
Reincarnated in Teen Wolf/Supernatural:My Blighted Path

Based on two TV Shows, Teen Wolf and Supernatural, I believe telling a tale is more like telling a story, human minds are fragile and Sinful, and Weakness makes it so. I’m no saint. I don't believe in being righteous, as I love evil. I don't believe in getting strength from love, friendship, or teamwork, I think it's ridiculous actually. I believe in absolute power and pleasure, No matter how the methods may seem to be. I will have no regrets, so judge me all you want. Anyone who wants to judge me is welcomed, But know one thing, You’re ideas are not mine, But you are free to judge, as we all are, and starting off as weak, isn't that kinda childish, it's cute that you want to show off. Disclaimer: I don't own teen wolf or supernatural, this is just a fan-fiction, and I do not own the cover art either.

Why_See_No_Evil · Others
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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

??? said "One Last thing" and then continued " Would you like to be reborn in a family or as an orphan, and if a family how would you like the setting to be, I'll be able to give you a family from the show teen wolf, but in the end you'll be adopted no matter the choice you chose due to no human or supernatural being, being able to birth a bloodline as powerful as yours in that world unless you start in supernatural, but even then, it would still be weird"

Zander quickly replied with " Yea can you give anything but, I don't need any main family from teen wolf series and does the other TV show that I travel to only, start from the beginning, no matter when I go, and when I travel does the other world pause?"

??? Replied with "Yes and yes, now your body will live and your memories will be sealed as well as your powers and until 1 day before the series starts and you'll remember everything plus how to use your power but you still may need to train to get the gist of it, or not, child you truly impress me with your imagination. Good luck and have fun"

With that Zanders eyes closed as he fell unconscious and disappeared. He didn't get to hear the rest of what ??? Said "Oh child, how your thoughts intrigue me, how you choose the power of light and dark for that reason amuses me, your thoughts will bring great chaos, to the world you'll go to, but in the end, you think due to almost being immortal, you'll not come back and be judged, well there's a chance for that but with how you may do things, I'm not too sure about that, you are an anomaly, so I should expect the unexpected, and due to that I might as well give you truly pure bloodlines that make you even stronger., power much stronger than you have seen, I might as well give you the power of Darkness from that being in supernatural but, do you really believe that's true power, I'll even boost that, well in those two worlds you'd its most powerful being, but if I do this, that other Darkness might think of something else, even might be connected, though I did not grant the power with your knowledge of knowing it and you wished for no surprise, these two wishes contradict each other, ain't that fun, your powers of the being Darkness will be hidden till a near death situation where it will awaken, you asked for no surprise in the world but not about yourself, this is a gift for your past life, well you're already are an abomination that shouldn't exist in those worlds, I can't wait to see what will happen, don't bore me child, No wait Blight, yes your name will be Blight. Truly an interesting one, a hero in your previous life even before this and you chose to live an ordinary life with no memories as your reward and now this, oh how you children think, in the end, will you understand is it fake or real, now that's the question that interested me the most, which is why I granted you this"


In the year 1995, In California near Lake Norconian, there was strong storm carrying lightning, and on this fateful day, a Lighting bolt descended near an orphanage, and after that bolt descended, did the sky relent, and as it started to clear, it came to the cries of a child, and with the cries of the child the doors to the orphanage started opening, and came out a man, and when that man came out he saw a baby in a basket carrying a note saying "Please take care of the child, his name is Blight" and then looked at the pale child in the basket and hurriedly started to carry him in.


2 days before of Blights 16th birthday, you could hear him ruining, with shouts behind him saying " Get back here" and as he kept running, he stumbled down and fell in between a cracked hole under a tree and hurt himself, but did not scream as he clenched his teeth in pain, and from afar he could hear "Blight, where the fuck are you" and with that he held his breath and as the noises appeared closer and closer, there was a sudden sound from his left, from afar, and then they started running towards that direction, and with that he let out his held breath and got out of the hole and started running the opposite direction of the sound and with the running and the stopping, fifteen minutes of that, did he finally appear in front of a house, his foster house, and with that he started walking up the stairs and then stopped. Today he was leaving, transferring to another foster home in the next town over at Beacon Hills, due to all the problems he caused in his foster home.

As Blight started to get ready to enter he could hear voices from a man saying "Today's the day we finally get rid of that fucker, right Bella" and a woman's voice replied "What's with the language and yes he's finally leaving but you don't gotta be like that he's just a troubled kid, there no need to be always like this sweetheart" and with that the man's voice replied "Well you know about the next foster home his going to right, she has 1 senior high school students as well as one Four-year-old kid, and when I heard she's looking for another foster kid, due to having money issues and he needed to be a little older, I told Olivia she could have blight, just had to lie to her, to tell her he was a good kid that listened and she only needs to take care of him for a few more years before he leaves and she was fell for it, I got rid of that kid, the loss of money is sad but well just get another kid to take care off so it's fine." Bella responded to the man "Jeff, lower your voice, he could hear you, you know that he always hears these stuff, and if he ever reported this we could get in trouble right" and Jeff respond to his wife with " He never did cause he's afraid the system won't help him and it won't, he just an orphan without even any papers of origin, he was left at an orphanage in the middle of a thunderstorm, this is his eighth foster home, well the second on was with that wife beater so that one I could understand, and the fourth one was with rednecks, like really rednecks, how are they even allowed to raise children, but with that being said, we don't need the extra money, and he's worth more gone than being here, and so what if he hears me, I don't gotta put up with the act no more" and with that his wife respond " Well, you could have just waited till he left, he's bags are packed and his school files have already been transferred to Beacon Hills High School, his leaving in another hour, let's just get his luggage ready and send him off alright honey, you can last for a few more hours" and her husband response was "Fine".

Blight slowly started walking backward, and started walking to the back of the house and climbed the tree, and entered his bedrooms window from the edge of the tree, in his room, he didn't see his roommate and saw his packed bag's, after walking to the door, he locked it and walked to his bed, moved it and as he moved it, he moved to the right side of his bed and moved a broken wooden tile and within the rectangular hole, he took out a box, and started to put this broken wooden tile back together as well as the bed, he took of his necklace, at the end of string was a key, a key to the box, as Blight opened the box he found a few thousands of dollars, around two thousand and eight hundred dollars, and a picture with him and his first foster mother and father and that's where he got his last name, Angelsin. Blight stored the photo in his wallet and the money half, in both his shoes.

As Blight was reminiscing, but he heard a knock and a voice behind the door, it was Bella " Belight, the car is ready to go to Beacon Hills, do you want anything to eat before or on the way?" Blight replied with "I'm fine, thanks" with that Belight started getting ready to go, and left the house and got in the car, as he got in the car after putting his bags in the trunk, he got in the car and closed the door saying goodbye to Bella and gave Jeff a look, and the car started to leave, Jeff gave off a smirk as he looked at Blight, but that didn't last long as he saw Blight giving him the finger and started yelling at his wife saying " See, I should have been cursing that bastard more" Bella looked at Jeff then back at Blight and thought "I didn't even get to have my fun with him, he looked so tasty and cute, and here am stuck with this useless crybaby sigh, he was so handsome and so close"

Hours later, Blight appeared in Beacon Hills at his new foster home, as he got out of the car and took out his bags, he paid the driver with the money that he got from Bella, and took his two bags and knocked on the door, a moment later a women came and opened the door, while saying "You're finally here Blight" while taking her hand out for a handshake and continued saying "It's good to finally meet you, my name is Olivia"

Blight shook her hand and said "Nice to meet you too" and with that he took his bags in with the help of Olivia and got to his room and Olivia said "You won't be sharing a room, but your room will be in the attic, that not a problem right, don't worry it's big, oh and the others are asleep, you'll be able to meet them tomorrow so why don't you get some sleep and unpack tomorrow alright" Blight replied "Ok"

As Blight put his bags on the side he looked around in the attic and looked at Olivia, Olivia looked at him, and told him "Get some sleep, its late, will talk later tomorrow in the morning during breakfast" and Blight replied with a nod and Olivia left and closed the door, Blight putting his stuff aside and his money hidden in both his shoes, in a sock and stored that in inside one of his shoes and put it under his bed by his head side and started to get to sleep and after a while, he slept, as he slept, the time soon passed, and as it hit 12 am, his eyes opened with his iris deep purple glowing bright and his sclera was pure black as demon and lighting appeared around Beacon Hills, as if to smite or welcome his presence.

To Be Continued.