
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

Little Interlude

At a supermarket, Akira was pushing a trolley and in front of him, Skadi was walking slowly looking at the meat in the display case.

"Tonight, what do you want to eat?" Skadi asked not yet decided on the dinner menu.

"Up to you, all the food that Skadi cooks tastes delicious." Akira praised.

Skadi's footsteps stopped, turned around and raised her hand pointing at Akira.

"Does Akira know the word up to you, is the one the chef doesn't want to hear the most. Quickly make your choice, or you want me to cook you boiled eggplants."

"I-I was wrong, how about curry rice?"

Akira hurriedly said, he was worried that Skadi would really cook boiled eggplant tonight.

"Why not say from the start, beef or chicken?" asked Skadi, in her hand holding two types of meat.

"Chicken meat." Akira pointed at the meat in Skadi's right hand.

Putting the beef into the display case, Skadi put the chicken on the cart, and said:

"Alright, next look for the spices."

Akira pushed the trolley and followed Skadi from behind.

Arriving at the condiments area, Skadi selects the curry condiments, and puts the condiments into the cart.

"Skadi. Why are you bothering to do this, isn't there already a spice mix for curried rice? It is more practical than cooking with spices one by one." Akira asked curiously.

Skadi compared the two spices in her hands, and said without looking back:

"It's true that it's more practical, but according to my cooking instructor, the taste of the food will be reduced. For example, which is better, food at a fast food restaurant, or home cooking?"

"Hmmm... I think home made food." Akira pondered for a bit before giving his answer.

"Why?" asked Skadi, loading her choice of spices into the cart, and walking with her hands behind her.

Akira pushed the trolley, shook his head and said:

"I don't know."

"The answer is easy, because the food in fast food restaurants is mass-produced, so the taste of the food is only suitable for most consumers. But home made cooking is different, it is specially for you, and the taste is according to your taste. You understand now, Master?"

Skadi turned to look at Akira, and there was a charming smile on her pretty face.

Akira was mesmerized by that smile, but he regained his senses after his forehead was flicked by Skadi.

"Don't daydream, Akira. Quickly continue shopping."

Skadi turned around so Akira wouldn't see the faint blush on her cheeks, and she quickened her pace.

Akira rubbed his forehead, and chased after Skadi while pushing the grocery cart.

The two filled a shopping cart with ingredients for curry rice, along with snacks and ice cream.

Going to the cashier, Akira paid for groceries with the money Toshinori (All Might) gave him, and left the supermarket with Skadi.

"Want me to help?"

Skadi volunteered to carry the groceries in Akira's hands.

"No need, it's not heavy at all." Akira refused the offer.

Keep in mind, he has Class G Lifting Ability. He can lift loads from 1 billion tons to 999 billion tons. For him, the weight of these groceries was the same as a feather.

"At least let me do this."

Skadi took half of the plastic groceries from Akira's right hand, so the two of them shared the burden.

"Do what you want."

Akira didn't refuse, he knew Skadi wasn't as weak as she seemed.

The two of them walked towards the temporary house while chatting.

"It's been a week, the results of the UA High School entrance examination should have come, right?" Skadi asked.

"Yes, we will definitely pass." Akira said sure.

"That's natural, if we don't graduate after showing a bit of our strength, there's something strange about UA High School." Skadi said confidently.

There was no such thing as failure in the minds of the two, it was faith in the strength they had. Compared to junior high schoolers who had just graduated, Akira and Skadi weren't on the same level as them.

If it wasn't for Akira wanting to enter UA High School, Skadi wouldn't want to hang out with those kids. In her eyes, they were all young children who had just reached puberty.

While the two were passing by the bank, an unexpected incident occurred.

From the entrance, three people with masks and carrying sacks ran out.

"Anyone, call a hero! Those three guys just robbed a bank!" Shouted one bank employee.

"Move! Anyone who approaches will be injured!"

One of the robbers used Quirk, and his left hand became a sharp blade.


The people on the street were running away, they didn't want to get involved with the matter.

"You want to die, boy!"

The robber was angry to see two teenagers still chatting regardless of the situation around them.

"I will make you a block of ice."

Skadi raised her hand, and prepared to write runes, but Akira held her hand.

"Just let me be."

Akira shook his head, put the grocery bag on the ground, then took a few steps forward.

In this world, there was a rule that one couldn't use their Quirks carelessly except for licensed hero. If not, the perpetrators of violations can be arrested by the police.

Sounds weird, right? Quirk is a unique strength of each individual, but society is forbidden by the government to use Quirk, unless it has been approved and licensed.

Akira wanted nothing to do with the police or the government, at least not now.

"Get out of the way, you brat, don't think I'm just bluffing!"

The robber swung his hand in the form of a sharp blade.


Akira moved sideways avoiding the cleavage. Clenching his fist, he punched the robber's chin until the other party was lifted into the air several meters, before falling to the ground and becoming unconscious.


The other two robbers were stunned to see their boss be defeated so easily.

"Don't look down on adults, rancid boy!"

One of the robbers raised his right hand, then his palm turned into a Glock 19 style firearm.


Without hesitation, the robber opened fire.

Akira moved left and right to dodge the bullets, his movements were as smooth as flowing water, and he dodged the bullets perfectly.


The robber was in shock, this was the first time he had seen someone able to dodge bullets without using Quirk.

Akira who has the passive skill [Movement Prediction], dodging firearms is not difficult at all.

"You have a good Quirk, why not just be a cop?" Asked Akira who was already standing in front of the robber.


The robber took several steps back with trembling legs.

"You're a careless, rancid boy."

From behind Akira, another robber attacked from behind with both of his hands turned to stone.

"Can you sneak attack?" Akira said casually while looking down.

The punch didn't hit him, instead it hit the robber in front of him. As a result, the robber was thrown backwards, and fell to the ground with a bloody face.

"You're going to pay for this, rancid boy!"

The robber who had just attacked was annoyed that his attack had hit his own comrades.

"Don't look away while fighting."

Akira hit an acupuncture point on the neck of the robber who had just sneak-attacked.


Those were his words before he fell unconscious.

In just under a minute, Akira had defeated all three robbers without using any Quirk.

Under the dumbfounded looks of the people around him, Akira walked towards Skadi who was waiting for him. Taking plastic groceries, the two left the scene.

The bank made them stay as a form of thanks, but Akira didn't care and left with Skadi.

After a few minutes of their departure, the closest pro hero came to the scene of the crime. But seeing that the three robbers had been defeated, he asked the locals, and he found out the real situation.

Not long after, the police arrived to take the three robbers away, and investigate the identity of the teenager who did it all.

If the teenager uses his Quirk to defeat a robber, the police will arrest him on charges of using his Quirk without a permit.

However, after viewing surveillance camera footage, questioning eyewitnesses, and viewing footage on the internet that was uploaded by a passer-by. The police couldn't do anything, after all, the other party didn't use Quirk at all, and was purely fighting in self-defense.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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