
Reincarnated in the omniverse with the power of Saitama

Damien a high school student gets reincarnation with the power of Saitama from One punch man in the omniverse as the champion of the King of all Gods.

David_555 · Others
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40 Chs

The wedding

Blue Pole Star, Xia Family Mansion...

The entire mansion was filled with shouts of joy and merry, after all it was the wedding of one of the most prominent and beautiful figures in the town.

The wedding had already began with the bride and groom saying their prayers and taking their seats and it was time for the reception.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, even Xia Lao who was humbled under Damien's fist was sitting and chatting with his colleagues while telling them about how he almost his life to a brat.

" It's just a wedding, what's with all the noise." On the roof of the mansion, our main character sat with a jug of alcohol and a plate of grilled meat. He occasionally rolled his eyes in annoyance as he moon gazed.

" Big brother, why are you sitting down here all sad." With a loud shout, Yuanba suddenly saw him and approached him, which made him roll his eyes once more. His peaceful night was ruined with Yuanba's presence.

" There's someone I want you to meet." Yuanba spoke as he dragged an onlooking Damien to the wedding hall.

Yuanba began to introduce Damien to all of his friends. Soon the source of attention in the room was the silvery grey haired man who wore round, dark glasses.

" He's the big brother you've been boasting so much about Yuanba. But he looks completely ordinary." One rich young master chuckled with his friends as they looked at Damien who seemed rather interested in smelling a bunch of flowers than talking to them.

" Big brother don't mind those fools lemme introduce you to someone as special to me as you are to me." He grabbed Damien by the arm without permission and led him to the center most part of the reception where the bride and groom sat together.

Arriving in front of the newly wed, Damien saw Qingyue try to hide her face as if uncomfortable with his presence, to which he smiled, however the person on her side, made Damien's heart rate increase a bit.

An extremely handsome youth with long dark dressed in red robes. He sat there in all of his glory {plot armor} and stared at Damien with a somehow uncomfortable smile after seeing Qingyue's reaction to the man in front of him.

He was the man, the myth, the legend,known for holding one of the greatest plot armors in the history of plot armor, Scum- sorry Yun Che.

" Brother in law, this is the person I told you about. " Yuanba swiftly said breaking the tension between the two of them.

" Brother in law, this is big brother, big brother this is brother in law." He spoke in one breath.

" Hi I'm Yun Che, any friend of Yuanba's is a friend of mine." Yun Chen swiftly introduced himself. Damien however did not speak, he proceeded to nod his head.

The era of Gods in this universe was completely eradicated, however the only one with remnants that era was the man standing right in front of him. Damien had the feeling that, Yun Che had a connection to the bastard God he was sent here to murder but who knows. He was going to allow him to grow, with all of his cheat codes and if Yun Che was truly connected to Him, he should be able to lure him out. Yun Che could have all the girls he wanted, he didn't care. He wasn't like those mc's who choose to go after all of Yun Che's women. At the very least he might go for one person who might peak his interest.

" How about we climax this evening with a few spars from the younger generation." Xia Hongyi laughed happily and beside him was an old man with white hair. He was the grandfather of Yun Che, the only family relative who truly loved him, at least that's according to Damien's opinion.

Damien took his seat and grabbed a plate of meat and watched the adrenaline pumped youths who all wanted to spar and show off their cultivation to their crushes.

" Father I have a request." Speaking to her father via telepathy, Qingyue asked for a request which flabbergasted Xia Hongyi.

" Now for the main event of this night, my daughter Xia Qingyue has requested to spar." Xia Hongyi announced, shaking the entire mansion.

Everyone then saw her in all her beauty, walking towards the stage dressed in fine golden red robes that did nothing to hide her bountiful curves. Her angelic face was still as cold as ever and her steps were ordered.

After walking onto the stage, her eyes scanned the entire room before settling on a single person.

The crowd followed her eyes, and soon, everyone's gaze was focused on the silvery grey haired man in a purplish black turtle neck shirt happily drinking his wine.

" Damien, I challenge you." Her cold voice reverberated across the mansion. " Do you dare fight me?" She spoke once more, while a cold blue sword materialized in her hand.

" Who is this youth that has managed to pique the interest of Qingyue ." Within a secluded corner in the mansion, a beautiful figure sat elegantly. The air around her was cold,and she bothered not. He had a small smile on her face as events transpired to this.

Sensing everyone's gaze on him, Damien slowly adjusted his glasses with his finger and let out a confident laugh.

" What do you hope to achieve by doing that?" He threw a question to Qingyue which startled her.

" Why else? To defeat you of course." She scrunched her eyebrows and uttered in utmost confidence.

" Fine then, I accept." Damien places down the jug of wine and slowly walked to the podium with both hands in his pockets as he smiled in a carefree manner.

" You've grown stronger Qingyue. Aaahh no wonder you want to challenge me, you broke through to the True Profound realm." Damien whispered to her as he lowered his glasses and looked at her with his silvery grey gem like eyes.

" Slash!!" Without further ado, she slashed her sword imbued with cold energy, with materialized as a long crescent slash, tens of meters large which shot towards him.

" Impressive." Damien smiled and stood there with no the hands in his pockets, wanting to deal with the attack head on, however he immediately remembered that even though they were sparring, it was a wedding and he didn't want to damage his clothes.

With a snap of his fingers, a silvery barrier immediately formed around him and in a split second, the large crescent slash smashed into it, creating a large energy wave. If the room was not strengthened by mechanisms it would've been devastated after that one clash.

" Qingyue let's finish with one move ." Damien smiled and said, to which she nodded. There was no need to engage in some life and death battle for that matter.

" Divine Lotus of annihilation!" She lifted her sword, and in a split second, a huge icy blue lotus that carried the power of destruction formed.

" She's even using that move? Who's that guy?" The beautiful woman in the secluded corner couldn't help but wonder.

" It seems you've thoroughly mastered your move. Well then, lemme show off a bit." Damien chuckled and slowly took of his glasses, revealing a pair of gem like silvery grey eyes. Anyone who looked in his eyes, whether male or female felt their entire being being transported into an unknown realm as they felt their hidden desires popping up in their heads.

" What was that?" Even the woman in the secluded area, who was arguably the strongest person in the room couldn't help but fall in the illusion. In fact, she swore could've seen Damien glancing at her direction with a ridiculing smile.

" Did he see me?" " No that's impossible!" She questioned herself and ruled out the possibility of Damien possibly seeing her as a figment if her imagination. .. But was it?.....


Slowly Damien's body began to rise up the air without any support as he laughed carefreely.

Slowly stretching his palm forward, wild winds burst into the room, before they immediately ceased, shocking everyone around him.

Soon those winds condensed into dozens of sharp blades, each carrying a metallic gleam.

"Boom!" The huge lotus and the blades clashed, but the clash ended in a split second. The huge lotus was minced into cubes by the blades, as they exploded with a loud bang.

How was Damien able to do this? Elemental manipulation and flight. Two abilities he learned to accomplish using mental energy over the past few days.

" I won." Only two words came out of Damien's mouth. " I guess that's my cue to leave." With a sigh, he descended to Qingyue and ruffled her hair. " You're getting stronger." He smiled and patted her shoulder gently.

" Yuanba promise me the next time we meet, you'd be stronger than me." He said as he walked towards Yuanba. " Big brother why does it suddenly feel like you're saying goodbye." Yuanba quickly teared up. He hated goodbyes.

" There's something I have to do. So get stronger so that we can go on wild adventures huh." He patted his shoulder and smiled.

" Alright come here." Opening his arms he hugged the tears eyed young man and patted his back.

" Mr. Xia thank you for your help and care these few weeks. I've prepared a few gifts for you in your room. Sorry I have to leave this way." Damien telepathically spoke to Xia Hongyi.

Slowly he left Yuanba's bear hug and began to walk away. " Wait!" Immediately he turned around, he felt a sad voice speak to him. He then saw Qingyue slowly walk to him and embrace him under the stunned eyes of the crowd.

Yun Che, the bridegroom , slowly stood up with clenched fists, as his eyes gleamed with bloodlust. No one could feel this except Damien who was extremely sensitive to energy.

After patting her back for a few seconds he left her embrace walked outside and took off to the sky Superman style.

You may ask why he did that? It was because Damien felt himself getting comfortable and developing emotions towards the Xia family. If he had stayed there any longer, it would've been harder to say goodbye. Taking advantage of the adrenaline, he decided to swiftly leave, although he felt as if someone was pricking his heart with pins.

If he had to chose between the pain of getting his brain fried and saying goodbye to your loved ones, he'd probably chose the former.

Moving through the sky at speeds several times the speed of sound, the only thing he left behind were tears that glistened in the moonlight.