
Reincarnated in Naruto without cheats

This is a naruto fanfiction about Asahi which will try to get strong in the Naruto Universe without any cheats to protect his love ones and to be prepared for what is to come in the future . --------------------------------------------------------------------- It is my first time writing a novel and english is just my second language so you can expect some grammer mistakes which i am sorry about. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I would love some critique but please no hate. I try to upload twice a week and each chapter with 1500-2000 words. I wish you a lot of fun reading this book. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ***I do not claim to own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.***

Luzero · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: First time meeting the main cast

#Timeskip 3 Years#

Protagonist POV:

Nine years have passed since I arrived at this world and three years since I started attending the academy. The academy was not as boring as I first thought it would be. I already trained my chakra control before the academy started but what I couldn't learn myself was how to manipulate chakra with hand seals. I tried it a few times alone but just couldn't do it.

In the academy they showed us how to do exactly that and also showed us the three academy jutsu which are the body replacement technique, transformation technique and the clone technique which I can to perfectly. I even trained the body replacement technique so much, that I can do it with only one hand seal and not the original five.

I could also reduce the required hand seals from the clone technique from three to two and the transformation technique from three to one. I can really say I am proud of this achievement.

But that was it not all. I also started to attend kenjutsu classes which I was surprisingly really talented for what I didn't expect myself since I never touched a sword before. Still, I didn't stop to train with my kunais for close combat since I don't want to be too depended on a sword.

The martial arts which I got from my father was more complex than I first thought. After I was done with the first book my mother brought me a second one and said that there were six level for these martial arts and I only am on the second one halfway through right now.

My chakra control got much better and I can now run on water without problem and I trained even more that I also could to it just subconsciously. Would be pretty bad if I was in a fight on water and couldn't concentrate on the fight because I need half my attention to just not drown.

Of course, only I know of these achievements of mine. In school I only showed so much that I was in the top 5 of my class which needs to be said is not the strongest one in this year.

Even with all these little power ups I am still only as strong as a newly graduated student maybe a little stronger since I also follow a strict workout routine and because of that my body is stronger than from other kids my age.

Still, I don't want to get overconfident with just this little strength since in this world there are so strong monster which could kill me with a flick of their fingers. So, it is better to see the big picture and don't become too confident because overconfidence can get you killed really fast.

As I was in my thoughts and looking out of the window, I see some familiar faces which I know from the anime. I can see Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Hinata, Ino, Sakura and all the other ones.

(Right today is the beginning of a new schoolyear so I will now be in my fourth year so only two more years and I finally am a ninja. So, it looks like they will start school this year which will give me a three-year gap to learn all I can. But is a three-year gap really enough to get strong enough for what is to come in the future?)

As I was thinking about what the future will hold for me the teacher comes in the class and starts the class. And what should I say it is just boring, all we talk about is how great the hokages were and what they achieved. We also talk about the wars and how we all won them and how all the other villages started the wars too manipulated these children minds to think that Konoha was never the one in fault. I was going out of the classroom and see Naruto following Sakura in the hallway.

(Seems like he still loves Sakura even in this world. I just don't know what he sees in her, she always insults him and never gave him a chance. Mmmh oh there is Sasuke and he even talks to someone. Seems like he wasn't such an emo before the clan massacre. Well, let's go home mom is waiting.)

After dinner I was training in our garden on my kenjutsu basics which I wanted to perfect, because if you have the basics perfected you can start to develop your own kenjutsu style which fits perfectly to yourself. Many people think that the basics are boring but will hit a bottleneck in kenjutsu after a while because they didnt train the basics enough and I don't want that to happen to me.

When I finished my kenjutsu training after three hours I was hungry again and went to Ichiraku Ramen where I am now in a strange situation. On my left sits Naruto which just finished his third bowl of Ramen and on my right side sits Hinata, because she is too shy to sit beside Naruto.

(Ahh, I feel like a third wheel, this silence is really uncomfortable and Hinata`s stares at Naruto beside me. I wanted to have a cool first encounter we the main characters and not such an awkward one.)

"Hey aren't you two new students at the academy?" I ask Naruto and Hinata. "Yes of course, but how do you know?" questions me Naruto. "Well, I am now a fourth-year student and I saw you this morning through the windows and just wanted to ask how the first school day was for you."

"The first day was really cool, but there is this Sasuke which all girls are liking even Sakura" he says to me while grinding his teeths. "And how was the first day for you?" I look at Hinata and ask her. "Umm umm i-it was g-g-good. I-I now have a few more f-friends." She answers me.

(Is she stuttering so much because I am a stranger to her or is it because of Naruto or was she like that to all people when she was a child. I can't really remember anymore how exactly she was like as a child.)

"Well, that's good isn't it. I need to go now my mom must be waiting for me to get home and good luck on your test tomorrow and thanks for the good food Teuchi-Oji" I say goodbye to them and go home.

#Timeskip 1 and ½ Years later#

In the last one and a half year I got stronger and now it is only half a year till I can become a ninja. In this half year I think I can still rise my strength to the beginner chunnin level but I can be not so sure about it because I never fought against one.

I only ever fight against the kids in my class and they are not so strong so I can't really say on what a level I am right now. But with 12 years chunnin level is still something which I can be proud of since I don't have such massive talents like Kakashi, Minato, Itachi, Naruto or Sasuke.

My training plan is really strict to do the most of the time that I have till I become a ninja and need to face death situations many times.

My kenjutsu basics are perfect and I started to create my own kenjutsu style. I am still at the beginning of it but I already know how I want it. Fast, silent and deadly. No need for unnecessary flashy moves which have no real use.

I also trained my Iaido (the Art of sword drawing) which I will use to quickly defeat weaker opponents to spare my stamina in longer fights.

My close combat also is really good now and I could defeat anyone in my class without any problems with it. I am now in the middle of the third chapter from the books which my father left behind.

I really need to say that this martial arts from my father is a really good one. It uses speed and faints to confuse your enemy and when any opening is seen to strike it with your full speed and power to deal the most damage possibly.

My kunai and shuriken throwing are on a really high level but I still can't do the things which Itachi did with letting kunais hit each other to change the direction and still hit all bullseye perfectly. Only 25% of my tries are perfect the rest is just garbage.

My relationship with Naruto and the other ones got better in the last year and a half but I am not really in their friend circle since I don't want to face all the trouble which they will bring with them. Even Sasuke speaks with me sometimes even though it is only rarely.

As I was walking to the academy, I hear people speaking "Did you hear, yesterday the whole Uchiha clan got massacred" "No not the whole the youngest son of Fukagu Uchiha is still alive. I think his name was Sasuke Uchiha" "Oh no this little child will now be alone in this world."

(So, it really happened in this world, the Uchiha Massacre. Well, nothing I could have done against it I am still too weak to do anything about it. Seems like class today will not be as boring as it normally is.)

When I arrived at my place in the classroom the teacher comes in the class with a gloomy look (Seems like he knows already and will need to tell us about it today.)

"Sensei where is Rui, Kurusaki and Kageyama?" I hear a girl ask my teacher. "Well class I will need to tell you all about something which happened yesterday night and it will also answer your question where they are. Yesterday the whole Uchiha clan got massacred from one of there one, Itachi Uchiha. He likely also killed Rui, Kurusaki and Kageyama."

(Wow, he just said it straight to the class. Thought he would speak first about other things too distract us.)

"Whhhaattttt?!?! Sensei this cant be true?!?!" nearly the whole class shouts. "How can one person kill the whole Uchiha clan?" asked one Nara kid which I now know his name is Daichi Nara. "I also couldn't believe it when I heard it. Itachi Uchiha is a monster to not only kill his whole clan but to also have the strength to do it. He really is one of a kind genius but now he will be the enemy of our village sadly.", says my teacher.

As the day passed and the teacher answering all the questions from the students, he let us go home earlier for today. On the way home I see Naruto standing on the street and looking like a lost child.

"Hey Naruto what's up?" I ask him as I walk up to him. "I want to go to Sasuke and ask him how he is but I don't know if he would want me to go to him right now.", he answers with a gloomy look.

"Well, you will never know if he wants you to come to him since you cant read his mind or something like that. But I think he would really need a friend right now which can help him to go through this." I say to him and I can see how his eyes now got fire in them.

"Yes, I will support him now and help him but don't say anything to him, I font want him to know that I worry about him. He would only laugh at me because of it.", says Naruto as he starts to run to the hospital to visit Sasuke.

(Well, lets see how the future will be for Sasuke in this world. Will he overcome his lust of for revenge or will he fall for this lust like in the anime? Many questions but no answers.) I think as I turn around and start going home.

I finished this chapter much sooner then I thought I would. Because of this I upload it today. I will still try to finish another two chapters which then will be for next week. When excatly they will come out next week, I dont know.

I hope you will enjoy this chapter.

PS: I am sorry for the two timeskips but I just dont know how I could make the academy days any interesting.

Next chapter he will get in a team and get an jonnin instructor which is also in the Anime. So maybe some of you may guess who it is.

I wish all of you a good day.

Luzerocreators' thoughts