
Reincarnated in otome but only as a spirit inside of minor character!

MC died in real world and when he regained his conscious, he's a spirit inside a little boy. After the long talk with the boy, he came to know that the world he got reincarnated was just an otome game that he played in past life. Knowing exact history and future, they planned together to saved kingdom and princess a.k.a female antagonist from her despair. When the boy ask why antagonist, MC answered "because I love her voice actor". I took references from Mobuseka. I love Angelica and I make similar character like her. But this is my original story. Also.....this might be little trashy like the rest of my books.

GreedRyuga469 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Questions & Questions

(At Palace, Throne Room)

The boy was keeling infront of the king, who was sitting on the throne. He noticed that there's no knights except the one beside the king

King : Young George, do you have any idea why I've summon you?

George : I think I might know, your majesty.

King : Why did you start killing dark mages by yourself?

King expecting some reactions from the boy. But the boy remained clam and king was amazed by this

George : They're dangerous enemies. I think it would be the best to take them out before they could do anything, your majesty.

King : Did anyone know about this?

George : Only people inside this room know about this.

King : You're seems not surprise that I know about this. Why is that?

George : I know that your knight watching me all the time. He might know that I kill dark mages every nights and if he know about this, it was expected that your majesty would know that too.

King : Then, why don't you ask for help?

George : This task was really dangerous and time was limited. If I ask help from knights, they might noticed and move away before knights arrive.

King : What do you mean they would notice? Are you implying that there was an enemy among the knights?

George : I can't say but I can't risk either. One wrong move would ruin the whole plan and cost my life.

King was not impressed

King : So... you just took them out by yourself?

George : Yes, your majesty.

King : How did you get those informations?

George : I'm sorry, your majesty. I can't answer this.

King : Why? You don't have to worry. There's only three of us in this room.

George : It's not about that, your majesty. It just I can't tell anyone about this.

King : Can you tell me why?

George : I can't, your majesty.

King : Hmm..... (He's telling the truth but didn't say everything. He could lie but he choose to tell me the truth. Not answering me could cost his life and it's impossible that he don't know about this. He carefully choose the word to say and he showed no amaze reactions. It's like not just saw this coming, he also know everything and prepared for the best. Don't tell me... he knew about my ring?) Boy, did you see this ring?

King showed the ring he's wearing on finger

George : Yes, your majesty.

King : Did you have any idea about this ring?

George : Yes, it was the ring the truth, your majesty.

King and the knight shocked

King : How did you know about this ring?

George : They told me that ring user could notice every lie they've heard. And thus, lying infront of your majesty was just waste.

King : Is that the reason you prefer not to answer?

George : Yes, your majesty.

King : Is that your idea or their?

George : Their, your majesty.

King : Hmm... (I don't like this. They have many informations about others but didn't let anyone know about them. Just who are they? How did they know everything? What are they after?) Now, for the main reason I summoned you. Why did you start killing dark mages?

George : I've already answered that, your majesty.

King : I'm asking your personal reasons. Dark mages are indeed dangerous enemies but that alone couldn't be your reason.

George : As you said, your majesty. I have my reasons.

King : What are they?

George : To protect someone.

King : Protect? Are they in danger?

George : Yes.

King : Is there anyway I could lend a hand?

George : Thanks for your kindness, your majesty. But, I don't need help.

King : Are you that strong?

George : No, your majesty. They could beat me easily in face to face fights.

King : Are you underestimating yourself?

George : It's better than overestimating myself. Pride couldn't save lives.

King : *sigh* (What should say to this boy. He's hopeless. He have answer for everything. He really prepared for this. I can't win this conversation) What would you do after eliminating all dark mages?

George : Study and training.

King surprised

King : Ohh, you want to attend academy?

George : Yes, your majesty. It was my uncle's wish.

King : Then, I'll recommend you to the academy. Take this as your reward.

George : Please don't, your majesty. It would bring the attention from people. Other students might start hating me for that. And I can't enjoy my school life like that.

King : Hmm... then, what do you want me to do? I can't let you go without giving you any rewards.

George : Then, can I train swordsmanship under your knight, your majesty?

King : Sword training? Is that all?

George : Yes, your majesty.

King : Hmm... Then, El Fer.

El Fer : Yes, your majesty.

King : Give him a knight training. He must become a swordmaster before he enter academy. Do your best.

El Fer : Yes, your majesty.

King : I still have one last question that I want to ask you for years.

George : What is it, your majesty?

King : Are you the one who create cure for Queen?

George : I see. Well, your majesty.... even if I answer this question, you'll only gain more questions. And thus, I will give you the answer when the time comes.

King was annoyed

King : Fine. I'll wait. You can go now.

George : Thanks, your majesty.

Then, the boy turned around and walked out from the room. King look to the knight standing beside his throne

King : El Fer, what do you think about him?

El Fer : Yes, your majesty. He might be young but his way of talking was like an experienced manipulator. He only said truths only because he know your majesty can detect lies and he didn't give full answer unless your majesty ask him.

King : It was true that he left out many things when he answered.

El Fer : He delicate his life in taking out of his enemies. He only want to stay low identity because he don't want to be notice by enemies. It could be he even give up honor and rewards just to take out his enemies.

King : Just what happened to him. What kind of thing make him to become like this? And what about traitor thing? He didn't answer me exactly but I think it was truth.

El Fer : The traitor could be among the people your majesty really trusted and it could be the reason he didn't answer. Also, even your majesty couldn't take them out without any proves. He want to wait for their moves and I think it was wise decision. But it was really interesting that how did he obtained that information when myself didn't know.

King : Whoever giving informations to him, they must know everything about us. This ring was artifact only for Kings and only wears know about it's true power. My late father, former King said that no one except his father know about this ring. Now, we should be the only people know about this ring. But they know about it too. They know everything about us while ourselves know nothing about them. And it give them power beyond my authority. We now have only one choice. Did you know what was that?

El Fer : Make them your ally. Let them do whatever they want. Watch their movements and wait for their weakness. Strike only when sure. Failure wasn't an option.

King : Exactly. Now, let's go back to work. We couldn't let anyone know about this.


(In Capital, Main Road)

The boy was walking on the road while talking to the spirit inside his body throught mind

Kuragari : That's how they would think. We don't have to prove ourselves. They'll see through our actions.

George : (I kinda feel bad for King. He might got a bunch of nonsense ideas and worry to death)

Kuragari : That his case. We can't tell them the truth. He might give you endless questions and it would be a pain in the ass to answer all of those. You don't want to do that, don't you?

George : (I guess you're right. Even though I don't like it. I've never thought that being a hero was pain in the neck)

Kuragari : Don't think about it too much, boy. Just focus in your goals. There's three hundreds dark mages still alive. But eliminating them would finish in less than 2 months. So, your academy life would be easier than last years.

George : (Even in academy, I'll still have things to do, right?)

Kuragari : Academy life difficulty would depend on people around you. Misfit noble kids are more handful than rampaging dark mages.

George : (Sounds like really pain. Ohh right... we have to look after Cecilia Valentine, right?)

Kuragari : (Yeah. She's a commoner like you. Some kids bullied her a lot. We can't protect her in academy but we can punish those kids. I have many ideas about it)

George : Hmm... (Are you sure I don't have to kill them?)

Kuragari : You still have to. But... only a few. Kids who would give us troubles.

George : (I see. I'm surprised that you don't holding grudge over bullies)

Kuragari : They're not people who killed me. I don't have grudge over them. Don't get me wrong, I still hate bullies. I just have reasons to not kill them)

George : (Tell me about it)

Kuragari : Killing students could cause problems to us. Killing noble students could cause more problems to us. Assassinating or not, it still carry unwanted attentions from people. I don't want it. If the results ain't good enough, I don't want to face consequences.

George : (So, it's not that you believe they could change?)

Kuragari : What are you? A delusional kid? Did you believe in power of friendship?

The boy lose words to talkback

George : (You don't have to say those things)

Kuragari : Because you're saying cringe things.


(At Palace, King's Personal Room)

King was thinking deep thoughts while drinking a tea. The door opened and a girl walked in. King saw the girl in knight clothes and his face expression changed suddenly

King : My dear Charlotte, what are doing here? Have you finished studying?

The girl take a seat on empty chair

Charlotte : Not really, father.

King : Why? Are you bored?

Charlotte : It just... I want to talk to someone.

King : What about your future husband?

Charlotte : Not him.

King : Why? You have to get along with Albert. He's gonna become your husband in future.

Charlotte : I don't want to marry, father. I told you before. Becoming a knight was the only thing I want.

King : You just saying this because you haven't found love.

Charlotte : I have mother and father. I don't need love. That's unnecessary.

King laught louthly

King : Hahahaha... you're just like ten years old kid, Charlotte. Yeah, you have us but that won't be last forever. You have to face reality, Charlotte. You're my only child. You have to become a Queen.

Charlotte : By the way father, who was the boy that came out from throne room? I haven't seen him before.

King : The boy? Ohh... George.

Charlotte : George? I haven't heard that name before. Is he a knight?

King : Hmm... well, he might become one in future.

Charlotte : If he wasn't why did father meet with him?

King : You want to know? Too bad that I can't tell you. Just forgot that you saw him.

Charlotte : Huh? Why is that, father?

King : It was the secret. I can't tell you. Don't try asking El Fer either. He won't say a thing too.

The girl annoyed

Charlotte : Fine, I'll just find out by myself.

The girl stand up and walked out from the room

King : Good luck with that, my love.

The king said with a smile