normal? no special ability's or super human body?"

[Ding Ding Ding! ~Triple Bingo!~]

Richard: "Be serious, this isn't funny!"

[Yeah Yeah, sure kid.]

[In short you lost everything you gained and your weak as hell. End of diagnosis"]

Richard: "So that's it, huh? Back to square one, just an ordinary guy?"

[Essentially, yeah. Welcome back to the baseline, kid.]

Richard clenched his fists, trying to suppress the surge of frustration welling up inside him.

Richard: "What about Reimu? Is she safe?!"

[If she isn't, do you think you can help?]

Richard: "Ill at least try!"

[You'll try to save her? HAHA! you idiot right now she's at least ten billion times stronger than you are]

[That's not saying much though haha]

Richard's fists tightened even more as he struggled to maintain his composure in the face of the system's mocking tone.

Richard: "Stop with the jokes. Reimu's safety is serious. I have to do something."

[And what exactly do you think you can do in your current state?]

Richard gritted his teeth, frustration boiling over.

Richard: "I'll figure something out."

[Oh please, how]

Richard's mind raced, searching for any shred of hope or idea that could help him regain his strength and find a way to help Reimu.

Richard: "I don't know... Damn it!!"

[Are you feeling angry?]

Richard: "Yes I'm fucking feeling angry!"

[Do you want to get stronger?]

Richard's eyes blazed with resolve, his voice tinged with defiance.

Richard: "Well duh"

[I can help you get stronger, its my whole job brat]

Richard paused, considering the system's words. Despite his skepticism and frustration, a glimmer of hope flickered within him. If the system could truly help him, it might be his only chance to make a difference.

Richard: "Fine. Tell me what you can do."

The system responded with a tone that was almost too cheerful given the gravity of the situation.

[Ohoho, buckle up. ill use you until you cant walk anymore] 


{A/n here, or should it be Blender? I don't know , but anyway you may have noticed a very large lack of uhh... donations this chapter. WAIT! lower your pitchforks I have a real reason this time. I cant do donations because the donations for this new and cooler system has a specific theme for donations

Its has to be themed around training, like you can donate the hyperbolic time chamber or something along those lines, so uhh... your very well written donations will never be added lol. 

(insert image of hydro crying of wasting 500 words of writing on a donation that cant be given)

anyway from the vote we had last chapter, I made it so the system (who is a guy btw) is a tsundere but on the more delinquent side who is also a sensei. Because kind chara stated that they wanted the system to act kind and another dude wanted him to act like a sensei. So I combined em all. so we got a Delinquent who secretly wants the best out of the MC and is a sensei too.


{also remember to use you power stones blah blah blah}


Vote here:

1) Bring Reimu into this training ark

2) Bring Reimu to just spectate and support Richard while he is on training ark

3) Don't Bring Reimu at all


{DONATION PARAGRATH, training stuff only. or some disciplined themed thing. I'm not too picky}

oh and no "lift this 100 times and you become the best guy ever" item or something like that


discord.gg/fzgaHb4J - if you join then you get to see my excuses for not updating :)


{pls send me more comments and gifs since it makes my brain give the good chemicals}


1579 words