
Reincarnated in the Naruto series as Menma Uzumaki

What will happen if someone was reincarnated as Naruto's twin brother. Having no other advantage aside from his Charka reserves and the Kyuubi's yin half in him. What change will the Mc cause? Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Neminem_Umbra · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1- The Beginning

-Somewhere outside Konoha-

In a ceremonial altar, there can be seen, two newborn babies. Near them, there can be a claw seen impaling a red-haired woman and a blond-haired man.

"You won't see them for a while, so tell them anything you want to say now," Minato said weakly.

"Naruto, Menma. Don't be a picky eater... and remember to look out for each" said Kushina to the two newborns. "Minato, I'm sorry... for talking so much," Kushina said to Minato. "No. It's alright... Naruto, Menma as your father … I'll just second everything your mom said." As they seal their remain charka in the newborns.

As they died, an old man arrives with a group of people wearing a mask near the pair of newborns, taking the pair away back to the village.

(A few years after the incident)

Over the years, Menma had recovered his memories of his past life, realizing that he had been reborn in the Naruto series. He wrote down everything he remembers in the series, then looks at a mirror. He could see a boy with spiky blond hair with jaw-length bangs framing either side of his face and violet eyes. Then stared at the ceiling as his thoughts wonders about what the future will hold.

(Couple of months later)

Moving into their new home provided by the 3rd Hokage, as they were kicked out of the orphanage due to Naruto's pranks. Menma stared at the registration forms handed by the Hokage, as they were old enough to attend the ninja academy.

(The next day)

The twins handed their registration to the Hokage the next day as they were about to head home, they encountered Hinata being surrounded by 3 bullies. Mocking her eyes, Naruto being himself couldn't stand it as he rushes to defend Hinata. Menma sighed as he couldn't see his brother being beaten up, as he rushed in to help his brother.

Menma having lived 2 lives could hold his own in a fight, this cannot be said for Naruto as he was beaten pretty badly by the bullies.

"Thank you" Hinata thanked them shyly

"No problem!" Naruto replied pretending to be alright

"Am Menma and this idiot here is Naruto" Menma introduce him and his brother

"HEY!!" Naruto shouted at Menma, scaring Hinata

"Ignore him, what your name?"-Menma

"Hinata" Hinata shyly responded

"Nice to meet you Hinata, well me and Naruto will be going now. Take care" Menma said as he helped his brother walk back home.

As they head home, Menma notice that his bruises were not healing as fast as Naruto's. He noted this along with the ability to sense negative emotion from people around him.

(1st day of the academy)

This was their 1st day in the academy, Menma had woken up early to prepare their things on the other hand Naruto had overslept. Not wanting to leave a bad impression to their sensei, Menma woke Naruto up by splashing water on his face.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!!" Naruto yelled at his brother.

"You need to hurry up, we're gonna be late." Menma said as Naruto looked at the time.

Naruto rushes to prepare himself, they left Naruto was very excited. As soon as they arrived at the academy, they could see that other students were accompanied by their parents seeing this made Naruto sad.

As soon as the 3rd Hokage finished his speech about the will of fire, they were then guided to they classroom.

(A few days later)

After their 1st day at the academy, the twins had become friends with Shikamaru and Choji. As they walk the streets of Konoha, they spotted Ino being rejected by Sasuke.

"What? Seriously?" "What a drag! "Nope, Nope" "No girls for me!" Hearing this Ino turns to them.

As Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji ran away, while Menma approach Ino.

"Sorry about that, they can be really childish. Anyway, are you okay?" Menma asked

Hearing this Ino started tearing up, Menma panicked as he tried multiple ways to cheer her up. Seeing Menma tried so hard to cheer her up, Ino smiled

"Thanks" Ino thanked Menma

"No problem. Well it getting late, Bye!" Menma said as he catches up with the trio that had left him.

(few years later)

During Menma's stay at the academy had little to no interaction with Sasuke as they just competed with each other, while Naruto had developed a one-sided rivalry with Sasuke. Over the years Menma discovered that he did not have the same problem that Naruto has on control their charka, Menma knew that this was attributed due to Kurama(Kyuubi) interference when they cast jutsus.

Menma thought it was due to the half they respectively have sealed in their bodies as Yin Release uses spiritual energies while Yang Release uses physical energies. Menma then concluded that Kurama in his seal sensed that Menma has no real attachment towards the village. Thinking this could be used as an advantage allowing Menma to senses the negative emotion of the people of the village making hate them, weakening the seal. Rather then disrupting Menma's Charka flow.

-The Hokage's Office-

Having interacted with the twins, the 3rd Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen notice that Menma had a showed great potential to being a shinobi. As Menma had no prior training as they were orphans, after they started Menma had displayed his ability to learn fast.

Hiruzen sighed as he stared at Menma's request for early graduation, thinking of whether he was correct to accept Menma's request. If Menma does passes the test he will be left team less, as there were no available slots. Thinking for a solution the 3rd Hokage decided to let a recently retired anbu teach Menma,

Kakashi recently sent 3 genins back to the academy having failed his test, was called to the Hokage's office. Wondering what he was called for, the 3rd Hokage explains that he will be overseeing one genin. Kakashi was understandably surprise as jonins were usually assigned to watch over 3 manned teams, the 3rd Hokage handed Menma's files to Kakashi.

The 3rd Hokage thinking it would best to have Kakashi teach the child of his former mentor, hoping it will help Kakashi for his past trauma.

Had to remake it sorry

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