
Reincarnated in RWBY with system

Just a dude who reincarnated into the world of RWBY with a system Will at least get a chapter out a week https://discord.gg/NGcnDn _______________________________________________ I DO not own the story of RWBY. I also don't own the cover photo

MR_No1 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

How it happened

'Well ain't this bout a bitch' Though a man who was currently laying behind a truck.

'This is what I get for trying to help someone. Fuck me how did I end up here, just earlier I was having the time of my life, hanging out with my brother we were having fun just riding around the city on our bikes'.

"JASON" Yelled out a young man, this man was my brother

"James 'blurgh'" was all I managed to get out my mouth before I coughed up blood.

"No no no NONONO bro please you can't do this to me come on bro" James

"Hahaha come on 'ah' bro it's all good 'cough cough' at least I was able to do something good with life," I said as I was losing grip on his hand.

"C-come on bro the ambulance should be here any second hold o bro hold on," He said with tears flowing out of his eyes.

"It's too late bro 'cough cough' I'm sorry but I love you bub 'cough cough' please tell everyone I love theeemmm," I said my final word's with them drifting off at the end.

"JASON Noooo" Was the last thing I heard before dying in my older brother's arms.


'It's so dark where am i' I thought to my self, I was in this really dark void darkness as far as the eye could see.

'So I'm dead huh and judging by all this darkness I must have gone to hell. Well isn't this a drag I mean I saw it coming but still this is a bitch.' Just when I finished that thought I heard a booming voice.

"OH, SO WHY DO YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HELL HUH." Said a disembodied voice.

"Ah shit can you not scream in my ear please fuck" I said as I was looking around for the owner of the voice'

" Oh sorry I was just wondering why you think you should go to hell, usually everyone thinks they have the right to go to heaven but not you why is that." The voice asked sounding curious about the answer.

"Loli porn" Is all I said

"Ohh yeah, I can see why you would think you would go to hell for that. But don't worry about it its not a sin they were just anime character's so no need to worry about it." The voice said

"Wait really YES I mean umm cool cool, so why am I here exactly, and who are you," I asked the voice.

"Well, I am what you mortal's call a god of reincarnation. And as for the reason you're here is because, well I'm gonna reincarnate you. I will let you get three wishes and choose whatever world you wanna reincarnate to. Go ahead and decide what your wishes will be and where you want to go, don't rush take your time and think wisely"

"R-really awesome so three wish's OK so hmmm," I said contemplating what I wanted"

"OK, I got it," I said looking as happy as I could be.

"1'st wish is to have a totally overpowered system that can allow me to customize myself, however, I see fit when I go to the world I wanna reincarnate in, also I want it to have a super-smart a.i. with it that can help me on my journey."

"2nd wish is to have unlimited potential "

"3rd wish is to be a prodigy in anything I try"

"That's not too much is it," I asked god.

"Hahaha please i can make all of that happen with a blink of my eye so of course not, so where do you want to be reincarnated son," the reincarnation god asked me.

"I want to go to the world of RWBY please," I said with stars in my eyes.

"Ohh is this because you have a thing for that 'Ruby' girl"

"M-maybe," I said in response to the god.

"Okay don't worry it shall be done now remember son have fun," the god said, then he simply waved his hand and I started to disintegrate.

"M-Mr god I don't feel too good," I said with a smile on my face.

"Hahaha that's the first time somebody has thrown a reference at me farewell my child," he said

"Haha thank's for everything god you're breathtaking," I said

"Haha no you're breathtaking," the god said as I finally drifted away in a cloud of dust.

"what a wonderful kid maybe I should give him a gift, Hmmm yeah I think I will," Said the god.

[Ding, system integrating into host soul]

[1% 25% 33% 57% 87%]

[Ding 100% fusion with host soul complete]

[What shall the system call its host]

I was a little startled by the sudden voice that was somehow in my head. "Ummm huh let me think of a name, OK you can call me 'Kira'" I said in response to the system.

[Ding changing hostname to kira]

[accept Y\N]

"Accept and can you stop dinging please it's annoying" was the response I gave to it.

[Setting host new name to Kira complete, I will also stop dinging sir]

[Now Kira will you like to customize my personality] [Y\N]

"yeah sure," I said

[kira here are the options]








[Please choose one kira]

"uhhhh well let's go yandere for the hell of it," I said not know the trouble this will bring me in the future.

[Are you sure] [Y\N]

"Yeah fuck it why not I can use something that love's me," I said

[Yandere accepted]

[Fufufufu well if it's love you want I can give you all you'll ever need you won't need anyone else but me Kira. because we will be together forever HAHAHAHHAHA]

"UHHHH I think I made a mistake, so what do I call you," I asked

[Ara Ara you can call me whatever you want senpai]

"D-did you just call me fucking senpai, You know what I don't even care so I can call you anything hmm, well since you're a yandere how about Ayano," I asked

[ oooh I love it senpai Ayano Ayano HAhahahaha]

[Oh yeah senpai you should probably make your body and decide where you want to go]

"Oh shit yeah you're right OK so I want to look like"

New writer Please give me any tip's you have


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