
Reincarnated in RWBY with system

Just a dude who reincarnated into the world of RWBY with a system Will at least get a chapter out a week https://discord.gg/NGcnDn _______________________________________________ I DO not own the story of RWBY. I also don't own the cover photo

MR_No1 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

True Legendary Super Saiyan

It's been two day's since Kira had arrived in the Dragon ball world, the Tournament of power was being held tomorrow, so Kira was training with everyone else, while they were training Vegeta decided to ask Kira some questions that Kira quickly made excuses for

But, Kira should have known that things wouldn't go so smoothly, because Beerus and Whis came to check up on everyone's training, and they were surprised to see that there was an extra Saiyan present

"Oh, and who might you be?" Whis

"Oh, my name is Kira, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Kira said as he stopped training and looked over at Whis

"Hmmm, you're a Saiyan as well? I swear, for a race that was supposed to be extinct there is quiet I a few of you left," Beerus

"I assume you're going to be taking part in the tournament," Whis

"Yep! and he's incredibly strong! he's only managed to unlock Super Saiyan though, so imagine if he could go beyond that to Super Saiyan 2, 3, or even god!" Goku

"Oh? maybe he's the one I drempt about," Beerus


'I mean I wasn't going to say it, but I'm happy someone did,' Kira

"Oh, I have a question about this tournament's rules though, such as, are weapons allowed, how about clones," Kira

"I'll tell you the Rules," Whis then went on to explain the rules to Kira, who when he heard he can't use a weapon unless it's a technique had gotten bumed out

"That sucks, ugh, I guess I'll just go back to training," Kira said as he walked back over towards Vegeta

"You use a weapon?" Vegeta

"Sometimes, but that doesn't matter, question, do you know somewhere I can test something.....Risky?" Kira

"Hmm? yeah," Vegeta

"Actually, I don't think it would be smart to try it on this planet," Kira

"How about you come with us back to our planet, we can get you started with God Ki," Whis

"OOh, sounds fun, how about it Kira!!" Goku

"Hmm? Sure!" Kira

"Alright, Everyone, hold on," Whis said as Kira, Goku, and Vegeta grabbed on to his clothing, they all was then consumed by a light, It took them around five minutes to teleport to Beerus's planet

After arriving Kira started looking around, that was until Whis tapped his staff on the ground, which changed Kira's clothing to a bulky suit that weighed a lot, not expecting it, Kira damn near was dragged down to the ground, but he managed to catch himself

"Oh? impressive! Goku and Vegeta had to go into their Super Saiyan states to keep their selves up," Whis

"Hehehe, not that I mind this, but can you take this off so I can try something?" Kira

"Hmm? oh right, my apologizes," Whis said as he tapped his staff on the ground, removing the weighted clothing

"Thanks, so... what I'm about to do is pretty risky, are you sure the planet can handle it?" Kira

"Hmm, of course," Whis

"Ok," Kira said as he walked away from the others, who were watching him like a hawk

Kira had gotten a little bit away from them before he decided to try what he was going to do, Kira started charging up until he went super Saiyan, he then created a ball of ki and threw it in the air, Vegeta, and Goku immediately knew what it was

"A power ball?! will that even do anything while he's super Saiyan?" Goku asked looking over towards Vegeta

"I don't know," Vegeta

Once the power ball was in full effect, Kira started to transform, and the change from his normal Great ape form was drastic, instead of his regular 60 feet tall Great ape, he was now over one hundred feet tall. His black fur was replaced by green fur with white streaks all through it, he also had bone-like plating all over his body

"W-what the!!!!!" Vegeta

"Oh my!" Whis

"Hehehe, were not done yet!" Kira said in a booming voice as he closed his eyes and started to focus on his heartbeat, he started to breathe out as his form started to shrink smaller and smaller until he stopped shrinking. Everyone there was shocked at his new appearance, and his power level

"Finally, I mastered it!" Kira said as he walked over to a lake to look at himself, he was now around eight feet tall, his hair was now hanging down to his neck, it was almost completely white but it had green tips, he had green fur all around his body, the only exceptions were his chest and his face, his chest, his tail, his arms and the sides of his body was covered in a bone-like plating, his face was even fully covered by a mask, the mask was white with red streaks on it, the mask has our horns on top of it

"So, this is what you wanted to try? I must say if Goku and Vegeta didn't have Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, they probably couldn't even harm you," Whis

"That form seems powerful, wanna fight!!" Goku

"Huh? Oh sure, why not," Kira

"Wait! what do you call this form?" Vegeta

"Hmm? oh, um, well since I was young I always heard about the Super Saiyan legend, and now that I've seen your guyses super Saiyan forms, I think it's safe to call this form, The True Legendary Super Saiyan," Kira

"Huh? Well I mean it makes sense, seeing how you're the only Saiyan with a transformation like that," Whis

"Cool, now LETS FIGHT!!!!" Goku said causing Kira to chuckle

"Sure, hey Vegeta, wanna join?" Kira

"Yeah, let's test the power of this so-called, True legendary Super Saiyan," Vegeta said as he got into a fighting stance, causing Kira and Goku to do the same, the three of them then rushed at each other, causing a sonic boom, as they started trading blows, the three of them continued to fight until Whis felt it was time to eat