

Two figures moved within the void at lightspeed, as they clashed in a fierce and epic battle.

" Bang!!" Their punches smashed into each other, sending waves of energy spreading throughout the universe.

" You cant beat me Michael. I'm unbeatable." Damien smiled as he threw a devastatingly solid punch which smashed into Michael's gut and sent him flying.

" Die Vermin!!!" Enraged by the blasphemous words from what he viewed as a low class life form, Michael roared out, as vast amounts of demiurgic power burst out his body like a fountain. They slowly gathered into a huge planet shape orb of destruction which blasted towards Damien sending ripples throughout the multiverse.

" Let me test out my new powers." Damien laughed and closed his eyes. Immediately he opened them, a massive shockwave erupted from his body, before a silvery purple aura covered his entire body.

Stretching his palm forward, a purplish orb of pure annihilation formed and clashed with the incoming demiurgic power.

" Boom!!" The entire multiverse shook, as tendrils of destruction permeated it annihilating billions of life in the process.

" What. So now I'm some sort of Destroyer God?" Damien smiled as he looked at the energy his body produced. An energy that could completely annihilate everything in its path.

"Die!!!!" Michael appeared before Damien once more, and slashed his sword forward . An incomparably vast crescent slash, which bubbled with demiurgic power blasted towards Damien.

"Killer move: Serious series, Serious Punch!!" Damien roared out, before he smashed his fist out, accompanied by fierce waves of pure destructive energy.

"Boom!!!!" The multiverse shook, as a massive wave of devastation exploded forth. Immediately, Michael was sent flying back; his body moved at lightspeed, as he crashed into multiple heavenly bodies.

With no time to rest, Damien appeared before him, and smashed his fist into his chest, with unparalleled force.

The armor on his chest cracked, as blood spurted out of his mouth. "You dare to harm me?!" He roared out, and slashed his sword forward, however Damien shook his head and grabbed the sword and shattered it with a clench of his fist.

"You!!!!" Michael roared, his eyes brimming with fear, as he saw Damien walking towards him with clenched fists.

"My Father will be....." "Boom!" Before Michael could even react, his body was sent flying at lightspeed by a punch from Damien. He crashed through multiple layers of space and time, and soon, he arrived on the original battlefield.

There, he crashed into the ground and puked blood. Lucifer and his army had wiped out close to a half of the total army of angels.

The dismembered bodies of many archangels, cherubim and Seraphim littered the battlefield, the primal chaos of the multiverse.

Damien soon appeared beside Lucifer and reverted to his original form, as he glanced at the defeated angelic host.

This day would forever go down in history, and it was all because of him.

"Is this what you wanted Lucifer? The death of your own brothers and sisters?" Michael roared out, as he propped himself up, grabbed his sword and stood while wiping blood off his face.

"You have betrayed this multiverse, you have betrayed your family and most importantly, you have betrayed father!!!" He roared out, while pointing his flaming sword at Damien and Lucifer.

However, Damien and Lucifer looked at each other and nodded. They immediately took a step forward, while Damien transformed into his divine form.

Lucifer raised his hand, and summoned a a massive orb of demiurgic power, while Damien clenched his fist and erupted with power.

"Killer move: Serious Series! Big Bang!!" With a roar, Damien slowly punched out, his fists exploding forth with enough power to wipe out the multiverse, while Lucifer stretched forth his hand.

The destructive orb of power blasted towards Michael, ripping through reality itself accompanied by tremors from the foundation of the multiverse.

"It's over!" Countless divine entities stood in the void, as they witnessed the terrifying double attack from two multiversal entities. Their expressions were laced with horror and shock, as they prepared themselves to accept the outcome of the battle.


A loud explosion set off, however, things didn't go as Damien and Lucifer imagined. They raised their heads only to see two figures standing before Michael with frowns on their faces.

The first figure was a middle aged man in a black three piece suit with a long black hat and an umbrella, and the second figure was an old man with white hair in a casual summer shirt, shorts and glasses.

Lucifer had a grim expression on his face, while Damien's eyebrows were deeply furrowed.

"Father." Lucifer said and took a step forward.

"My son. Even after all this time, you fail to repent of your iniquities. You have killed, murdered your own brothers and sisters." The man in the black three piece suit spoke with a sigh.

"Two multiverses would've been destroyed had I not set in. Trillions upon trillions upon trillions of life forms destroyed because of a tantrum. Your mother is disappointed and saddened by the man you've become." The old man spoke and stretched forth his palm towards Lucifer and his army.

"I can forgive many things my son, but blasphemy isn't one of them." The man in the three piece suit stretched forth his hand and waved it gently.

Instantly, Lucifer's body began to disintegrate down to his molecules. Tears flooded his eyes , as he slowly vanished, erased from existence by his own father.

His army of demons suffered the same fate, erased from reality and space time, as if they never existed.

Damien's fists were tightly clenched. He couldn't go against the two most powerful beings in the Marvel and DC multiverses, the avatars of Yesh, or at least not yet.

"And you, otherworlder. I could've erased you when you broke through the source, however, I let you enter my world, and this is how you repay me?" The old man spoke with a grim expression and took a step towards Damien.

"If you know who I am, then you must know who sent me here, and why I am here." Damien retorted. At this point, there was no need to conceal anything

"I do know who you are. You almost destroyed my world and you think your actions are justified because you were sent by him? " The man in the three piece suit spoke in anger.

"You know, why don't you drop all the goody two shoes act and confess your sins Yesh. I know who you are, and what you've done. This has always been your plan hasn't it?" Damien smiled and said, as the eyebrows of the old man twitched furiously.

"You've set all of this up since the beginning, and now, you're going to use morality as a ground to forcefully execute me." Damien added as he picked up a small rock and sat on it.

"Hahahahaha!!!!" Suddenly, the Presence and the One above all let out a fierce laughter.

"I've been watching you for a long time boy. Since He intercepted your soul and involved you in this mess. You're really smart. Unfortunately, this is where you meet your end." They spoke at the same time, while Damien nodded with a small smile.

"I see, but before you erase me from existence, what is the purpose of all this?" Damien asked, as he rested his cheek on his palm. "The purpose of all this?" They spoke together in unison, their voices resounding like a roaring ocean.

"It's quite simple actually. Power isn't absolute when there's someone even powerful than you are." They responded.

"To become the absolute in all of existence. That's my end goal. Unfortunately for him, he can't step into the omniverse to try to stop me. Because that would destroy everything."

They replied with sneers on their faces.

"I wouldn't count on that." Damien chuckled, as a fruit materialized in his hand, which he ate.

"When he finally descends into the omniverse, not only is He going to die, but his demise would pave the way for my ascension, as the new and ultimate One Above All!!!" They roared, as a wave of cosmic energy burst out. "Boom!!!" The next moment, multiple universes exploded, along with Damien's body, completely erased from reality itself.



A/N: Sorry for the late update.