
Reincarnated in the World of Saint Seiya as Dante of Cerberus [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Romance, "Comedy", Insults. I was reincarnated in the world of Saint Seiya by an unknown entity, 20-25 years before the beginning of the original story, in the body of Dante de Cerbero, one of the Silver Saints who were killed by Ikki de Fenix.

Kainedei · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


I was at home, sitting on the sofa while quietly watching TV, I have a can of beer in my left hand, I drink a little and drink again to repeat this action for more than 10 minutes.

After drinking the can of beer I feel like urinating,

Drunk and staggering, I get up from the couch and carefully walk to the bathroom, enter a hallway next to the main room of the house where I was sitting drinking, and continue walking until I reach a door at the end of the hallway. I open the door and when I enter I slip on a puddle of water.

As I fall, glassy-eyed and blurred vision, I catch a glimpse of a tube sticking out of the wall where the water comes out.

?: (Shit)

I fall to the floor hitting the toilet with my head and then pass out.



Some time later I wake up and all I see is darkness.

¿?: "I would like to know where I am but I think it doesn't matter anymore"

¿?: (I remember slipping in the puddle of water in the bathroom and nothing else)

?: (mmh)

¿?: (I must be dead or I'm bleeding to death from the blow to the head and I'm hallucinating)

After understanding that, I decide to wait and see what happens since I can't do anything else.



Some time later a humanoid shaped light appears.

Luz: "Greetings, mortal, I am-,..., I am god and I have decided to reincarnate you"

?: (...)

?: (Why do I feel like I've heard this before?)

God: (!!!)

God: "it's your imagination"

?: (...), ?: "Alright"

¿?: "now what next?"

God: "Now I will give you four options to reincarnate"

God extends his hand and to the right of him appears a gray screen.


1- Reincarnate in the Warhammer World

2- Reincarnate in the World of High School DxD

3- Reincarnate in the Dragon Ball World

4- Reincarnate in the World of Saint Seiya


Reading the four options, my imaginary eyes start to sparkle with excitement and because I am a horny teenager like many others, I only see one correct option.

¿?: "I choose High S-"

God raises his hand and my voice disappears.

God: "before you choose, I warn you that no matter what you choose, you will be born as a human"

?: "!!"

listening to his words, the brightness of my imaginary eyes dims.

¿?: (haaa!), ¿?: (m-my harem)

I let out an imaginary sigh and getting serious I go back to review the options.

I read the first option and immediately go down to the next.

?: (High School DxD, a dream world for most horny teenagers, but, only if you are a god, a demon or some race from the supernatural world, like a human, it is a nightmare world with scary beings all over.)

?: (Dragon Ball, It's a fantastic multiverse with all kinds of creatures, powerful opponents to face and some beauties like Bulma and 18, but, only if you are a Majin, a God or a Saiyan, living as a human in This multiverse is worse than living as a human in DxD, the worst thing is that I doubt that God will allow me to reincarnate as a half-Saiyan or Majin hybrid human)

I let out an imaginary sigh of tiredness and with my imaginary eyes somewhat down.

?: (Saint Seiya)

¿?: (I have read many mangas and comics since I was a child, not to mention that the first time I saw an anime was in 2008 when I was 5 or 6 years old and the first anime I saw was Saint Seiya)

?: (out of all the anime, manga, comics, and movies I've read, Saint Seiya is the only manga/anime where humans aren't trash or cannon fodder, not to mention even the strongest gods were once humans , examples: Hades, Poseidon, Zeus, Buddha, Lucifer, Odin and some others)



Author: "This is Canon or rather, it is information from the Hypermyth and the original author had some involvement in its creation, seeing that Zeus, the fourth or fifth most powerful god and king of the gods, was human in his youth, it is not It is difficult to assume that the other major gods such as Odin, Buddha, and Lucifer were also human, not including the original five gods and the Titans."

the original five gods are:

Chronos, God of Time

Cosmos/Big Will

Gaea, Goddess of the Earth

Uranus, God of the Sky

and Pontos, God of the Waters



¿?: "I choose to reincarnate in Saint Seiya"

God: "fine"

God: "now I'm going to give you three wishes"

upon hearing his words, the sparkle in my imaginary eyes returns.

God: "BUT"

?: (?!)

God: "I will only grant you the wishes that I see acceptable, if you want something crazy like having the same power as Zeus, I warn you that I will not give it to you"

?: "I understand"

¿?: (Now, what will my wishes be?)

?: (...)

-2 minutes later-

¿?: "As my first wish I want to have the same pot-, I want my ability to manage the cosmos to start at the level of a weak Bronze Saint"

God: "hmm"

God: "Wish granted"

Hearing his words, I let out an imaginary sigh of relief, ¿?: (I almost ruined my first wish, I wanted to ask him to have the same potential as a gold saint, but at the last moment I remembered that in Saint Seiya, the only thing that decides your power level is your ability to control your cosmos, having innate talent or being above average has no effect on controlling the cosmos, unlike magic or any energy, the cosmos is controlled by will, the desire and emotions)

¿?: "as a second wish I want to be the saint destined to wear the Cloth of Cerberus"

God: "Wish granted"

?: (It doesn't really matter which of the 84 holy armors she chooses, after all, Athena's 84 holy armors are just as powerful or rather, they have the same potential, the only difference is their appearance and that 12 are lined/ painted with gold, 24 with Silver and 48 with Bronze, the remaining 4 are not the same as the others, after all they were created based on dividing the Divine Armor of Zeus and I don't think God will let me have one of those four armors, After all, who knows the potential they may have, maybe the same potential or more than a Divine Armor?)




Author: "there are actually 90 sacred armors from 88 constellations, 86 were created by the people of the continent of Mu with the same materials, but there are two pairs of armors out of those 86 that are from the same constellation but different ranks and then they are the four armors that were created when Athena divided Zeus' divine armor into four parts and then handed them over to the people of Mu to be forged into four armors"




-5 minutes later-

After thinking for 5 minutes, I have decided my last wish.

¿?: "as a third wish I want to master anything, like being a master of music, etc"

God: "hmm"

God: "I will grant you your last wish"

Before I can thank him or even imagine all he could do, God raises his hand.

God: "BUT, you can only master 5 things and I recommend you choose them now"

Although my wish has changed, at least I can be the best human at something and in Saint Seiya there are certain things worth mastering, after all, gods like Hades and the twin gods like to listen to music.

¿?: "I want to have mastery of music, mastery of cooking, mastery of painting, mastery of the language and craft mastery"

God: "Wish granted"

God: "now, I will give you a choice of two bodies and on what date you want to reincarnate"

God moves his hand and the screen changes.


1- Shun's body from Andromeda

2- Dante's body from Cerberus


I read the first option and almost instantly looked down on the second option.

¿?: "I choose option two and I want to reincarnate at the same moment that Saga and Kanon de Geminis are born"

God: "fine"

God raises his hand and I see everything black again.




In a mountainous area far from human society there is a town, the town does not seem very technologically advanced.

Surrounding the town as if they were walls there are two mountains and leaving the town towards the interior of the mountainous area there is a path, the path goes over a hill and continues until it reaches a precipice with a mountain on the other side.

The precipice completely surrounds the mountain, the only thing connecting the mountain to the hill is a natural stone bridge, on the other side of the bridge there are white stairs that lead to a temple at the base of the mountain, the temple seems to be built with marble and has a sheep logo at the entrance.

Going through the temple, the stairs continue around the mountain until you reach another temple, the temple also seems to be built with marble and unlike the first one, the second temple has a logo of a bull at the entrance, then the stairs continue up until you reach to another temple and continue climbing upwards passing through several temples, until reaching the penultimate temple, then the stairs continue upwards reaching the penultimate temple.

This temple is very different from the previous ones, since unlike the rest, this temple is twice its size, it does not have any logo at the entrance and there are several people inside, most of the people seem to be simple servants, but some they wear protection on the chest, shoulders, knees and a mask.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all dressed in a Chiton, a white cloth that covers their entire bodies except their arms.

Inside the temple there is a large room with a throne and a room full of boxes, some are black boxes as if they are lifeless, others are gray, silver and gold, when passing through the temple, the path changes and instead of just being a simple path, this is beautifully decorated with red flowers and statues, the statues are of men and women, each dressed in a different armor.

The path continues uphill until it reaches the top of the mountain where the last temple is located. The temple is the same size as the others and, like the penultimate temple, this one does not have any logo at the entrance.

On the other side of the temple is a giant statue of a woman holding what appears to be an angel in her right hand and resting on the ground is a shield that is held in her left hand.


Standing on top of one of the mountains that surround the town is a man, the man is dressed in a black robe and wears a golden helmet.

The man looks up at the sky and with a calm tone, Man: "Approximately 200 years have passed since the previous holy war"

Man: "soon the saints of the next generation will appear"

Man "It is said that when a shooting star falls, a predestined saint will appear to wear one of the 88 armors and in each generation only 1 or 2 predestined saints have appeared"

Man: "When the first saint arrives at the sanctuary, our mission will finally come to an end"

Man: "Hey Dohko"



he looks down and shakes his head, Man: "this guy is hopeless, has he fallen asleep again?"

the man continues looking at the sky but not receiving an answer he frowns.

Man: "wake up, Dohko"


Man: "Dohko!


Man: "Dohko!


Man: "Dohko, he wakes up at once!"

instantly a voice begins to sound.

voice: "y...yes, is that you Shion?"

Shion: "Wake up, are you in a position to carry out your surveillance mission in that state?"

Dohko: "but I have been like this for 200 years in front of the great waterfall of Rozan without taking a step"

Dohko: "I got tired, as expected"

Shion sighs and looks at the sky again, Shion: "it's almost there"

Shion: "It won't be long before a baby that has been born somewhere on earth will teleport to the sanctuary"

Dohko: "That's right, I wonder what is the Cloth destined to be carried by that saint"

Dohko: "I really want to see his destiny as Athena's saint"


Shion: "Me too, however, our mission, which was so long, will also end shortly"


Shion: "Soon"

He finishes speaking and they both remain silent.

seconds later a light begins to shine in the sky.

Shion: "Umm"

Shion: "A Shooting Star"

the Light then descends in the direction of one of the temples on the mountain

Shion: "It's falling in the direction of the Temple of Geminis"

Shion jumps down and falls on a rock, then he is about to do the same but out of the corner of his eye he sees another light in the sky.

surprised by what he sees he stops and looks at the sky, Shion: "what!"

Dohko: "what happened?"

Shion: "it's not a shooting star, it's two"

Shion: "n-no, it's five shooting stars"



In a mountainous area there is a waterfall, it is called the great waterfall of Rozan.

Sitting on the peak of a mountain that points towards the waterfall is a man, he appears to be between 90 and 110 years old, he is short and wears a green robe and a straw hat.

surprised by the news he raises his voice, Dohko: "WHAT!"

Dohko: "t-it's impossible"

Dohko: (It's not normal, when in history there were 5 predestined saints in the same generation?)

Dohko: (but what is this feeling!?)

Dohko: (what is this evil cosmos that I feel!?)

Dohko: (no... it can't be)

Dohko: (perhaps one of those shooting stars is...)




Dohko: (N... NO, it's not that, if an evil star resurrected, then it would be reflected in this great waterfall)

Dohko: (for this reason I have been watching from this place for two hundred years)

Dohko stares at the waterfall and when the first shooting star is meters away from falling into the Gemini temple, his reflection appears in the waterfall.

Dohko: : "Oh... I see, it's being reflected"

Dohko: "So, it's an evil star like I thought!?"


Dohko: "mmhh, now that I look at it, it's not just a shooting star"

Dohko: "There are two"

Doko: "..."

Dohko: "More like"

Dohko: "There's one more! There are three stars heading to the Gemini temple!"


Dohko: "mmmhh no... I can't believe it..."

Dohko: "This third star is..."







-Temple of Geminis-

Shion enters the Geminis temple, his face somewhat sweaty and his expression of concern.

He takes two steps into the Temple and in the distance he manages to see a baby on the ground, at the speed of light he approaches the baby and holds it in his arms.

Shion: "I... This baby is..."

Shion "...the saint of Geminis of this new era"

a golden energy appears around Shion and envelops his body as if it were an aura, then with a worried tone, Shion: "Spyridon, go to the patriarch's temple and take care of the babies that will appear there"

seconds later, a somewhat hoarse voice answers.

Spyridon: "Yes, patriarch"


Shion was about to get up until behind him he felt a weak cosmos.

he quickly turns around and what he sees is a baby on the floor.

Shion: "What...!"

He quickly holds the baby in his other arm.

Shion: "There is... There is another one"

Shion: "Are Geminis of this era a pair of twins as indicated by his name...?"

Shion gets up and was about to leave, until he feels another cosmos next to him.

he looks to the left and catches a glimpse of a blanket.

Shion: "What...?"

he reaches for the blanket and sees that he is swaddling a baby.

Shion: "What does this mean!?"

Shion: "there is another one, this one is wrapped in a baby blanket"

Shion: "Geminis in this era..."

Shion: "Is it three children!?"

He tries to step forward, but emanating from the baby that is surrounded by a blanket, he senses an evil cosmos.

Dohko: "Be careful!"

Dohko: "Shion, that's Ker's bad omen star"

Surprised by his friend's words, Shion takes two steps back and looks at the baby warily.

He was about to ask his friend about the star until someone enters the temple.

?: "Is he alright patriarch!?"

Shion looks towards the entrance of the Gemini Temple and watches as a man dressed in golden armor, with a white cloak and a helmet with long horns runs into the Temple.

Shion: "Sotirios"

the man named Sotirios stops next to Shion and kneels down.

Sotirios: "Patriarch"

Sotirios: "I have felt an evil cosmos emanating from the Temple of Geminis and I have come quickly"

Sotirios looks around, observes for a few seconds the two babies that are in Shion's arms, but he quickly turns his head to the right and with a serious expression looks at the baby that is on the ground surrounded by a blanket.

Sotirios: "Is it a wraith!?"

Doko: "NO"

Sotirios, hearing a different voice, his scalp stands on end, he gets up off the ground and immediately becomes alert, constantly looking around him, but when he remembers whose voice it is, he calms down again.

Sotirios: "excuse me old master, for a moment I forgot that like the patriarch, he can also communicate telepathically"

Dohko: "It doesn't matter, now..."

Dohko: "That baby, it's the star of Ker's bad omen"

surprised by the information his serious expression wavers a bit, Sotirios: "Ker's ill-omened star!!"

Sotirios: "Th-That, That means that..."

Dohko: "That's right"




Sotirios tries to ask Dohko a question, but before he can say anything, the evil baby cosmos representing Goddess Ker's Bad Omens Star begins to grow.

Dohko: "There's no time! Shion, you have to kill that baby!"

Shion: "What!"

Shion: "Even though he represents an evil star, he's still a baby!"

Dohko: "Same again!"

Dohko: "If you don't kill that baby, it will cause the destruction of the shrine from within!"

while Shion and Dohko argue, Sotirios is next to Shion, watching his argument and also watching how the baby's evil cosmos only grows.

Sotirios: (If the sanctuary were to be destroyed, humanity would only face divine punishment from the gods or be tortured by the whims of the gods and although there is a small chance that Poseidon would become the king of the earth, no one will know if will be able to protect humanity from hades and other gods)

Sotirios: (even if he can protect humanity from other gods, he will most likely decide to exterminate half or most of the humans first and leave only the children alive, after all, Poseidon is the only god besides from Athena who does not hate humanity itself, he hates criminals and to live normally, humans commit crimes, either against ourselves or against other species, and the only ones who do not commit crimes are babies and some children)

Sotirios: (although another option would be hades, after all, he doesn't hate humanity either, he hates all beings that have committed murder or abused others, but he doesn't hate those who were forced to do those things against his will, after all, even if he has committed a crime or a murder, if it was against his will and his soul is pure, when he dies instead of being sent to hell, he will be sent to the Elysian fields, (the house of the King of Hell himself, Hades and resting place of many gods)




Author: "This is Canon, Hades despite the fact that his desire is to exterminate all humans, he does not hate them, he is just tired of humans disappointing him since the Age of Myth or that some believe they are not and defy to the gods"

Author: "Same with Poseidon, even in the Anime and Manga he didn't show that he was disgusted with humans or something, even the inhabitants of his kingdom and his ancient Atlantis were humans, that shows that he is the "only" god apart from Athena who doesn't really have anything against humans"




Sotirios stares at the baby and after thinking for a few seconds that for a golden saint it's like hours, he extends his right arm to the right and stretches out his hand with fingers together as if it were a leaf and narrows his eyes.

Sotirios: (even though he is a baby, he is still a minion of hades and if we let him live he could do something that causes the destruction of the sanctuary or we lose the next holy war)

Sotirios lowers his head a bit, causing his golden helmet to cover his eyes with a shadow.

a golden energy emanates from Sotirios and surrounds his body as if it were an aura, much of that golden energy surrounds his right arm and for a second it seems to have turned into a sword.

Feeling the sudden rise of Sotirios's cosmos, surprised, Shion widens his eyes and quickly turns to the right.

Seeing Sotirios' outstretched arm, Shion already knows what his goal is and immediately tries to stop him.

Shion: "Sotirios!!!"

Shion: "What are you doing!?"

Sotirios looks at the one who was once his teacher and with a thick voice and serious tone.




Shion is dumbfounded upon hearing his words.

Sotirios: "Excalibur!!!"

Immediately after, Sotirios moves his right arm up and from his arm comes a giant blade of green energy that cuts the baby in two, the remains of the baby or creature disappear and the blade ends up hitting the wall of the Gemini Temple.



the three of them are silent for a moment, then Sotirios kneels in front of Shion and tilts his head forward.

Sotirios: "I am willing to receive the punishment that I deem necessary..."

Sotirios: "Patriarch"


Shion looks at the place where the baby was for a few minutes, but then turns her gaze to Sotirios.

Shion: (Protect Humanity)

Shion: (...)

Shion: (I haven't heard that in years...)

Shion: (Since our companions died in the Previous Holy War Against Hades)

Shion: (Living so many years in peace has made me weak, not only physically, but also mentally)

Shion lets out a tired sigh and with a somewhat sad look looks at his former disciple, Shion: "Get up... Sotirios"

Shion: "I won't give you any punishment"

Sotirios widens his eyes in surprise upon hearing the patriarch's words, raises his head and looks into Shion's eyes, Sotirios: "B... But"

Shion: "No buts"

Shion: "this time it was my fault"

Shion: "If it weren't for your quick action, I might let an evil spirit enter the sanctuary and corrupt one of the next generation saints"

he finishes saying this last thing and looks at the two babies he is holding in his arms.

Supporters: (...)

Sotirios closes his eyes for a moment and then opens them showing that despite having killed an evil being in the form of a baby, his pride as a gold saint is still intact.

Sotirios: "I understand... Patriarch"

He gets up and slightly lowers his head, Sotirios: "I'm going back to the Temple of Capricorn"

Shion: "Okay"

Sotirios raises his head and walks through the Gemini Temple towards the exit, then up the stairs outside the Temple and continues on his way.


Dohko: "They saved you"

Shion smiles slightly as he continues to look towards the stairs where the Capricorn Gold Saint left.

Shion: "It's true"

Shion goes up the same stairs and after going up the stairs and going through the various Temples, he manages to reach the penultimate Temple.




Outside the Temple there are some maids who go from one place to another.

Shion walks past as the maids bow to him.

-1 minute later-

He comes to what appears to be a room or a cellar full of boxes, most are black boxes, some are gray or silver, and a few are gold.

In the middle of the room there are four silver boxes, all four of them seem to be open.

Shion looks at the four empty boxes, but then turns her gaze to the right.

To the right of the boxes, there is a man dressed in golden armor and a white cloak, his golden helmet seems to represent a fish, and next to the man are several maids who are taking care of four babies.

the man senses Shion's cosmos and quickly turns in his direction, then kneels down and lowers his head a bit.

¿?: "I have fulfilled his order... Patriarch"

¿?: "I gathered the maids to take better care of the babies, while you arrive"

Shion nods.

Shion: "Well done... Spyridon"

Shion: "you can go back to your homework"

Spyridon nods and stands up, then walks to the door of the room and continues on his way to the second to last Temple.

Shion looks at the four babies and then at the boxes.

Shion: "Cerberus, Perseus, Lyra and Cepheus"

Dohko: "WHAT!"

Dohko: "Did I hear wrong?"

Shion: "No... you didn't hear wrong, old friend"

Doko: "Haaa"


Dohko: "That means..."

Shion: "That's right"

Shion: "Some god must have released his seal before his time"

Shion hands the two babies in his arms to a servant and then walks to a window in the room.

Shion looks at the sky and rests his left hand on the window frame.

Shion: "What would the constellations have seen, for them to decide to send five predestined saints in the same era?"

Shion opens her eyes and his calm expression changes to one of concern.

he stops looking at the sky and looks towards the Temples.

His gaze wanders through the temples until stopping on the stairs between the Temple of Scorpio and that of Sagittarius.

Shion: (Is it!?)

then he stops looking at the stairs and his gaze goes back through the Temples until he stops on the stairs in front of the first Temple.

Shion: (I hope it's not either of those two who saw the constellations)




Author: "I hope you like the chapter"