
Reincarnated in the Vtuber Verse

Haruto Elric, a 24-year-old struggling with post-graduation woes on Earth, finds comfort in the world of VTubers. Inspired by these digital personalities, he decides to become a VTuber himself, creating a unique avatar with the help of talented artists. Just as he's about to make his debut, a heroic act leads to a life-altering accident. Awakening in a mysterious world unlike his own, Astro embarks on an unexpected adventure filled with magic, challenges, and new friends. Join him as he navigates this unfamiliar realm, discovering his true potential and uncovering secrets that could change everything.

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10 Chs

Harmony Amidst Chaos: Ame’s Fury and Nekrolina’s Intervention (new)

I exchange a quick, bewildered glance with Tricky, who looks equally surprised by Ame's familiarity with my name. Okayu, on the other hand, seems unfazed, as if she expected this all along.

Swallowing my surprise, I nod. "Yes, Ame. We are ready to do whatever it takes to save the city."

Ame_ree tilts her head, considering my words. Her cultists remain silent, their masked faces turned towards us in anticipation. The tension in the air is almost palpable, each second stretching into an eternity.

"Very well," she finally says, her voice a low, melodious hum.

Suddenly, one of the cultists stands up, his movement abrupt and jarring. "I don't agree with this!" he shouts, his voice echoing through the ancient church. "Why should he get the blessing? I should be the one to receive it! I need to be the hero, and I deserve a harem with these elites!"

Okayu and Tricky exchange a glance, their faces a perfect blend of confusion and disbelief. Tricky's expression says, "Is this guy for real?" while Okayu's tail swishes in irritation.

I step forward, trying to defuse the situation. "Hey, hold on a second. This isn't about a harem or being a hero. I'm just a traveler trying to help save the city."

The cultist points an accusatory finger at me. "Liar! You just want all the glory for yourself! Why should you be the chosen one? I should have the elites by my side, not you!"

Okayu rolls her eyes, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Right, because that's what this is all about. A harem."

Tricky nods, crossing her arms. "Yeah, totally. We're all just waiting to be part of your fantasy harem."

The cultist's face turns red with indignation. "You're mocking me! I demand to be blessed and given the power to lead! With a harem!"

Ame_ree's patience is visibly thinning, her eyes narrowing as the cultist continues his outburst. The room's tension ratchets up another notch, the cultists around us shifting uncomfortably.

I hold up my hands in a placating gesture. "Look, buddy, this isn't about personal glory or harems. We're trying to save the city from the haters. I'm not some hero; I'm just here to help."

The cultist's rant grows louder, more fervent. "No! I won't be sidelined! I deserve the power and the elites! I will be the one to—"

"ENOUGH!" Ame_ree's voice cuts through the chaos, sharp and commanding. Her red eye begins to glow, an ominous light filling the room. The air crackles with a sudden, palpable energy.

In an instant, the entire church transforms. Hands and eyes sprout from the walls and floor, their movements synchronized in a macabre dance. An ominous red aura envelops everything, casting eerie shadows that writhe and twist. The cultists fall silent, their earlier fervor replaced by sheer terror.

The cultist who had been shouting stands frozen, his eyes wide with fear. Ame_ree's voice resonates through the church, cold and authoritative. "I will not tolerate insubordination. This is not a game, and your fantasies have no place here."

The red glow from her eye intensifies, and the cultist drops to his knees, trembling. "Forgive me, priestess," he stammers, his bravado evaporated.

Ame_ree's gaze softens slightly, but her authority remains unchallenged. "Remember your place," she says, her voice a low growl. "This is about survival, not personal desires."

he red aura begins to fade, the hands and eyes retreating back into the walls. The church returns to its eerie silence, the tension still thick but now under control.

Ame_ree turns back to us, her expression stern. "Now, where were we?"

Ame_ree's expression remains stern as she addresses us, her red eye still faintly glowing. "The one who can help us is the god we are trying to summon with the kneecaps," she explains, her voice filled with reverence and determination.

Okayu sighs, rubbing her temples. "Of course, it all comes back to that." She looks at me and Tricky, her expression weary. "You two probably noticed the ancient carvings when we entered the jungle temple. Those drawings depict an old god who once reigned over an ancient civilization."

I nod, recalling the intricate carvings and the sense of awe they inspired. "Yes, I saw them. It looked like the people worshipped this god deeply."

Okayu continues, her voice heavy with the weight of history. "From what we know, this god shielded their town or village from enemies, but in return, they needed to offer something. We still don't know what that offering was, but it's the key to summoning the god again."

Before anyone can respond, the large doors of the church creak open, drawing our attention. A black cat girl strides in, her presence both ethereal and commanding. Ghosts float around her, and what looks like skeletal hands adorn her ears, giving her an eerie, otherworldly appearance.

"What was that chaos?" she asks irritably, her voice carrying a sharp edge. "I was trying to take a nap."

Ame-ree's stern demeanor softens slightly. "Apologies, Nekrolina," she says. "A cultist was getting on my nerves, and I had to shout and use my powers a little. I'm sorry it woke you up."

Nekrolina rolls her eyes, her irritation evident. "You know how I hate being disturbed. Especially for something as trivial as a cultist's tantrum."

Ame nods, her tone respectful. "I understand, and I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

Nekrolina's gaze shifts to me, her eyes narrowing as if assessing my worth. "Who are these new arrivals?" she asks, her voice softer but still tinged with annoyance.

I step forward, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm Astro, and this is Tricky.

"Hmm," Okayu mutters, her eyes narrowing as she regards Nekrolina. The tension between them is palpable, a silent challenge hanging in the air.

Nekrolina's gaze meets Okayu's, her tone measured. "Okayu..."

"Nekro..." Okayu replies, her voice steady but guarded.

I can't help but notice the stark contrast in their appearances. Both have purple hair, yet Nekrolina's is dark, almost black, with a deep purple hue, while Okayu's is lighter, a softer lavender shade. The tension between them is almost tangible, and I find it curious.

"What is this all about?" Nekrolina finally asks, breaking the silence.

"The barriers are weakening," Okayu explains. "Korone and I have decided to gather all the elites for a meeting."

Nekrolina considers this, her expression inscrutable. "Mmm."

While Nekrolina and Okayu are engaged in their tense conversation, Ame-ree suddenly teleports behind Tricky and me. My heart leaps into my throat, but Tricky doesn't even flinch. Her focus remains unbroken.

Ame leans in, whispering in my ear, "This is Nekrolina. She lives in the graveyard here. She usually doesn't come out. She is an elite too."

Tricky's eyes light up with sudden realization. "Aha, so that's why there are so many ghosts around her!"

Nekrolina turns her attention back to us, a faint smirk playing on her lips. "Yes, that's right. The ghosts are my companions. They keep me company in the graveyard."

Okayu steps closer, her expression softening slightly. "Nekro, we need your help. The city's defenses are failing, and the haters are becoming more aggressive. We can't hold them off alone."

Nekrolina sighs, glancing around the dimly lit church. "If the city falls, the graveyard won't be safe either. Very well, I'll join your meeting."

Relief washes over Okayu's face, and she nods in gratitude. "Thank you, Nekro. We'll need every bit of strength we can muster."

Suddenly, the cultist who had caused the earlier commotion jumps up again, his voice filled with indignation. "Look at Astro, gathering another elite! It's clear as day—he's forming a harem with all these lovely girls!"

My patience is wearing thin. "I have no romantic feelings for any of them," I snap, my frustration evident. "My concerns are for the city and the innocent cat and dog demi-humans who will be killed if the haters break through."

But the cultist isn't swayed. "I should be the hero!" he declares, puffing out his chest. "I can win easily and then get all the girls."

A cultist beside him tugs at his sleeve, cautioning, "Oliver, stop. You're going to get yourself injured if you keep this up."

Oliver smacks the cultist away, anger flaring in his eyes. "Shut up! I don't need your advice. I will become the top of the world!" With a determined stride, he begins to walk towards the altar.

Ame-ree's face contorts with barely restrained fury, and it looks like she's about to lose her temper, but Nekrolina intervenes, placing a calming hand on Ame's shoulder. "Let me handle this," Nekrolina murmurs.

Without warning, Nekrolina's power surges. She mutters an incantation, her voice low and resonant, invoking the spell "Cursed Hands of the Abyss." From the ground around Oliver, skeletal hands erupt, their bony fingers grasping and clawing at him. The hands drag him downwards, pulling him towards an ominous abyss that has materialized beneath him. I watch in awe, realizing that Nekrolina's spell bears an uncanny resemblance to Tricky's "Cursed Sands" spell.

Nekrolina's eyes flash with dark energy as she maintains her spell, the skeletal hands tightening their grip. "Ame and I will deal with him later," she says coldly.

But Oliver is not so easily subdued. With a defiant roar, he draws a small knife, its blade glowing with magical enhancement. In a desperate move, he slashes at the skeleton hands, breaking their grip and freeing himself.

The skeletal hands shatter into fragments, and Oliver stands defiantly, panting heavily but victorious for the moment. His eyes blaze with a mix of triumph and madness. "You can't stop me! I'm destined to be the hero!"

The room is tense, everyone watching the unfolding drama with bated breath. Nekrolina narrows her eyes, her expression darkening as she prepares to unleash another spell.

Ame-ree steps forward, her patience clearly at its limit. "Oliver, you fool. You've crossed the line."

Suddenly, Ame's purple eye begins to glow ominously. "It's over for you, Oliver," she says, her voice ice-cold. "I gave you many chances."

With a flick of her wrist, Ame invokes the spell "Void Rend." The air crackles with arcane energy as tendrils of purple light shoot from her glowing eye, wrapping around Oliver with terrifying speed. His triumphant expression twists into one of sheer terror as the tendrils tighten and begin to tear him limb from limb.

The whole church shakes violently as the power of the spell reverberates through the air. Oliver's screams are quickly drowned out by the sound of the building's ancient walls cracking and splintering. The very ground beneath where he stood fractures, and the area around him crumbles into debris.

As the spell reaches its climax, Oliver is completely obliterated, leaving nothing behind. The tendrils of light recede back into Ame's eye, and silence falls over the church. The walls are cracked, and the floor where Oliver had stood is a web of deep fissures, testament to the destructive power of "Void Rend."

Ame's eye returns to its normal state, and she surveys the damage with a mixture of satisfaction and weariness. The cultists are silent, their masked faces turned towards her in awe and fear.

Nekrolina steps forward, her gaze lingering on the cracks in the walls and floor. "Well, that was... effective," she says dryly, casting a sidelong glance at Ame.

Ame shrugs, her earlier fury now tempered. "He asked for it. Now, back to the matter at hand."

As they prepared to leave the church, Tricky and Astro turned to bid farewell to Nekrolina and Ame.

Nekrolina, standing amidst the eerie glow of the graveyard with her ghostly entourage, gave a curt nod. "Take care," she said, her voice tinged with an unsettling calm. "We'll handle things here."

Ame, her red and purple eyes now calm and composed, stepped forward. "Remember, Okayu, the city needs us united. I'll see you at the meeting." She glanced at Astro and Tricky, her gaze softening slightly. "Stay safe."

Astro nodded respectfully. "Thank you, Ame, Nekrolina. We'll do our best to protect the city."

Tricky gave a small wave, her usual confident grin returning. "See you soon, and thanks for not turning us into cultist snacks."

With final nods, the trio—Tricky, Astro, and Okayu—retraced their steps to the limousine that awaited them. The cool night air was a welcome change from the tension inside the church. As they approached the vehicle, the city's neon lights cast colorful reflections on the windows.

Okayu's voice cut through the stillness as they climbed into the limousine. "We'll head to one of my skyscrapers," she announced. "The other two elites are out of town."

The limousine sped through the city's neon-lit streets, eventually arriving at one of Okayu's many skyscrapers, an imposing structure that seemed to pierce the sky.

Inside, Okayu gave Tricky and Astro a tour of the opulent building. Astro marveled at the luxury surrounding him: swimming pools that shimmered like liquid sapphires, and saunas that seemed to stretch endlessly upward. It was a life he had once yearned for, a stark contrast to the simple existence he now led.

Meanwhile, Tricky was captivated by the desert section of the skyscraper. The area was filled with ancient relics, each one telling a story of a time long past. There was even a sauna that perfectly imitated the feeling of a desert, complete with dry, scorching heat that seemed to transport her to another world.

As they explored, Astro couldn't help but admire the design and attention to detail. "This place is incredible, Okayu," he said, his voice filled with genuine awe.

Okayu smiled, her expression softening slightly. "Thank you. This skyscraper is one of my favorite places. It's a sanctuary amid the chaos."

Tricky, still enthralled by the desert section, turned to Okayu. "You've outdone yourself. This place feels like a blend of luxury and history."

"That was the goal," Okayu replied with a hint of pride. "I wanted to create a space where one could find peace and inspiration. Every cat or dog demi-human here works in their own habitats that they enjoy."

I look around myself. Amazing I think to myself.