
Reincarnated in the Novel as a Villain

Meet Axtrav, an ordinary office worker who finds himself reborn in the fantasy world of 'Before the End.' The twist? Instead of the hero, he's now the villain destined to be killed by Daven, the main character. Caught between two choices—his demise or Daven's—Axtrav, determined not to sacrifice himself again, ventures into a realm where fantasy and fate collide. He must survive in a world where these two can't coexist! ----------------- Join my community of one people! Discord: https://discord.gg/QyWy85y3G4 Please Donate that would help me a lot financially. 100-200$ would a month would help me tremendously! Paypal: paypal.me/Un1que01

Martialdaoist · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs


His arm shone goldenly. Although his whole body was covered in a golden hue, still his arm, on which he held his sword, shone prominently over his body.

The simple reason behind this was that the amount of aura around his arm was denser and stronger compared to his body. The aura not only coated his arm, but also his sword. It partially turned his sword golden.

He exhaled through his mouth.

He swung his sword.

It made a high-pitched swish, though it was only an empty swing infused with aura to make himself a little familiar with the sword he was using.

"No need to worry about this."

To his surprise, he didn't feel any problems at all. His handling of the sword was as elegant as a master swordsman's. With only a light swing he cut through the air.

He continued to swing around. At first, he seemed to be swinging his sword aimlessly. But if observed carefully and keenly, he was following a pattern of attacking and defensive arts.

The more one looked at it more those arts seemed to be correlated to each other. If said without looking at much it looked like low-level art, but after observing it became clear that it was high-level art.

He wasn't constantly switching from an aggressive to a defensive stance. One moment he was thrusting the sword, and just another moment he was parrying.

It was confusing to understand because he was practicing alone. No one could understand what he was trying to do. He lunged, parrying, and dodging constantly, alone.

So, it was pretty hard to confirm if he was being an idiot or was truly practicing some high-level art.

The floor was already wet from the sweat that had accumulated from the last time, but now it was getting even wetter. The sweat dripped from his body with each movement.


He moved ridiculously and recklessly while swinging his sword.

His footwork was sloppy, but it was quick and hideous. One could not perceive his movements by reading his footwork. It was easy to fool even the masters.

As swiftly as he moved like a rabbit, it didn't take much time for his leg to get tangled, trip, and taste his sweat.

"Phew, I saved my face from imprinting on the floor."

He sighed in relief, because why wouldn't he? He saved himself from blooding his nose. The impact from kissing the rock-hard floor would have broken it with ease. It was Thanks to the quick reflex of his new body, he covered his face with his arm instantly.

He now sat with his legs stretching forward.

He turned his head to the side and glanced at the iron sword that was laying on the ground a few meters away from him. He intentionally threw it a little away from him while he fell to prevent himself from injuring himself.

"Vasheya Sword Art..."

He paused.

"One of the most powerful sword art on the continent. The art that is soon going to be in the protagonist's hands."

"I was trying to learn it right now from the description and guide of the novel. I expected it to work but it looks like there is more to the art."

To his surprise, his expectations didn't come true this time.

He was let down and unsatisfied with the results. He genuinely expected it to work because he followed every movement and instruction that was written in the novel.

"Well, I can understand why it didn't work. It was simple, an author wouldn't write down every single detail about anything. He would only write fancy and important details to retain readers' attention."

He understood the reason behind his failure, as it was too obvious. The reason he even gave it a try was because of his impulse, because what if there was a chance that he would learn the art that easily.

"I wished it would have worked but I'm out of luck. Only if it worked then the strength difference between me and the other that was caused by him not training this body would be covered."

He picked up the sword and got up. He took a normal training stance.

"Nothing would be coming out of holding hard feelings against the author it's not his fault, to begin with. Who would expect one to transmigrate into a novel? That's just ridiculous."

As ridiculous as his situation was, but he knew it was now his new reality, there was not helping. He could do nothing but accept his new reality.

Now, he again began to swing his sword.

He swung, thrust, and stabbed with his sword again and again, with no plan of stopping.

'If we talk about Vesheya sword arts unlike every other any other sword arts it wasn't only related to sword technique, but it was a mixture of everything sword art, footwork, body enhancement, and much more.'

He was practicing and honing his swordsmanship.

'It is yet to be discovered the protagonist and world. Though he discovered almost everything this art was hidden in his last life. It is yet to be discovered by the protagonist.'

'It is one of the few overpowered things that were not caught by the protagonist's eyes. If he discovers this art, then his current strength would increase by at least 4 folds.'

It concerned him. The protagonist getting his hands on this art would result in Lloyd's certain death. There would be no way to surpass the strength gap between them, which was already like heaven and earth.


"Have to.... Stop him... By any means."

He slashed the air with his aura-coated sword.

'If I successfully steal that art then not only I will gain tremendous strength but also reduce Daven's progress, at least to some degree compared to the novel.'

He knew how much this art was meant for his growth. He was thoroughly aware if makes his move a little late, then it would cost him his life.

'I am also aware of the butterfly effect that would be caused by it but my life comes first.'

You may call him selfish and heartless, but he wanted to live and nothing was wrong with that. You would call him selfish unless you were in his place.


Heya, I'm back.

Btw, I have created a discord server and you may want to join it.

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