
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

Takebayashi's Invitation

One week later.


Akira, who uses the Ars Nova appearance, arrives at a dilapidated temple located far from the city.

"This is the last place. Once this is done, Tokai City has been inspected."

He had visited all the museums and temples in Tokai City.

Between the two places, the temple is the most troublesome.

In one city alone, there are hundreds of temples. Of course, the number of large temples is not large, but the number of small temples and temples that have not been used should be checked.

What if Jewel of Four Souls turns out to be in an empty temple?

Better safe than sorry.

"Not here either."

After asking the system and receiving a negative answer, Akira had become accustomed to failing.



A missile exploded where Akira was standing.

The shock wave destroyed the surrounding area, including the dilapidated temple there.

Akira appeared on a tree branch a choice of meters away from the explosion location.

"Woah, the military deployed fighter jets to catch me. It seems like the higher ups are starting to run out of patience. They did not hesitate to fire missiles at the city."

Even though he was on the edge of town, he was sure that local residents had heard the sound of the explosion.

It can be seen that the Japanese government began to consider it a national threat.




The fighter jet in the sky fired three missiles at once at Akira's location.

"Tracking with body temperature, huh. No wonder the pilot found me."

Akira didn't panic, relying on his pure speed, he avoided the missile. However, the missile did not explode as he expected, instead chasing him.

"Try to chase me if you can." He said dismissively.

Akira maneuvered with complicated movement patterns. As a result, the missile's sensors couldn't keep up, hit a tree, and exploded.

"Want to go? Don't even think about it!"

Looking up into the sky, he watched the fighter jet fly away.

Seeing that there was a rock the size of a truck, he easily lifted it as if holding a goose feather.

Adjusting the throwing angle in his mind, Akira threw the boulder with Third Cosmic Velocity.


The large rock hurtled through the air until a sonic boom was heard. After that, the fighter jet exploded due to being hit by a stone. The pilot didn't even have time to eject the ejection seat and turned into minced meat.

Watching the fireworks in the sky, Akira looked up. With a mocking smile, he extended his middle finger.

From the start, he felt like he was being watched. Even after activating [Universal Sense], he found no one else around.

Even so, the feeling of being watched did not go away. This means that the other party is beyond his detection range.

Akira suspects that the government is using satellites in outer space to monitor him.

"I have provoked the government by destroying their fighter jets. In other words, I was considered a threat. The stronger my reason for hiding my true identity, don't let the Nakano Family get involved because of my problems."

Akira then went to the museum outside the city.

After 15 minutes of his departure, the military sent soldiers to set up a police line and clear the scene.


At 3 p.m.

Akira lay lazily on the sofa, accompanied by potato chips and soft drinks, he watched anime that didn't exist in his home world.


The cell phone above the message rang.

Taking out his cell phone, his eyebrows rose at the person who sent him the message.

Takebayashi Miyako: [Good afternoon, Nakano-kun. Do you have free time now?]

Nakano Akira: [Yes]

Takebayashi Miyako: [If you don't mind, let's hang out together. This is my thanks for helping me from pickpockets]

Nakano Akira: [Sure. Where shall we meet?]

Takebayashi Miyako: [In front of the train station near the fountain]

Nakano Akira: [Okay. I'm leaving for the location]

Takebayashi Miyako: [I'm waiting for you]

After exchanging messages with Takebayashi, Akira cleaned up the trash on the table, then changed his clothes.

Taking out the clothes he and Nino had bought, he got dressed very quickly.

"Takebayashi is probably already at the meeting place. It's not good to keep a woman waiting for a long time."

Akira remembered leaving a sign near the train station. Then he used [Hiraishin no Jutsu].


Akira walked out of the alley. Behind him were three delinquent men lying in pain.

The three delinquent men saw him alone in the alley, and thought he was a weak man who was easily intimidated.

Then they tried to force him to ask for money under the pretext of 'borrowing'.

Because Akira didn't want to lend them money, a fight broke out.

Of course the results are beyond doubt.

"Hi, Takebayashi-san."

It didn't take long for Akira to find Takebayashi.

"Nakano-kun? You came really fast."

Takebayashi was stunned to see him coming. If she remembered correctly, they exchanged messages in less than 10 minutes.

"I happened to be around here when you invited me to hang out." Akira lied without changing his expression.

"I see." Takebayashi believed that reason.

"You look really good in your uniform." Akira praised Takebayashi for wearing a high school uniform.

"Thank You. This is my last year wearing this uniform. After graduation, maybe I will never wear it again." Takebayashi said.

"By the way, where are we going to hang out?"

"My friend gave me cinema tickets. Initially she wanted to watch it with her boyfriend. She didn't want to watch it after finding out her boyfriend was cheating on her, so she gave it to me."

Takebayashi held two movie tickets, and explained briefly.

"Hmm... Romantic movies, huh. No wonder your friend gave you the ticket."

Taking the ticket in Takebayashi's hand, Akira saw that the movie had a romance theme.

For a girl who had just broken up with her boyfriend because he was cheating, this movie only made her mood worse.

"Nakano-kun doesn't like it? If you don't like it, let's change the movie."

"No, I can watch any movie."

"That's good. Then, let's go."

Takebayashi is worried that Akira won't like the movie. Seeing that he didn't mind, she felt relieved.

The two of them walked side by side towards the cinema.

Their relationship was not that of a couple, and could barely be considered friends, so there was a certain distance when the two of them walked.

Sensing the awkward atmosphere, Takebayashi started the conversation.

"Earlier, Nakano-kun said you have an older sister. I'm a little jealous, I'm an only child. So I don't know what it's like to have siblings."

"No need to be jealous. Being an only child and having siblings has its own advantages and disadvantages. As the youngest child, I often got into trouble because of my sister's naughty behavior."

"Doesn't that show the relationship between you is good? Compared to that, I am often alone at home when my parents are at work."

Hearing Akira's story, Takebayashi smiled and responded.

"Well, everyone has their own problems. Don't compare your life with other people's lives, or it will only make you not be grateful for what you have."

"That makes sense."

Takebayashi nodded in agreement with Akira's words.

While talking along the way, the two of them arrived at the cinema.

Buying popcorn and drinks, the two of them entered the studio, where coincidentally the movie would be showing soon.

Akira and Takebayashi sat next to each other. After all, the tickets were prepared to watch with couple.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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