
Reincarnated in Super Gene World

A boy reincarnated in the SuperGene World. https://www.patreon.com/Azavok700?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator Also read my other works of TODAG and Naruto.

Hell_Dragon_Azavok · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 16

He travelled for the next four days and completed 250km distance.

During the travel, he came across many ordinary, primitive and some mutant beasts but he avoided fighting them.

Now, he is going to rest for sometime and eat. He does not need to sleep that much as he can even avoid sleeping for a week now without any repercussions.

He sit near a tree and then takes out some meat from his bag.

He eats them slowly while thinking about the location of the Dongxuan Sutra.

'In the novel, the cave where Han Sen found the Dongxuan Sutra is located a few miles away from the Devil Desert which is not far away from the Steel Armor Shelter.' Jiang Chen thought.

After a few minutes he eats the meat and then lays on the ground for resting.

He stays there for an hour, then once again moves towards his destination.

He is now first going to the Devil Desert which is only 400 km away from Glory Shelter, which means he is only 150km away from there.

He quickly moves there.

For another 9hrs nothing happens, but just after that a black tiger attacks him from the side.

He quickly summons his Armor and tries to avoid but because it was a surprise attack, the beasts claws scratches his back slightly.

His Armor is penetrated from just a simple graze, fortunately he also wore a Z steel Armor inside which also breaks but saves his back.

Jiang Chen gets into the position with his spear.

'Looks like it's a Sacred blood beast, as I was not able to avoid it even with my speed.' He thought.

The beast circles around him, like a predator.

After seeing that Jiang Chen doesn't do anything he attacks.

The tiger came swiftly towards him and he thrusts the spear at it.

But the tiger with swift turn avoids himself and comes close to him.

Seeing that he cannot avoid it he uses his technique Ghosthaunt and avoids the beasts claws and entangled himself on it.

The beast thrashes around but Jiang Chen doesn't leave it.

"Now, die." He screams and then uses his hands like a dagger and penetrates the beasts eye and with more force it's brain also.

"Sacred Blood Beast Obsidian Tiger Killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood Obsidian Tiger gained. Eat the flesh of sacred-blood Obsidian Tiger to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly."

"Yes, I got the beast soul of Sacred Blood Beast." Jiang Chen is overjoyed.

He looks at his hands and thinks 'Jadeskin is really very powerful. I am able to penetrate it with my hands only. My fitness now should be around 20 after practicing Jadeskin.'

After that he takes out the Z steel dagger and with it and with the help of Jadeskin he cuts the beast and prepares it's meat using the different utensils and seasonings.

After preparing he starts to eat them.

"Flesh of Obsidian Tiger eaten. One sacred geno point gained."

With the notification his mood is improved more and he feels himself getting stronger.

"Flesh of Obsidian Tiger eaten. One sacred geno point gained."

After two hours, he finished the whole meat with the help of Nourishing stomach.

In beasts meat, the main organs and parts contain most of the Geno points. And any beast meat you eat for the first time provides the full value of Geno points.

After eating he checks his status.

[Jiang Chen: Not evolved.

Status: None

Life span: 200 years.

Requirements for evolution: 100 geno points.

Geno points gained: 100 geno points; 100 primitive Geno points; 100 mutant Geno points; 10 Sacred Geno points gained.

Beast soul gained: Primitive copper toothed, Mutant Phantom Ant, Obsidian Tiger.

Type of Primitive Copper Toothed beast soul:Spear

Type of Mutant Phantom Ant beast soul: Armor

Type of Sacred Blood Obsidian Tiger beast soul: Shapeshifting.]

"So, I got 10 Sacred Geno points and Shapeshifting beast soul." He said.

"It's a good beast soul. It will improve my physical abilities and I can also use the Armor on it. And with the help of Jadeskin the penetrative power should also be strong." He analyses.

After that he starts to move towards his destination.