
Are Yotsuba lesbians?

At 3:30 p.m.

The door to the ward was opened by Yotsuba.

"Itsuki, is Akira-chan awake?"

"Ah, it turned out to be Yotsuba, you startled me."

Itsuki was very panicked to see Yotsuba enter without knocking first.

"Your face is red, do you have a fever?"

Seeing Itsuki's face turn red, Yotsuba asked.

"I don't have a fever, this room is a little hot."

Not daring to meet Yotsuba's eyes, Itsuki said guiltily.

The reason she panicked just now was because she had just helped her little brother pee. If Yotsuba had come a few minutes earlier, she would have been exposed to an indecent sight.

"How are you feeling, Akira-chan? Feeling better already?"

Yotsuba not noticing what was wrong with Itsuki, approached the bed, and saw her little brother playing with a cell phone.

"It's so boring in here, and the hospital food isn't good. I want to go home." Akira complained.

"What is Akira-chan talking about? You just had surgery, you need to be treated until you are completely healed."

Yotsuba had forgotten that her little brother was no ordinary human.

"Then I'll go home first."

Stuffing the books into her bag, Itsuki prepared to head home. She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would say the wrong thing, and Yotsuba would know everything.

They took turns taking care of Akira, now time was up and it was Yotsuba's turn.

"En, be careful on the road, Itsuki."

"I know."

Itsuki glanced at Akira one last time, remembering the previous scene. She lowered her head and hastily left.

"Itsuki doesn't look like she usually does." Yotsuba was astonished.

"That's just your feeling, Yotsuba-Nee." Akira answered while sitting down.

"Don't sit down, keep lying down, you should rest."

Yotsuba tried to make Akira lie down.

"Yotsuba-Nee didn't really think I was injured, right?"



Judging Yotsuba's reaction, Akira knew the girl really thought he was injured.

"Sigh~... Yotsuba-Nee is really stupid, don't you remember my fight against Vali back then? Do you think a mere truck could hurt me?"

"That… That… I forgot."

After being reminded by Akira, Yotsuba felt very embarrassed. Worry clouded her logic, until she forgot that fact.

Akira removed the bandage from his head and showed it to him.

"See, there are no injuries. It was all just an act."

"Absolutely no injuries..."

To verify the truth, Yotsuba touched her little brother's forehead.

After Yotsuba withdrew her hand, Akira wrapped a bandage around his head.

"Then why is Akira-chan pretending? You know everyone is worried about you!" Yotsuba said in a blaming tone.

Regarding this, Akira looked at Yotsuba as if looking at an imbecile.

"Yotsuba are so stupid."

"Why is Akira-chan suddenly making fun of me, I can get angry too."

Yotsuba puffed out her cheeks and looked sullen. Suddenly called stupid for no reason, even she will be angry.

"Today, I was hit by a truck. What will Yotsuba-Nee think if I don't get hurt and continue on to school as if nothing happened?"

"Uh, that…"

"Weird, isn't it? That's why I pretended to be dying."

"So like that."

Now Yotsuba understood the reason behind Akira's actions.

"By the way, Yotsuba-Nee doesn't help with club activities?" asked Akira.

Yotsuba doesn't join any clubs, but she helps train many sports clubs.

"There's no way I can join club activities while my little brother is hospitalized." Yotsuba said firmly, then she remembered something and opened the contents of her bag.

"There are some snacks, Akira-chan want?"

She pulled out melon bread, pocky, and chocolate.

"Originally I wanted to give this to Itsuki, but she came home before I gave it to her."

"Give me food to eat."

"Akira-chan is completely unharmed, you can eat yourself."

"Cough Cough... I'm dying, if Yotsuba-Nee doesn't feed me, I'll have a hard time breathing."

"…Alright, so stop your fake coughing."

Yotsuba wrapped Pocky, and fed him.

"Say Aaah..."

"Aaaah... Yum... Yum... Yum..."

Akira bit Pocky little by little until he finally bit Yotsuba's finger.

Yotsuba withdrew her hand quickly, a blush appearing on her face.



This time Yotsuba was careful not to get her finger bitten by Akira.

"Akira-chan, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what does Yotsuba-Nee want to know?"

"Since you are so strong, how did you get hit by a truck? You are not a careless person, something happened, right?"


Akira was silent for a moment.

"Yotsuba-Nee is very sensitive when it comes to matters like this."

"Don't dodge, Akira-chan. We are a family, if any of us are in trouble, of course we have to help each other."

Yotsuba stared without averting her eyes.

"Yotsuba-Nee should know that sometimes the truth can be crueler than anything in this world."

To be honest, Akira really didn't want to discuss this topic with other people, especially his family members.

The biggest reason he kept his powers a secret was so his family members would not worry about his safety.

"Even so, I want to know." Yotsuba said firmly.

"Alright, since Yotsuba-Nee insists, I'll tell you." Akira agrees to tell the truth.

"I didn't have an accident, but an attempted murder."


Yotsuba's reaction matched Akira's expectation, she was very shocked to hear that information.

Who wouldn't be shocked when they heard that their family members had attempted murder?

"Who is it? I will report it to the police."

As an ordinary person, Yotsuba would contact the police as a countermeasure.

"No need, everything is done."

Akira held Yotsuba's hand, which had been holding the cellphone.

"Akira-chan, you killed him?" Yotsuba's tone trembled.

"Yotsuba-Nee is thinking too much, we live in a society ruled by law. How can I kill people, I'm a good citizen! I just hypnotized that person to forget his grudge against me."

It is a lie.

Akira would never let anyone who was aiming for his life live.

Not everyone accepted the fact that one person had killed another, and Yotsuba were this type of person.

Ignorance is bliss, Akira believed that line.

"Thank goodness, I'm afraid Akira-chan has done something bad."

Yotsuba patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, does Yotsuba have a boyfriend?"

Akira changed the subject to the most romantic topic.

"B-boyfriend?! O-of course I don't, Kurobara is an all-girls high school, I rarely meet boys, how can I have a boyfriend."

Yotsuba waved her hand and answered.

"How about going out with a girl?"


"I heard that there are lots of cases of lesbians at the all-girls high school, is that true?"


Yotsuba lowered her head, her bangs covered her eyes, and the blush on her face grew thicker.

"Hmm? Don't tell me, Yotsuba-Nee has a girlfriend? Come to your senses, there are many good men in this world like me, don't take a sideways path."

Akira is really worried that his sister's sexual orientation is going in the wrong direction.

Noticing his strange look, Yotsuba snorted in embarrassment and anger.

"It's not what Akira-chan thinks, I'm perfectly normal, okay? It's just that I once saw a fellow girl secretly perverting in the storage room while I was tidying up volleyball."

Afraid that she was misunderstood, she said the reason blushed. If not, she is worried that she might actually be seen as a lesbian.

"I see, I'm relieved Yotsuba-Nee is normal." Akira heaved a sigh of relief.

"Don't bring up this topic anymore, quickly eat this."

To get rid of the previously awkward atmosphere, Yotsuba fed Akira.

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