
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs


Teiko Junior High School.

Class 1-A students are in the swimming pool, now it's sports.

Naruzo Machio is standing by the pool, in his hand holding a stopwatch.

"Nakano Akira, 9.11 seconds! Your time is faster than the members of the swim club."

"Thank you for the compliment, Sensei.'

Coming out of the swimming pool, Akira shook his wet hair.

The third subject is sports, and the material is 20 meter freestyle swimming. The students must swim at their fastest speed and the result will be recorded by Machio, who is the PE teacher.

"Use this, Akira."

Miharu handed over the towel in her hand.

"Thank You."

Akira didn't act shy, received the towel, and rubbed his body.

"Let me help."

Not to be outdone by Miharu, Shouko acted bolder. Ignoring the people around her, without hesitation, she wiped Akira's back with her towel.

"Your treatment makes Sensei jealous, Nakano."

Rubbing his chin, Machio said mischievously.

"Why doesn't Sensei just find a girlfriend?"

"Who said Sensei doesn't have a girlfriend?"

Hearing Akira and Machio's conversation, Kise asked curiously.

"Who is Sensei's girlfriend? You two live together? When will Sensei get married?"

Several female students were heartbroken when they found out that Machio had a girlfriend.

In terms of physical appearance, Machio is a handsome man. Not to mention his muscular body hidden under his blue jacket.

"Ha Ha Ha... This isn't the time to talk about Sensei's private life, let's continue with the lesson."

Machio laughed dryly and changed the subject.

"Tsk, Sensei is stingy."

Kise clicked his tongue and looked dissatisfied.

"Alright, Kise, now it's your turn."


Kise stood by the pool, and after the signal started, he jumped into the pool and swam fast.

On the other hand, Ayase and Shouko returned to the female student group, while Akira returned to the male student group.

The two of them didn't mind Akira seeing them in school swimsuits. Precisely, Miharu and Shouko want the men they like to be fascinated by their attractiveness.

"Ayase and Kirishima are being very blatant."

As soon as Akira sat down, Akashi said so.

"Don't tease me, you are also popular with girls, I heard that you received a confession from the female student in class 1-B yesterday."

"Kise told you?"

"No comment."

"It just makes it obvious."

Akashi wasn't angry because Kise told Akira about this matter. The three of them are in the basketball club and are also major players. What's more, they are classmates, and their relationship is very close and intimate.

"So did you accept the confession?" asked Akira.

"I turned it down, you know I'm not interested in romance. Hmmm... Why did you suddenly move away?"

Akashi found Akira sitting away from him.

"Akashi... I never thought you were a deviate, I misjudged you all along."

"What are you talking about?"

Akashi didn't understand what that meant, but he knew it wasn't a good thing. And he was right, Akira's next sentence made his eyes twitch.

"If you don't like girls, it means you like boys. Sorry, Akashi, my orientation is very normal." Akira said earnestly.

"Nonsense! I'm not gay, you misunderstood. What I'm trying to say, we're junior high school students, too soon to be dating. At least wait until you become a high school student."

Akashi felt like punching his friend in the face. Their conversation was overheard by other male students, as a result they stared at him with wary eyes, as if he was going to attack them.

"Cough Cough... I misunderstood, sorry."

Akira faked coughing and stopped pranking Akashi.

"What are you talking about, I also want to join."

With his body still wet, Kise approached them.

"Wipe your body first, don't splash water here."

Akira threw a new towel at Kise.

"Thank You."

Kise started wiping his body, put the towel around his neck, he sat in the middle between Akira and Akashi.

"What's your record time?" Akashi asked, so Kise wouldn't ask about the previous topic.

"11.46 seconds. Still worse than the record, Akira-cchi and Akashi-cchi." Kise sighed in disappointment.

"Why are you disappointed? The average time of other men is about 15 seconds."

"Akira-cchi has a point, at least I'm the third fastest swimmer in this class."

Kise was depressed for a moment, then he was excited again as before.

"Your mood changes quickly." Akashi commented.

"Look at that, now it's the girls' turn."

Not hearing Akashi, Kise's eyes lit up when he saw the female students start swimming. Not only he, but the other male students were watching the female students swim with burning eyes.

Especially the moment when women get out of the swimming pool. Wet swimsuits exposed their curves clearly. This is entertainment in and of itself for puberty-aged males.

"Boys, keep your eyes peeled."

Machio gave a warning, and the female students stared at the male students with disdain like kitchen waste.

After receiving the teacher's warning, the male students' courage shrank and they did not dare look at the female students openly.

"Akira-cchi, look at Inui-san, she looks uncomfortable."

Kise nudged Akira, and lifted his chin.

Akira looked in the direction Kise was pointing and he found what he said to be true. Shinju held her chest with both hands, and her expression was unnatural.

"Is it possible that the swimsuit is so tight that Inui-san feels tight in her chest. After all, she's one of the Big Three." Kise spoke quietly.

"Don't say Big Three in front of the three girls, they don't like the title."

Akashi warned Kise to be careful with his words.

"I'm not that stupid, this is just a male topic." Kise said while patting his chest.

Akira looked at the other members of the Big Three, namely Uzaki Yanagi and Aharen Eru. Both of them looked uncomfortable while clutching their chests, it seemed Kise's prediction was right.

"Maybe Ryota was right, Yanagi-san and Aharen-san reacted the same way as Inui-san."

"Look at that, Akashi-cchi! I'm not just talking perfunctory!"

Kise is happy that Akira defended him. Otherwise, he looks like a perverted boy glaring at the swimming female students.

"Since there's something odd about the three of them, we'd better watch out if they get into an accident." Akashi suggested.

"I agree."

"Of course."

Akira and Kise agreed to the suggestion.

Then the three of them watched over the female students swimming, and prepared to take action if an incident occurred.

Their wait was not in vain, when it was Shinju's turn to swim, an incident occurred.

While swimming, her legs cramped and she drowned.


Seeing Shinju sink, the female students screamed in panic, while the male students just stood there because their minds were slow to digest this incident.


Machio was about to jump into the pool to save Shinju, but someone was faster than him.


Akira jumped into the pool. He quickly came to Shinju's side, hugging her waist, and swam to the edge of the pool and put her out.

"Inui-san! Inui-san!"

Coming out of the pool, Akira patted Shinju's cheek several times, but the girl still didn't wake up.

"There is no other choice. Forgive me for being impolite."

Akira pressed Shinju's chest so that the swallowed pool water could come out. The soft and supple sensation was palpable in his palm, but he didn't have any lewd thoughts.

"Nakano, do you know how to give artificial respiration?"

Machio was standing aside, he had been watching Akira before and didn't stop him. Because the CPR that his students performed was correct without any mistakes.

"I know." Akira nodded.

"Then do it." Machio said.

He let Akira give Shinju artificial respiration. He thought that the girl would be happier to know Akira who gives artificial respiration than a teacher like himself.


Akira agreed without much thought. Under the watching classmates' gazes, he parted Shinju's lips and started giving her artificial respiration.

The girls' faces blushed as if they were the ones being kissed, and the boys regretted not having acted sooner.

(Gold Experience!)

Akira chanted the name of his Stand in his mind. Then a humanoid figure with a slender body appeared.

The top of the figure's head resembled a typical soldier's helmet with a ladybug-like design, with curved J-marks descending from the eyes on either side. There were stylized wings on his shoulders and large ladybugs all over his body.

The Stand can only be seen by other Stand users, Machio and the other students don't see the figure.

Under Akira's control, the humanoid figure gives life energy to Shinju.

"Cough Cough Cough..."

Shinju finally woke up while spewing water on Akira's face.

"Nakano, you take Inui-san to the School Medical Room."

"Understood, Sensei."

Following Machio's words, Akira hugged Shinju in the style of carrying a princess, before leaving, Miharu gave a towel to cover Shinju's body.

After that, Akira and Shinju left the swimming pool.

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