
Reincarnated in Naruto with the Blood of the Starscourge

"Fark this GAME!! All you do is enemy spam!" Levin had had enough playing his current addiction Elden ring for more than 48 hours straight. He wasn't particularly good at it but he kept trying. This was until he met a particular set of bosses who thrived on overwhelming the MC with attacks and numbers. To keep himself calm throughout, he had played his favorite anime Naruto in the background. After giving up for the night, he fell asleep and woke up to a goddess staring at him. "I'll be quick mortal, you can be reincarnated in Elden Ring or Naruto with...." The goddess began. "NARUTO!!!!" Levin yelled out instinctually. *Elden Ring Naruto Crossover *No Harem *Reduction of Alien Presence in the story if you know what I mean. *MC is powerful but definitely defeatable, will lose if he fights an incompatible opponent or fights above his league. *The first portion of the story (10 chapters) is a bit meme heavy and doesn't take itself to seriously. The story starts getting more serious after. The novel has a Ko-fi account now by the way. If you guys like the novel, please consider leaving a review and rating or donating Ko-fi tips to show your support.  https://ko-fi.com/rammyboyz Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from OCs used here.( Cover, Art, characters, or setting. )

RammyBoyz · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Changes/Special Graduation Exam

*5 Years pass

A violet haired boy was about to enter the academy for what was likely going to be one of his last times as a student. The boy had a rugged but handsome face and was a bit tall for his age, more importantly he was also quite noticeably buff.

(Author's note: Funny story, I actually looked up "buff 10 year olds" and found a famous kid who's physique was wild. His name is Ryusei Imai and I'm linking a picture of his physique in this paragraph comment for reference. For comparison, Tora is slightly bigger, but his muscles aren't as defined or as lean.)

Tora reflected on the friendships he formed over the years and some of fun moments he had. He was able to build a good relationship with the Konoha 12 and was at least amicable with all of them on a personal level.

Particularly, he remembered inventing and getting destroyed by Shikamaru in chess.

'Sigh, I though I really had a chance in chess, since Shikamaru had to learn on the fly. Then again maybe goddess was on to something when she said that I was being way too overconfident in my 1000 elo rating.' (Author's note: a 1000 rating basically puts you in around the average chess player category. For MOBA players it basically like silver-bronze/Guardian-High Herald.)

Speaking of the goddess, they would have conversations throughout the years, but she stopped interjecting in his mind to explain things about the world. She explained that she felt she was being too hands on in his 2nd life and wanted him to experience the world with his own eyes and thoughts. Thus whenever they talked, they would only usually talk about leisure topics rather than serious ones. Sometimes, Tora would debate her regarding best husbandos, waifus, and power-scaling.

Aside from Shikamaru, he also tried to convince Kiba that his heightened sense of smell could be a detriment in a fight if he wasn't careful; but Kiba was in denial of this. Tora sighed and hoped his experience with Naruto in the future chunin exams would change his mind.

Tora then began walking to the classroom. He hadn't yet informed everyone that he was graduating 2 years ahead of them. As he walked inside he saw the biggest change he caused in the past 5 years so far, it was Naruto and Hinata talking with blushed faces. As much as he enjoyed the shy girl and oblivious boy routine in the story, he learned that he couldn't actually deal with it when it occurred in real life in front of him.

Thus, he went to Hinata and told her he noticed her crush on Naruto. He also informed her of the obliviousness of Naruto, and suggested she be more bold in talking to him. It took an excruciating number of times, but he was able to get Hinata to speak to Naruto more often and in a less shy manner. Naruto was at first confused, but after some light explanation from Tora, he suddenly started blushing intensely. That happened a few months ago, and it seemed that the two puppies are finally developing their relationship. Tora wasn't sure if it would end-up like in the story, but at least they didn't beat around the bush as much.

Additionally, he even suggested Naruto invite Hinata to his training sessions, which Naruto thought was a good idea, and Hinata accepted. Tora was hoping this would help Hinata grow stronger, especially if Lady Tsunade or Hiruzen took an interest in her. Hinata was already more confident now that she had succeeded in getting Naruto to notice her, hopefully this would translate to strength.

He ignored the two love birds and decided to continue walking to his seat. While on the way there, he nodded at Choji who was eating beside a sleeping Shikamaru. Once he got to his seat, he couldn't help but overhear Ino and Sakura bickering about Sasuke.

Unfortunately for both of them, though Sasuke wasn't consumed by vengeance in this timeline, he was still busy trying to get stronger to impress his big brother Itachi. At this point in time, Sasuke really wouldn't pay attention to them unless they cleared a strength threshold, though he would be nicer to them since he didn't experience tragic trauma.

'I hope this plan works, I feel like it would really help with the side quest. Now that I see them in person, I kinda feel like a douche for judging them. Sigh... I'll try to be as nice as possible.'

Before continuing his plan, he looked back Naruto who finished his talk with Hinata. Now, Naruto was crouching on Sasuke's desk bickering with him about some random topic. Tora actually found it comical how often this specific scene happened. He wondered if Naruto just liked crouching on Sasuke's desk. In a bit they would have an argument and they would end-up staring closely at each other again for an awkwardly long period of time. When Tora noticed this quirk of theirs, he became more confident in his plan.

"Hey Ino, Sakura." Tora said with a smile.

Both girls who were arguing turned to Tora.

"Oh hey Tora, do you need anything?" Ino returned his greeting. Both Ino and Sakura were generally nice to Tora. Though they did end-up being bossy sometimes, Tora could still bear it.

"Well, I just overheard your conversation about Sasuke... And it seemed like you guys were boasting about who could get a kiss from Sasuke first."

When both girls heard this they both started blushing realizing how loud they were talking.

"Ye-yeah... What about it." Sakura asked.

"Well, I'm worried for both of you because it feels like Sasuke isn't really interested in romance right now. To be honest it feels like Naruto has a better chance of getting Sasuke's first kiss than you guys." Tora said with an awkward pitying smile.

"What!?" Both Ino and Sakura yelled out.

"Watch what you say Tora!"

"Yeah those are fighting words!"

'Maybe it's these two who have sound kekkei genkai and not the Uzumaki Clan, the decibels they reach are impressive.' Tora closed one eye in pain. This pain was needed to provoke their competitiveness however. They couldn't believe that someone believed in Naruto more than them.

"I mean, I'm just stating an opinion. I can even bet on it if you want." Tora said while rubbing his ear that just got attacked by shout jutsu.

"Oh yeah?"

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is."


"Sigh, how about this. I bet that Naruto will get to kiss Sasuke and I become a genin before either of the two of you kiss Sasuke. If I win, you two will stop bothering Sasuke until your chunins and learn advanced medical ninjutsu." Tora, had initiated step one of his evil plan.

"Huh, that doesn't sound too bad." Sakura replied.

"Yeah, but what do we get if you lose?" Ino then asked.

"Hmm, I'll pay for clothes, ninja gear, ninja supplies, and food for a month when were genins."

The two girls thought of this. Once they become genins, it was expected for them to buy their own ninja gear and supplies, the clothes and food were nice too. They both looked at each other then turned to Tora.

"You got a deal!" Ino said.

"You better get your wallet ready Mr clan heir!" Sakura then added.

'Sigh, they should stop believing in deals that are too good to be true.'

"Alright then. I hope you keep your word as kunoichi then, I'll keep mine as a fellow shinobi." Tora smiled.

"Of course we will, right Ino?" Sakura somewhat provoked, fires back.

"Yup! Just be sure to not run once you have to spend your clan funds." Ino then delivered a confident declaration.

"Okay then." Tora then turned towards Naruto and Sasuke, who as planned, were staring deeply into each other eyes with their faces close again.

Tora quickly makes a hand seal.

"Starscourge Jutsu: Starcaller" Tora quietly muttered.

After repeated training, he was finally able to set the epicenter of the gravitational field elsewhere besides himself. Though currently, this severely decreased the strength and radius of the gravitational pull. Luckily, Sasuke and Naruto were in a precarious position. Tora placed the epicenter of the gravity field in between their faces and calculated where their lips met.

Just as planned, once the jutsu activated in a non-descript manner. They were both pulled towards each other slightly and they lost their balance. This ended with their lips touching for a few good seconds just like in the story. Everyone who saw this, including Ino and Sakura, were stunned for a few seconds. Hinata who was standing nearby started blushing intensely.

'Oh yikes, I'm sorry Hinata. I'll pay for you and Naruto's ramen when the time comes.'

Tora then turned to the two girls.

"Well, what do you know. I knew that would eventually happen. They really should stop doing that position, they were kinda tempting fate there." Tora, our sly bastard, pretended he had nothing to do with this. He had worked on his proficiency in starscourge jutsu and chakra control throughout the years of training. He was at the point where he could hide his jutsu from academy-level ninjas. Thus, it looked like Naruto had lost his balance and fell onto Sasuke.

Ino and Sakura were still in shock. Eventually Sakura turned to Tora.

"We-well one of us just has to kiss Sasuke before we all graduate then."

"Ye-yeah, we just have to up our game and move quickly."

'Damn, what are 10 year olds thinking in Naruto. When I was ten I just wanted to kick a ball around and pretend play Digimon.'

Tora just gave them a helpless smile and shrugged. It was at that moment Iruka-sensei entered the classroom.

"Settle down class. We're going to start class now." Iruka announced.

Once everyone seated, Iruka made an announcement that shocked the class.

"Before we begin, I have an announcement everyone. Tora, your application for early graduation has been approved. Please report to the academy grounds now. Whatever happens, this is already a great achievement and we are all proud of you." Iruka smiled proudly.

Sasuke and Naruto were shocked more than when they had kissed earlier.

The same was true for Ino and Sakura, who realized that it was likely they were scammed by Tora.

Tora could only smile, shrug his shoulders, and put up his arms innocently.

*At the Academy grounds.

The new Hokage, Tsunade, was waiting for him. After a few years, Tsunade finally got around to becoming the new Hokage. With Danzo and the elders gone, no one could deny the clan head of the Senju.

"Good morning Hokage-sama." Tora greeted Tsunade formally.

Tsunade smiled.

"Don't be so stiff Tora. You won't get extra points for politeness."

"Yes Lady Tsunade." Tora replied after bowing.

"Are you ready?" Tsunade asked/

Tora nodded.

"Good... I already know that you reached the requirements of genin long ago so there is no need to test that. Now, we just have to test one extra thing for this graduation exam."

Tora who remembered one of their first conversations, smiled and nodded his headed.

He proceeded to go into a defensive position, and raise his arms to block.

Tsunade seeing this, smiled and quickly threw a punch at Tora's block.


A cloud of dust was pushed into the air has he was pushed across the training field to the end of the academy grounds. He was a little dusty and his forearms that he used to block hurt like hell, but he was otherwise fine.

'Guh, it's a good thing that that punch wasn't enhanced by chakra. Damn, her physical strength is monstrous. How is Jiraiya still alive?' Tora marveled at the durability of the toad sage to be repeatedly beaten by Tsunade over the years.

The dust settled and Tora walked back towards Tsunade who was looking proudly at him.

"Congratulations Tora, you are now a genin of the hidden leaf." She said as she handed him his Konoha headband.

"We will discuss specifics later, but first. Here is your graduation gift from all your teachers."

Tsunade then summoned a weapon scroll and handed it to him.

Tora opened and activated it, and out came a large japanese style sword that was as tall as Tsunade.

"Ah an Odachi" Tora recognized the japanese greatsword, though he noticed it was much thicker than realistic Odachis. It was perfect for his strength-based build.

"Thank you Lady Tsunade."

"No thanks, is needed. Just be ready to report for your first mission when I call for you. I assume your plan is to join the genin corp so you have more freedom in choosing missions?"

"Yes Lady Tsunade." Tora affirmed her supposition.

"Alright, you are dismissed genin Tora. Head home, I'm sure your parents would like to celebrate as well."

Tora nodded and left the training grounds. Before he left he checked on the first grade class and saw his two sisters Ayaka and Aiya, smiling and enjoying class.

Afterwards, he headed home to and was greeted by parents who had just learnt the news of his early graduation. They hugged him tightly and said how proud they were of him.

Then they handed him his graduation gift.

First was a summoning scroll. They explained to Tora that their clan had the ability to summon different beasts from the stars. However, they warned him that there was a wide variety of things that could be summoned, and that some of them needed to be tamed through force.

Tora was excited about this, he felt that he could perhaps get a Kirin or maybe naruto's version of a star beast.

And last, his mother and father handed to him a grandfather's hoshigakure headband which Tora started to tear up while holding.

After, shedding some tears, he thanked his parents and hugged them.

*The day after.

He reported to Tsunade's office.

"Genin Tora, reporting for duty Hokage-sama." Tora said proudly as he wore his Konoha headband on his forehead with a Hoshigakure headband across his arm.

Author's Corner.

Hey Guys!

In this chapter, we time-skipped to Tora's graduation. We didn't delve too deeply into the events that happened while he was there since it felt like it would start to drag but hopefully it was enough to show that Tora had at least a passable relationship with everyone.

As you saw, I'm making Tora join the genin corp so that he can choose his own missions at his own pace. He already has a good relationship with a lot of different teachers, so he doesn't really need a dedicated teacher. Especially since he has the jounins from his clan. I was actually picking between genin corp or anbu, but I felt that the Anbu route has been done frequently already which was the deciding factor in my decision.

Also, as you might have guessed, Tora is a lot more powerful than his rank implies and is knocking on the doors of Jounin. I decided to increase his progression rate a bit so that he can be a factor during the Konoha crush arc.

For the next chapters I want to to show a few of Tora's missions, and his training before we skip to the start of the initial story.

Thanks for reading!

The novel has a Ko-fi account now by the way. If you guys like the novel, please consider leaving a review and rating or donating Ko-fi tips to show your support. 


RammyBoyzcreators' thoughts