
Reincarnated in Naruto, Yeah Naruto

This is Gonna be short Chapter's ok ok, I'll try to improve it ok, And English is not my First Language so bare with it. And I don't own Naruto, And i upload whenever i want cause im lazy but hardworking, oh forgot to tell Pairings are NarutoxHinata, Idc what ya'll say, no harem to complicated and Mc gonna be Slightly OP

Kurosawa_Taiki · Action
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58 Chs

Chunin Exams 4 [Forest of Death 2]

After sometime we found a spot that we could stay as it was the same place in the show 'I don't know if this was destined or not' i thought as the clone dropped Sasuke on the ground as i looked at Sakura

Naruto: "Sakura, I'll be getting some food, I'll be back" I sort of lied as she nodded as i dissapeared

And moments later i arrived on top of a tree next to our hideout as i made 10 Shadow Clones

Naruto: "You know what to do" I said as the clones nodded as they scattered around the forest hoping to find a team with a heaven scroll and some food

Naruto: "Let's see here" I said as i started making handsigns

Naruto: "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough" I said as a gushed of wind was released in my mouth as the leaves around the tree all fell off

Naruto: "Geez, It didn't even hit anything" I said as i continued to practice my newly aquired Jutsu


Meanwhile with Sakura

It has been an hour since Naruto left to get food

Sakura: "Where is that Naruto? I thought he was just getting food" Sakura said as she sat next to a still unconscious Sasuke

And not long after that, The Sound Ninja came as three people could be seen in front of our spot as Sakura noticed them as she got nervous

Dosu: "They're in that tree" Dosu said as Kin and Zaku looked at the tree

Zaku: "Let's go then, I don't know why this Sasuke guy is so important" Said Zaku

Kin: "Just trust Orochimaru-sama" She said as they made there way to where Sakura and Sasuke was.

Sakura: "Three of them? This is bad" Said Sakura as the three Sound Ninja arrived in front of her

Kin: "I'll take care of her, Don't intervene" She said as Sakura got up and held his kunai in front of her

Dosu: "You think you can do it?" He said as Kin got angry

Kin: "Your underestimating! Watch you Baka" She said as she rushed Sakura as Kin held a kunai in her arms

Sakura seeing her rushing threw shurikens towards her but it was futile as she deflected all of them with her kunai

Kin: "Is that all? You have to do better than that" She said as she continued to dodged until she was in front of Sakura as she kicked her in the stomach as Sakura rolled on ground

Kin: "Hmph your useless, How did you became a ninja anyway" She said as she grabbed Sakura's hair as she tried to escape her grasp but she was getting nowhere

Kin: "Your not going anywhere until we are finished with that Sasuke Uchiha" She said as in the bushes near Sakura, Team 10 can be seen watching the fight

Ino: "She's in trouble, We gotta help atleast a little" Ino said to her teammates, Trying to convince them to help Sakura

Shikamaru: "Let's just wait for the right moment" He just said as Choji just watched the battle while eating

Ino: "If you say so" She said as she focused her attention to the battle 'Come on you big flat chested forehead, You can do it' thought Ino

Sakura: "Need to escape" She said quietly as to not alert Kin as she held her kunai as she tried to stab Kin but she held her arm as she threw away her kunai

Kin: "Oh? You almost got me, Very impressive for a useless flat chested big forehead bitch!" She said to her as Sakura didn't let that affect her as she got another kunai and chopped of her hair were Kin was holding her as she escaped her grasp

Kin: "Grr stupid bitch" She said as she rushed him again but to her bad luck, Rock Lee arrived as he kicked her back towards her two teammates

Lee: "Don't worry Sakura-chan, I'm here" Lee said as he readied his stance as the tree sound ninja looked at him

Dosu: "Who are you?" Dosu said

Lee: "Im Konoha's blue beast, Rock Lee" Lee said as meanwhile i was watching the whole thing 'Let's wait for Sasuke to wake up and start his rampage' i thought as i continued to watch from above

Sakura: "Why are you here?" Asked Sakura

Lee: "You were in danger, So i came to help" He said

Dosu: "It looks like furry brows is good at hand to hand, Looks like i'll be having some fun" He said as Dosu rushed them as Sakura threw a kunai but it missed as Lee buried his hands underground and pulled what seems to be a root of a tree as it hit Dosu forcing him to retreat back

Lee: "Your attacks has some trick to it, Right?" Lee said as Dosu was surprised he knew 'Though it still a 1v3, I have to take a gamble' Lee thought as he started taking off his bandages on his arms as Dosu charged at him again

As Dosu was about to hit Lee, He kicked him in the chin as Dosu was sent flying upwards as Lee appeared behind him as he wrapped his bandages around Dosu's body as he wrapped his arms around him 'If he executes this he'll be dead' thought Zaku as Lee and Dosu started to head down to the ground as they were spining 'Not good' thought Zaku as he started making handsigns

Lee: "Take this! Secondary Lotus" Lee said as they hit the ground hard creating a small crater but right on time Zaku managed to reduce the damage by filling the ground with air pressure as he smirked as Lee went back to Sakura 'No way' thought Lee as he was panting already

Dosu: "Now it's my turn" He said as he rushed Lee again as he threw a punch towards his stomach but he managed to dodge the punch but Dosu had other plans Lee suddenly stopped

Sakura: "Lee!" Sakura said as he couldn't move his body

Dosu: "Your indeed fast, But not fast enough" He said as Lee dropped to the ground with one leg supporting him as his ears trickled blood as he held his left ear

Dosu: "Our tricks are using sound, Or vibrations" He said as he showed his arm with a metal attachment and with holes in it

Zaku: "That technique i used earlier is like that, But let's just say i can create supersonic sounds" He said as he shot out air pressure sound from his hands as Dosu rushed at Sakura

Lee: "Shoot!" Lee said as he tried to kick Dosu away but his ear felt another vibrate as Dosu charged again with his right arm as it hit Lee right next to his left ear as Dosu release an air flute like ear piercing sound as it went into Lee's ear as he dropped on the ground

Sakura: "Lee!" She said as he didn't show signs of moving

Dosu: "Now to finish you off"

Sakura: "I wont let you!" Sakura said as she threw kunai's at him but he blocked it with his right arm.


Meanwhile with team 10

Choji: "Let's run away from here, They're dangerous" Choji said from the bushes

Shikamaru: "Sasuke's out of it, And where's Naruto? And Lee's out too" Shika said

Ino: "There's got to be a way" Ino said as she continued to watch, Trying to figure out how to save Sakura.


Back with Sakura

Sakura: "Take this!" She said as Sakura threw shurikens towards Dosu but Zaku reflected them by using air pressure from his weaponize arms as it went back to Sakura, Fortunately it missed her but Kin appeared behind her and tied her arms

Kin: "Trying to be sexy is not going to help you become a ninja, You bitch" She said as she held a kunai to her neck as Sakura gritted her teeth

Kin: "Zaku, Kill Sasuke right in front of this bitch" She said

Zaku: "That's a good idea" He said as Sakura tried to escape but she new she was fucked unless she does something as Zaku was making his way towards Sasuke.

Shikamaru: "Shit! Sasuke's in trouble" Shika said as Ino got worried 'What should a smut like me do?' she thought as Ino watched with horror.

Sakura: "I can do this" Sakura muttered as she managed to get a kunai from her pouch as Sakura cutted the tie around her arms as she cat slapped Kin as Zaku jumped back

Zaku: "Kin! Get that bitch!" He said as Kin rushed Sakura from behind but it was too late as Sakura finished the handsigns for a Substitution Jutsu as she got away leaving a stunned Lee and Team 10

When Sakura substituted he rushed at Zaku with Kunais in each fingers as she threw them at Zaku as he finished making handsigns

Zaku: "Get out of there Kin!, Air pressure 100%, Ultrasonic wave 0%, Slicing Sound Wave" He said as Kin jumped away as an as a wave of air pressure was released from his hands as the kunais were reflected but Sakura used another Substitution Jutsu as she was above Zaku as she started making handsigns again

Zaku: "You think that technique can work on me multiple times?" He said as he got a bunch of kunais as he threw them at Sakura as it hit her

Zaku: "Now where will you be" He said as he looked around as he realizes that she didn't substituted as Sakura held her kunai and stabbed his arm making him fall to the ground as she bite his other arm as everyone was...umm shocked as Zaku tried to punch Sakura away as she wouldn't let go as her face is beginning to bleed as Zaku continued to punch her as she finally let go as Zaku punch her again as she was sent backwards and ultimately falling on the ground 'This is bad, Really bad' Ino thought as Zaku was about to finish her but team 10 came in front of her.

Zaku: "Some new faces i see" He said as Sakura looked at them

Sakura: "I-ino?" She said in a tired voice

Ino: "I promise you Sakura, I won't lose to you" She said as it made Sakura in shocked

Meanwhile with Naruto

Naruto: "Sakura did pretty good though biting the enemies hand is pretty stupid" I muttured as i can sense the same menacing chakra i sensed earlier but combined with Nature Chakra 'So Sasuke's gonna be up soon' i thought as I continued to watch them.

Choji: "What were you guys thinking? These guys are serious business" Choji said as he was forced to go with them

Shikamaru: "It can't be helped, If Ino goes out and we men should run?" Shika said

Zaku: "Come on fat boy, You scared?" He said as Choji was having none of it

Choji: "Im not fat! I just eat a lot of food! Expansion Jutsu, Leaf Style Taijutsu: Human Boulder" He said as he turned into a big round boulder as he rolled towards Zaku

Zaku: "What is this Jutsu? Is it for fat people only?" He said as Choji charged at him as Dosu knows that if Zaku gets hit by that, he be ded son

Shikamaru: "Your not going anywhere, Since your the most annoying to deal with, Ninja Art: Shadow Possession Jutsu" He said as a shadow rushed towards Dosu and Zaku as both of them got caught and Choji stopped his Jutsu and went back to them as Ino made her move

Ino: "Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu" She said as it hit Kin as Ino Mind Transfered with Kin as her body fell down but Shikamaru caught it

Kin/Ino: "It's over, This whore will get killed" She said as Zaku and Dosu didn't care one bit as both of them grinned as Zaku sent a boulder at Shikamaru and Ino's body as he threw it at them by using air pressure as it hit them both as Ino was hurt as She was back to her real body as blood trickled on her mouth as Shikamaru broke his Jutsu as he held Ino as Choji and Sakura couldn't believe what happened

Dosu: "We weren't here for the scrolls nor participating this test" He said as everyone was dumbfounded as Sasuke's body was starting to show a purple aura around his body as Neji and Tenten showed up on top of a tree

Neji: "I don't like this at all, You minor sound ninja's, You think bullying a second rate guys and on airs like a winner, And that kid with the bowl haircut is on our team, But..." Neji said as he activated his Byakugan

Neji: "But you messed with him, Didn't you?!" He said angrily as he looked at the scared Dosu and Zaku with his Byakugan

Neji: "If your going to continue, Then i'll fight with full strength" He said as Tenten also was ready but Neji *Gasp* as Tenten looked at him

Tenten: "What's wrong Neji-kun?" She asked as Neji didn't reply 'This Chakra' thought Neji

Dosu: "If you don't like us then come down here" Dosu said

Neji: "No, Because there's no need for that" Neji said as everyone turned there attention to Sasuke as he was enveloped in a purple aura as rocks and pebbles circled around him as his hands were in front of him as it stood motionless as his legs are spread out

Sakura: "Sasuke-kun! Your awake...huh?" Sakura said noticing Sasuke's different aura than before as Shikamaru, Choji and the sound ninja were very scared as cold sweats run through them.

Meanwhile with Naruto

Naruto: "Sasuke's up! Alright what should my entrance be "What happened here?" or "Ara ara, What did i miss?" hey Kyuubi which one should i use?" I asked Kurama

Kurama: "Well hmmm about stop your nonsense and go fucking save them brat" He said as he ended the connection

Naruto: "...ok" I said as i decided to use the first one as i waited for the right moment to step in.

Back with the fight

As they looked at Sasuke, There was a glow of the left side of Sasuke's body as it shined brightly as he finally stood up properly

Sasuke: "Sakura...Who did this to you?" He said coldly as his eyes turned into a two-tomoe Sharingan as black marks appeared on his left side from his hands to his face

Sasuke: "Who did it?!" He asked impatiently 'The Curse Mark!' Dosu thought as he looked at Sasuke

Sakura: "Sasuke...that marks" She said as Sasuke examined a new feeling of power running through his veins

Sasuke: "Don't worry, It's giving me power, It's flowing in my system, Now i feel good" He said

Sasuke: "That guy gave this to me, Now i understand...im an avenger, In the future i need power, Even if it means giving myself to the devil"

Sasuke: "Sakura, Tell me...who hurt you" Sasuke said as Sakura was reluctant to say anything

Zaku: "I did" Zaku suddenly said as Sasuke glared at him with his Sharingan eyes as he faced him

Shikamaru: "Hey Choji! Come here, It's not safe there" He said as Choji went back to the bushes with Ino and Shika as they focused back to Sasuke as the black marks glowed again as it covered his whole face now 'H-his Chakra is too big' Dosu thought

Zaku: "Dosu, This half dead bastard is nothing to be scared of" He said

Dosu: "No you Baka, You don't understand"

Zaku: "I'll take care of all of them in one fell swoop! Super Sonic Slicing Wave" He said as a wave of sharp air charged at Sasuke as everyone covered their ears for dear life except me

After the Jutsu subsided, Zaku was breathing heavily as he smirked

Zaku: "Heh, He must have been blown to pieces"

Sasuke: "Who did?" Sasuke said as he smacked him in the face causing him to fly towards Dosu

Dosu: "Zaku!" He said as Zaku held his breath

Dosu: "He's fast, He took in that girl in a blink of an eye" He said looking at Sasuke as he started making handsigns

Sasuke: "Fire Release: Phoenix Flower" He said as balls of fire rushed at Zaku

Zaku: "Don't push your luck" He said as he released another air pressure sound towards the fire balls, Little did he know that when the flame subdued, Shurikens could be seen as it hit Zaku all over his body

Dosu: "Below you!" Dosu shouted as Sasuke immediately appeared beneath him as Sasuke held his two arms as his leg was pushed behind his back 'Is that Sasuke-kun' Ino and Sakura thought as Sasuke smirked

Sasuke: "It seems you're proud of your arms" He said as he pushed his legs harder into his back while he pulled his arms as Zaku felt that his arms will break anytime

Zaku: "S-stop it" Zaku desperately pleaded him as Sasuke pushed more force into his back as Zaku screamed in pain

Zaku: "AHHHHHH!" As Sakura *Gasped* as Sasuke kept pushing and pulling his arms until there was a sound of cracking as Sasuke let go of him as Zaku was unconscious as he turned his head towards Dosu

Sasuke: "Your the last one, Entertain me more" He said as Sasuke made his way toward's him 'This can't be him' thought Sakura

Sakura: "Stop Sasuke-kun!" She said as she grabbed his arm and locked it with hers as Sasuke looked at Sakura with his eyes as her eyes were filled with tears as it went down her face

Sakura: "Please, Stop" She said calmly to him as the Curse Mark withdraw as Sasuke fell butt first to the ground as Sakura aidded him

Dosu: "Sasuke...your strong, Please let us go, I'll give you our scroll for compensation" He said as he laid the scroll on the ground as he was about to get his teammates but.

Naruto: "What happened here?" I said as everyone looked at me as i looked at Dosu

Naruto: "Hey you, You did this?" I said to him coldly as he could sense that if he didn't say anything he be ded son

Dosu: "Y-yes" He stuttered

Naruto: "It seem's that you've done some damage to my friends" I said as i looked at him, Unleashing enough Killing intent to scare him

Dosu: "P-please let us go" He said as i didn't respond as i was walking my way towards him

Naruto: "You think i would let you get away for what you have done" I said as grabbed my Bo Staff as i held it, Ready to kill him at any moment

Sakura: "Naruto stop! It's over" She said as i ignored her.


Meanwhile with team 8

Kiba: " *Sniff* *Sniff* Hey i could smell Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, And there's team 10 as well" Kiba said to Shino and Hinata

Shino: "I never taught that they would worked together" He said as Hinata nodded as Kiba *Gasped*

Hinata: "W-what is it Kiba-kun?" She said

Kiba: "Let's go to them, I smell blood" He said s both of them tensed

Hinata: "A-are you s-sure Kiba-kun that y-you smell b-blood?" She asked ad Kiba nodded

Shino: "Let's have a look then" Shino said as both of them agreed as they went to our direction

Sometime later they arrived near team 10 as they noticed them

Kiba: "Hey guys, What's happening here?" Kiba said quietly to them

Shikamaru: "A bunch of sound ninja came and attacked Sakura while Sasuke was unconscious" He said as Ino and Choji nodded as they were surprised

Shino: "Where is Naruto?" After Shino said that i made my entrance as they all looked at me

Ino: "It's Naruto!" Ino said as Hinata smiled 'Naruto-kun'

As sometime passed i was now angry as i walked towards Dosu as Sakura tried to stop me but nothing worked as i continued to walk at him

Ino: "W-we need to stop him, Shikamaru you have any ideas?" Ino said as Shika got nothing

Shikamaru: "This is my first time seeing him this mad before" He said as Choji nodded as Hinata got worried at him


Back with Naruto

Naruto: "Hahaha" I chuckled at him, Loving his scared face as i made it in front of him

Naruto: "Now to finish you" I said as i held my Bo Staff up as i was about to swing at him but Hinata hugged me from the side as i turned towards her

Hinata: "N-Naruto-kun please l-let him be" She said as she looked at me with those beautiful eyes of hers as i put back my Bo Staff ' I was just gonna knock him out, I guess my acting skills are great too' i thought as i looked at Dosu

Naruto: "Get your teammates and leave" I said as he immediately nodded and got his teammates as he left

Naruto: "Sorry about that" I said to her as she started crying 'Aghh what did i do?' i thought as i tried to calm her down as she hugged me harder as i brushed her hair

After awhile she calmed down as i wiped her remaining tears left

Naruto: "Come on Hinata-chan" I said as she nodded as he let go of me as she blushed as Sasuke was unconscious again as the others showed up as we talked for a little bit as my clones came back with a heaven scroll but we already have one so i gave the scroll to team 8 as they were missing a heaven scroll as team 10 had the heaven and earth scroll already.

Naruto: "You two should get Lee" I said as Neji and Tenten showed as they picked up Lee but not before Neji giving me a stare as they left as Hinata was shaking as i held her hands as she looked at me

Naruto: "It's gonna be alright" I said to her as she blushed

Naruto: "Come on guys, Let's get to the tower" I said as all of them nodded as my clone carried Sasuke as we made our way to the tower.

[First 3k word chapter, Hope ya enjoy]