
Reincarnated in the Novel as a Villain

Meet Axtrav, an ordinary office worker who finds himself reborn in the fantasy world of 'Before the End.' The twist? Instead of the hero, he's now the villain destined to be killed by Daven, the main character. Caught between two choices—his demise or Daven's—Axtrav, determined not to sacrifice himself again, ventures into a realm where fantasy and fate collide. He must survive in a world where these two can't coexist! ----------------- Join my community of one people! Discord: https://discord.gg/QyWy85y3G4 Please Donate that would help me a lot financially. 100-200$ would a month would help me tremendously! Paypal: paypal.me/Un1que01

Martialdaoist · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Local Competition - 1

"Talking about fighting, I saw some flyers on my way back," he said, rubbing his temple as he tried to recall the details.

According to Lloyd, as far as he could remember, the flyers were advertising the local annual dueling competition. The event was scheduled to take place at the 'Gladiator Arena,' a venue known for hosting significant events in the city.

"Let's check it out," he said, patching himself up and preparing to head back out. The thought of participating in the competition excited him, and he felt a surge of energy course through his body.

With his recent surge in strength, he felt confident about winning the competition in his age group. Most kids his age were likely around two stars, or at most three stars in rare cases. But he was a peak four-star aurar, making him a formidable contender. Unless Daven himself participated, there was no way anyone at this local level could beat him. His abilities had grown exponentially, and he was eager to test them against others.

He took a cab to Mulen Square, where the arena was located. The city was bustling with activity, and as he approached the arena, he saw a massive line of people stretching out in front, all heading to the registration counter. The sight was overwhelming.

"What the heck! A local competition shouldn't have this many people lining up to participate," he exclaimed, baffled by the sight of hundreds of people, most of whom seemed to be between the ages of 14 and 24. The sheer number of participants was astonishing.

He started to doubt whether this was truly a local competition. It looked much bigger, more like a national-level tournament. The scale of the event was unprecedented for a local competition.

"Who would have thought that major Academies would end up participating..." he overheard someone saying in the crowd. The presence of these academies changed everything.

"No wonder these lines are never-ending. Since it was announced that academies will be recruiting from this competition, people have been pouring in to participate," another person added, shedding light on the situation.

"Haha, the city officials are working overtime because of the scale of this competition," someone else chimed in. The entire city seemed to be abuzz with the excitement of the event.

His confusion cleared up when he overheard these conversations. His guess was right; the competition had turned into a national-level event because of the unexpected participation of the academies.

There wasn't any specific reason why so many academies were suddenly taking part in the competition and recruiting from it. He was puzzled by this but didn't dwell on it. Instead, he joined the line.

The crowd of participants was as crazy as the number of spectators expected to watch the competition. The atmosphere was electric, filled with anticipation and excitement.

'Man, I wish I had my family's status right now. Things would have been so easy,' he thought. He had been standing in line for almost two hours, stuck with no end in sight. The more people exited the arena after registering, the more new people arrived, doubling the crowd every time. It seemed like the line was growing faster than it was moving.

In this situation, he truly missed his prestigious role as a member of the Hatzok family. If he were still a member, he could have easily participated in the competition without waiting in line at all. His family's influence would have granted him immediate access, bypassing all the hassles.

The reason there was such a massive crowd coming from all over the nation to participate was that this competition offered a unique opportunity for anyone to change their life. Talent alone wasn't enough; it needed to be nurtured and provided with resources to reach its full potential. Without these, talent was essentially useless.

This is why the Academies existed. They not only provided the knowledge and training to help people become stronger, but they also offered the resources necessary to achieve one's full potential. These Academies were comparable to prestigious colleges in normal world. If someone managed to get into one, they wouldn't have to worry about any hindrances in their studies, and the quality of education and training would be top-notch.

For these Academies, getting accepted meant having access to the best guidance and resources to become stronger. The better the Academy, the better the prospects for the person. This was why there were so many people coming to participate. Being recruited by a prestigious Academy could set their life on a new, successful path.

After standing in line for hours, he finally reached the registration counter. "Finally! After five goddamn hours, I got this badge!" he sighed, looking at the badge in his hand. It had '55-H' inscribed on it.

The number represented his position, and the letter indicated his group. "Now, we have to wait and train for the week," he added, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation.

The week ahead would be crucial. The atmosphere around him was charged with excitement and nervous energy, as everyone there knew that this was their chance to change their destiny.

For the rest of the week, he did nothing but train, focusing intensely on learning to utilize his newfound power. He pushed himself to the limits, determined to be in peak condition for the tournament.

The week flew by in a blur of training sessions, and soon enough, the tournament had begun. Although it wasn't his turn yet, he decided to watch the other competitors to get a better idea of the competition. With over ten thousand participants, he knew the tournament would be intense.

Over 30 duels were taking place simultaneously in various parts of the city. The arena could only host the most interesting match-ups, so many duels were held outside. The parks and open spaces in the city had been transformed into mini-arenas for these less significant matches.

"Damn, there's a match being held in every corner of the city now," he remarked, amazed by the scale of the event.

At around 10 o'clock, he reached the main arena where a duel was already underway. The atmosphere was electric, with spectators cheering and the sound of clashing weapons filling the air. He felt a rush of adrenaline, eager to see the level of competition he would be up against.

"Let's go!"


I'm sleepy!

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