
Reincarnated in the DC Universe with (Anime) Harem System

When given that chance of a life time, Mer Ambrosius took the choice to reincarnate into a fictional world with a smile on his face. Only one problem though... he got reincarnated into DC, but luckily he has a system unluckily(?) its a Harem System. Join Mer on his journey to find a way to get the Fuck out of DC and hope on over the DXD. But one problem remains HOW exactly will he do it.

Kill_it_with_fire · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 14 | An invitation

Getting up in the morning I checked the calendar, today was Wednesday November 22. I don't think I have anything new for today, as of now I'm gradually gaining more and more control of my Shikai, but I can't seem to unlock my Bankai. From the show, Urahara developed a method of unlocking your Bankai by facing and beating it in a sword fight. But it doesn't even seem like Hyōrinmaru wants to fight me, even if I asked him to, which I'm not really unhappy with considering the tough love Ichigo got from his Zanpaktou.

Sighing, I left it up to fate, the only thing I can do right now is train, maybe theirs a problem with me still being a human and not a soul? Doing my morning routine, I get ready and leave for school. Truthfully the material is excessively easy, it's just having to be there and awake at that is taking a lot out of me and my mental health. Thought Barbera somewhat lessens that strain, cute kid.

Heading to class I grumpily sit on my seat and wait for class to begin. Today we're learning about Pythagoras theorem, some of the other students looked like their entire world had collapsed when they realized math was more than just addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Haha, just wait until you get to functions in high school you poor poor little lambs.

Well not paying much attention, I still answered every question the teacher had asked me perfectly. Even if I was asleep and just woke up as long as I read the question I could answer within a second or two. Afterall even if this wasn't fifth grader math, both my body and mind had been enhanced due to my Reiryoku, which I had to seal every time I went out.

By the end of the day I was just going to do my daily routine and head home. Reaching outside, I walked over to Barbera and Stacy who where waiting for me. Giving them each a pat on the head and a chocolate they replied with a cheerful smile and quick hug before they left, but today Barbera stopped both of us before I could leave.

Both Stacy and I turned our heads toward Barbera in confusion waiting for her to explain. Barbera, looking over to her mother in the distance received a nod from her and returned her own, then after resolving herself, turned to us and began to say what she wanted to say.

''Tomorrow's, Thanksgiving so I was wondering if you two would like to come over and join our Thanksgiving dinner?'' She said with a hint of worry, I guess she was nervous if we would except.

''Sorry, Barbera but my family is going to have Thanksgiving dinner with our extended family...so I can't. Sorry.'' Stacy suddenly answered with a genuinely sorry expression.

''No worries, I understand...'' Barbera replied looking down and really sad. Somehow seeing the sad small child strung at my heart strings and I sighed.

''I can go...if you'll have me.'' I said, at my words Barbera's head shot up and her expression brighten, jumping she locked me in a hug, and I found it difficult to move.

''Thank you!'' She screamed clinging to me, and I found myself at a loss. Her mother a little in the distance momentarily looked shocked at her daughter clinging so much to a boy, especially at her age. But her expression quickly turned in a koi happy smile and started to giggling, as she had a motherly look in her eye.

Walking over she said to Barbera.

''Barbera, so how was it inviting your boyfriend to dinner?'' She asked and Barbera tilted her head in confusion.

''What's a boyfriend?'' She asked and Barbera's mother choked up a little before chastising herself and smiling awkwardly.

'That's right, feel ashamed!' I thought.

''It's like someone your close to.'' She tried to explain without staining Barbera's innocence.

''Then is Stacy my Girlfriend?'' Barbera asked with genuine curiosity, Stacy to looked intrigued. Trying to fix the misunderstanding Mrs. Gordon tried to explain.

''N-no, not quite. Girls can have a Boyfriend but boys have a Girlfriend. Stacy is your friend, maybe even best friend, but you can only have one Boyfriend, Other boys can also be friends but not a boyfriend.'' She tried to explain without becoming guilty of child indecency.

''Like my mommy and daddy?'' Stacy asked and Mrs. Gordon nodded.

''Exactly like that! Like a partner!'' Mrs. Gordon exclaimed and I'm not even sure if she knows what she's saying anymore.

''Ok then Mer is my boyfriend!'' Barbera exclaimed, grabbing my arm.

''No, wait he's my boyfriend!'' Stacy said in protest grabbing my other arm.

''Then lets just share him, sharing is caring!'' Barbera said after deliberating for a second.

''Ok!'' Stacy said.

''Mer is our boyfriend!'' They said in unison and Mrs. Gordon started to freak out. I was completely lost myself, to be honest.

I myself started internally freaking out wondering which bush the FBI was going to jump me from.

''Ah! Um...! Oh, but you have to keep it a secret!'' Mrs. Gordon said trying to cover up this whole situation.

''Why?'' Barbera asked.

''Because others might try to become Mer's boyfriend and steal him from you.'' Mrs. Gordon said with a look as if she'd won.

''what about my consent.'' My words fell on deaf ears as no one cared about my opinion right now.

''Then why can't we just share, didn't you always say I should share with others?'' Barbera asked with innocent eyes.

Looking into her daughter's eyes, Mrs. Gordon made a guilty face and tried to salvage the situation.

''Um...you can't tell anyone about your boyfriend until you marry them! So you have to keep it quite ok! Please.'' Mrs. Gordon resorted to begging.

''Ok, if you say so.'' ''Ok.'' Stacy and Barbera gave in at the pitiful site of Mrs. Gordon, while not exactly understanding why she was so pitiful. Hearing their agreement, Mrs. Gordon breathed a sigh of relief and turned her head to my direction.

''So are you going to come?'' She asked me and after giving her a judging look I nodded hesitantly.

'Is this women safe to be around?' I pondered.

''That's great, you can bring your family too.'' She said cheerfully.

''I'm an orphan.'' I replied curtly and she chocked up. Turning her head to me she had a strained smile and apologized.

''I'm sorry...'' As the apology sounded genuine I let it go, though I don't care either way.

''It's fine, I was abandoned a long time ago.'' I added and I could tell she felt even worse as her strained smile twitched.

''Oh, um...'' Not knowing how to respond Mrs. Gordon just stood their as an awkward air filled the area. Deciding to let her off the hook I change the subject.

''What time should I arrive and is it a formal event?'' I asked and she hastily answered, even looking past the fact that I my question didn't sound like it was from an 8 year old.

''Oh! Well we'll have the dinner at 3:30 but you can come any time after one. You can also wear anything comfortable.'' She answered and although she said to 'wear anything comfortable', since it's a commissioner's thanksgiving dinner it's probably best to prepare something semi-formal. However I didn't like the thought of just receiving something, without giving back.

''Alright, but I feel like I should at least help out with something as a thank you for inviting me.'' I said and Mrs. Gordon was momentarily surprised.

''You really don't have too. It was us who invited you.'' Mrs. Gordon replied with a gentle smile, probably thinking my actions where cute.

''I insist, I should be able to help with cooking. I am a pretty good chef and even if it's not cooking I know my way around a kitchen and can help.'' I said, set on helping in some way.

''You can cook?'' Barbera asked with stars in her eyes and I nodded. Turning around Barbera asked Mrs. Gordon.

''Can he help please? I'll help too!'' She said and it seemed Mrs. Gordon was weak to her daughter as she agreed after a little bit of begging.

''Fine. Come at around 10 am, ok?'' Mrs. Gordon said and I nodded in agreement.

''I'll be there.'' I replied.

''See you there!'' Barbera said, before leaving with her mother. Stacy too, gave her own farewell, before rushing to her parents.

Left alone I walked back to my house and decided to start and end my patrol early today...

...and so my plans for Thanksgiving where set.

Less than three months until the Appellaxian invasion.

How many people do you think should be in the Harem?

Currently I have up to 7 or 8 all the way upto 10 Harem members. But those 10 contain characters I wont mention much.

Minimum is top 5 characters tho, so 5 - 10 harem members.

Kill_it_with_firecreators' thoughts