After watching Rwby V9 Ep8 spoilers on tiktok, Jess gets hooked on the show and starts watching it but what happens when she goes to sleep and wakes up as a certain someone with white hair. (I don’t own Rwby it belongs to Rooster Teeth except for my OCs) Will also be written on royalroad, scribblehub, and Wattpad.
So close to having to writing completely new chapters. \(#^#)\
Weiss's POV:
It's been some time since Jacques beat me to a pulp, leaving me with a scar similar to the one I got in canon. To save face, he told the press that I got into an accident while learning self-defense as heiress to the SDC. Physically, I've made improvements, although not how I would've preferred; my nights have been quite eventful, often disrupted by the threat of a dagger hovering over me.
As I slept, my instincts blared like an alarm, jolting me from a peaceful dream into a state of absolute awareness. I opened my eyes to see a knife slashing down at my head. Reacting swiftly, I summoned Aegis and reflected it at my attacker, causing him to drop to the floor.
A surge of adrenaline rushed through my veins as I reached for Myrtenaster, which was leaning on my nightstand. Swiftly, I attempted to slice the nearest assailant, but he dodged and threw a hidden knife at me. With a quick deflection, I assumed a defensive stance as the other two intruders began to encircle me.
"Calm down, Weiss. Remember your training. You've got this," I silently reassured myself, mustering the resolve to face them. Switching to ice dust, I created a glyph beneath me and the attacker, freezing his feet while boosting myself to launch a rapid assault. Striking his chest, I swiftly evaded the next assailant's attack, retaliating with a fireball that engulfed him leaving him unconscious and burned.
Calming down, I took deep breaths and properly observed the three assailants. To my surprise, they were wearing Grimm-like masks and had visible Faunus features, revealing their affiliation with the White Fang.
"What the hell did I do to get targeted by the White Fang?" I muttered, using my blood-splattered hand to scratch my head in bewilderment.
**Flashback End**
It's been some time since the first assassination attempt, and sadly, that wasn't the final one. After a while, I started to wonder what the Schnee security team was doing until I found out they were ordered to go to another station, leaving my room defenseless to attackers. I knew only Jacques had the power to do that, even going as far as covering up the assassination attempts instead of using them as an opportunity to bring down the reputation of Faunus.
Let's just say I released a laugh so creepy that even the Joker would applaud me. To this day, I get shivers at the thought of unleashing that kind of psychotic laughter. After that incident, I decided to get some dust-bladed fans so that I could keep them in my sleeves or underneath my pillow in case of another attack.
Moving on, I'm watching a news report from Dust Till Dawn about Roman Torchwick's attempt to steal all the dust from the store before a short girl with a large scythe appeared and took them down. 'Looks like canon is starting,' I thought to myself before turning off the TV and heading to bed. Tomorrow, I'll be going to Beacon Academy
I grab my luggage and head to the bullhead, but unlike canon where only Klein said goodbye, both Mother and Whitely went to send me off and a creepy Jacques watched me through the window of his office with an enraged look.
(I saw this style on AO3 and decided to try it let me know what you think)
3rd POV:
As Weiss arrives at Beacon, she walks with her luggage in hand towards the entrance. Just as she approaches, she notices a certain redhead about to stumble from her sister's quick spin. Reacting swiftly, Weiss catches her before she can fall onto a container of dust.
"You should be more careful; you never know what people are carrying," Weiss advises, helping Ruby stand up straight and opening her case full of dust.
"I'm sooooo sorry, my sister saw her friends, and then she ended up knocking me down. I didn't mean to run into you!" Ruby apologizes, speaking at high volumes and seemingly shrinking in height.
"It's alright, don't worry about it. Just be more aware of your surroundings; after all, how can one become a huntress without being vigilant?" Weiss reassures, mixing a hint of lecture into her words.
"Yes! I'll make sure to be more careful, Captain," Ruby responds with a mock salute.
As Weiss spots someone approaching through the corner of her eye, Blake speaks up. "It's heiress actually . She's Weiss Schnee, heiress to the largest dust company in the world," she says with a smile, though Weiss detects the underlying mockery in her tone.
Weiss frowns, pondering Blake's animosity towards the Schnee family. "Does she hate the Schnee's that much? I know my family isn't exactly popular among the Faunus community, but aren't they unfairly discriminating against us? Jacques is the only one who has done anything to them," she thinks to herself.
Suppressing a sigh, Weiss nods in confirmation of Blake's statement, her eyes covered with a cold glint of disinterest. "Yes, that is correct. I'm Weiss Schnee, heiress of the Schnee Dust Company," she finishes with a formal bow.
Weiss turns to Ruby, who looks a bit bewildered by the exchange, her head alternating between the two older girls. 'Guess she didn't pay much attention to the news if she doesn't recognize me in this timeline or canon,' Weiss muses before shifting her gaze to Blake, who appears frozen in shock.
'Shouldn't she be proud of the SDC? Why does she seem so disinterested?' Blake wonders briefly before deciding to leave without saying another word.
"Huh, I wonder why she left so suddenly," Ruby says quietly, tilting her head to the side. "Well, Ruby, it was a pleasure to meet you," Weiss tells her with a smile as she waves goodbye and heads towards the orientation, taking her luggage with her.
Ruby sprawled on the grass, a grin tugging at her lips. "Well, this day could've been worse," she quipped for no reason at all.
Then the guy from earlier, who Ruby saw vomiting on the floor, appeared with his hand out. "Hey, I'm Jaune it's short, sweet, and the ladies love it," he says, introducing himself.
"Do they really?" Ruby giggles as she questions.
"Well, my mom does, so… never mind," Jaune says, deflating, realizing what he's admitting to.
"I'm Ruby… Aren't you the one who vomited on my sister's shoe?" she teased, arching an eyebrow.
Jaune's expression shifted, momentarily taken aback by the blunt reminder. Recovering, he chuckled nervously. "Yeah, that was me. Sorry about that.
Ruby couldn't contain her laughter, recalling the scene vividly. "I couldn't stop laughing when I saw Yang's face."
As they strolled towards orientation, Jaune attempted to save his reputation. "Motion sickness is more common than you'd think."
After a while with a smirk, Ruby decided to break the silence with a weapon show-and-tell. 'I wonder what weapon he has,' she drools internally at all the possible weapons he could have.
Drawing her crescent rose from its compact form, she deftly twirled it into the ground. Jaune steps back a bit as his eyes widen in surprise. "Woah, you have a scythe!".
"Yup! It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle," Ruby says proudly.
"Huh?" he question Ruby, with a look of confusion.
"It's also a gun," Ruby tells him before nudging him a bit. "So, what do you have?"
"I have this sword and a shield," he says shyly, dropping it and quickly picking it up, trying to act as if nothing happened.
"So, what does it do?" Ruby tilted her head, genuinely curious.
"The shield can get smaller, so if I get tired, I can just put it in my pocket," he says, sticking out his chest a bit.
"Doesn't it weigh the same?" Ruby asks.
"Yeah, it does. It was my great-great-grandfather who used it in the war," he says, looking down at the floor.
Ruby starts to get nervous as she doesn't mean to upset him. "Well, I like it. I went overboard with mine, plus people don't appreciate classics these days," she tells him, hoping to raise his spirits.
As they navigated through the academy, Ruby realized they were lost. "Jaune, do you know where we're going?"
"Nope, I was hoping you did," he says, a blush creeping up to his cheeks as he rubs the back of his head.
Eventually, they find their way to the place where orientation is being held, and Ruby sees Yang waving her arm like a crazy person. "Ruby, over here! I saved you a seat," she yells at her.
"Ugh, sorry, Jaune, gotta go," Ruby apologized before running off. She felt bad for leaving him alone, but she wanted Yang to stop screaming her name and acting like a crazy person.
Yang greeted her with a grin. "How's your first day, sis?".
"You mean after you left me? Or after you made me trip over someone?" Ruby asks, narrowing her eyes a bit.
"Oh, was he hot?" she says with a teasing smile.
Ruby felt a blush creep up, embarrassed. "It wasn't a 'he."
"I'm glad you found me attractive," a voice whispered in her ear.
Startled, Ruby leaped into Yang's arms. "Weiss, you almost scared me to death!"
"I thought I told you to always be aware of your surroundings," Weiss reminds Ruby, smirking.
"Well, look at you, Ruby, getting a new friend already," Yang says, nudging her before saying something that makes Ruby want to crawl into a hole. "Now you have someone to Yang around with," she says while laughing at her joke.
"Yang!!" Ruby yells at her, smacking her shoulder.
"Sure, we can hang out and talk about girls like the red-headed Amazon over there or tall, blonde, and scraggly," Weiss says, teasing her.
"Really?" Ruby says, getting excited about making her first friend here.
"Sure," Weiss says, smiling at Ruby.
'Yesss! I got my first friend here. I'm so happy,' Ruby celebrates internally as the headmaster starts to speak.
Yang's POV:
I smile at Ruby, happy that she'll have friends she can hang out with other than me. I glance toward Weiss, but her expression is completely different from how it was earlier. It's cold; I shiver a bit before looking away.
'Well, she was kind to Ruby, so I won't worry about it for now. As long as she doesn't hurt my sister, we're cool,' I think to myself, shrugging my shoulders.
Ozpin finishes his weird speech, and we head out to the common room.
"It's like a big slumber party," I say happily as I flop onto the sleeping bag beside Ruby.
"I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys," Ruby says as she writes in her journal.
"I know, I do," I say, growling a bit before seeing blonde and scraggly in a onesie and shivering a bit.
"So, what are you writing?" I question her.
"I promised I would write to my friends in Signal, you know, not everyone got to come with their friends," she says sadly.
"Aww, that's cute," I tell her as a pillow hits my face.
"Plus, you do have friends, remember Weiss," I say, wiggling my eyebrows, causing another pillow to hit my face.
"Look over there," I tell Ruby, pointing to Weiss.
'*Whistle*, didn't know the princess had a body like that," I tell Ruby while checking her out.
"Yang, stop," Ruby tells me before looking at a black-haired girl wearing a bow who's reading a book.
"What?" I question her.
"She showed up earlier but randomly left," she tells me.
'Huh, she's cute. Well, better get Ruby another friend; that's totally the reason why I'm dragging her over there,' I think to myself as I grab Ruby and head in her direction.
"Hello! I think you two know each other," I tell her with a big smile.
"Weren't you with the Schnee?" She says with a little venom.
'Wow, what did Weiss do to her?' I thought to myself.
"Yeah, um, my name is Ruby, by the way," Ruby says, reaching her hand out for a handshake, but the book girl doesn't shake her hand back, so Ruby just puts her hand down.
"So, what's your name?" I ask, knowing that she just wants us to leave. Unfortunately for her, I have a goal.
"Blake," she says blankly.
"Well, I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister. I like your bow," I say, hoping the compliment will make her tolerate us a bit more.
"Thanks," Blake says dully.
"What's it about? Your book," Ruby Questions Blake.
"It's about a man with two souls fighting for control over the body," she answers.
'Wow, she can read whatever she wants, I guess,' I think to myself, not knowing anything about books other than the times I read to Ruby when we were children.
"I love books. Yang used to read me fairytales every night before bed. It's one of the reasons why I want to be a huntress," Ruby says happily.
"Why is that? Are you hoping to live happily ever after? Sadly, the real world isn't like that," she says, looking a bit sad.
"Well, that's why we're here, to make it better," Ruby says with confidence before I start to smother her.
"Well, it was nice to meet you, Ruby, Yang," I hear Blake say before everything turns dark.
'Why did she do that?' I think to myself as I look around and realize that everyone's asleep.
"Come on, Ruby, let's go to sleep," I say, dragging her back to our spot. As I'm about to fall asleep, I see Weiss at the edge of the window, looking out at the moon.