
Reincarnated in Tensura pre-demon lords era to start a religion

They were a soul in the void until given a few wishes for their next life. Turns out they might have a but of god complex and control freak tendencies as they find themselves in the era before demon lords and luminism came to be. (AN: Main character uses they/them pronouns and they can change their gender just like Guy Crimson. and yes, they are pansexual. They just don't care about gender that much.) Romantic interests: Guy Crimson, Diablo, Velzard, Velgrynd, Rain, ???? (You guys can suggest some more as well.) End game ; Guy Crimson or Diablo as I have not decided yet. (There might be some lemon but nothing too explicit. But expect some gore and disturbing scenes as mc can be quite twisted.)

ChaotikClara · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Skills Explanation (Initial Chapters)

[AN: I will put some explanation for intrinsic, unique skills and skills I invented or inspired by some existing skills. As for skills that exist in canon, I won't be including them here. hope you guys understand: )

Please note that this explanation chapter is only for initial chapters. If our main character acquires new skills that need explanations, I'll add a new chapter like this.

Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand how the skills work after reading this chapter.]


Intrinsic skills

Creation: Lets user create living or non-living things at the cost of magicules. User can also use this skill to create Skills as long as they know how the skills work. Skill creation costs magicule and soul power which user can accumulate over time or replenish by using another intrinsic skill, Soul Reaping.

Soul Reaping: As the name suggests, user can reap the souls of enemies after breaking their minds. User can use the souls to either replenish their soul power or evolve skills.

Reincarnation: By using this skill, user can reincarnate again with stronger soul even if they died. Along with the use of Perfect Memory skill and soul power, user can keep their soul intact even in impossible situations and retain all memories, skills and abilities while their soul will naturally be stronger with the reincarnation or revival.

Perfect Memory: This skill allows user to store all of their memories in their soul allowing them to revive or reincarnate in perfect Condition each time.

Unique skills

Conqueror: This skill gives user the aura of a conqueror to overwhelm and defeat any opponents as long as my confidence is not wavered or the strength of the opponent is not stronger than them by ten times. It has a drawback of failure in using this skill will make the user's confidence shatter instead.

Parallel Thinking: Allows user to accelerate thoughts by one million times, parallel think and process up to one million thoughts at one thousand times accleration rate, chant annulment, absolute calculation solely on logic and data interface which can show skill information and stuff like in video games.

Seven Sins: refers to seven great sins from Catholic(?),and it has seven sub skills in the name of the sins- pride, envy, greed, gluttony, lust, wrath and sloth. Each skill in the name of the sin will give user a passive or active effect similar to the sin. The requirement to use the sub skills is to be sinned enough. For example, if user wants to activate Pride, they have to be extremely prideful and not willing to shatter their Pride.

Sub skills of Seven Sins

Pride: This allows all of user's skills and magic abilities to increase by a hundred fold when their pride is on the line. Basically, user will get stronger by a hundred times when they fight for pride.

Envy: This allows user to permanently strip a skill or Ability others have to claim it as their own. However, user will need to be extremely envious to the point of stripping one's abilities and take it for themselves.

Greed: Allows user to steal anything they want as long as the desire is strong enough. In the case of others' skills, user will not necesarily strip the skills away from and instead make a copy of it and take them instead. However, the efficiency of the skill may differ and it is possible that the copied skills cannot match up to original.

Gluttony: By using this skill, user can devour anything without limits as long as the desire exists. If needed, user can turn the devoured items into magicules, stamina or soul power if soul exists in the devoured one.

Lust: As long as user lust over someone, user will appear as irresistable to them. User can also easily manipulate someone lusting over them.

Wrath: When user is blinded by rage, the amount of user's magicules and destructive abilities will multiply.

Sloth: User can corrupt the hardworking mindset of others by engaging in unproductive activities with them.

Extra skills

Universal Language: User can speak, read, write and understand any Language by using this skill.

Universal Disguise: User can disguise themselves to any appearance they can imagine and completely hide or change their aura and magicule signature to perfect their Disguise.