
Reincarnated in Naruto with Superman Template

Rajpatidar · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Don't Have Chakra?

The Country of Wind, Sand Ninja Village, and Sand Bath.

There are very few guests in the sand bath on

Hell difficulty.

Because most people will be dissuaded by the unbearable high-temperature steam just by approaching it.


A figure is swimming in the sand waves!

"Idiot, this is not the place for you to swim."

"I'm going to pass out from the heat, who is so arrogant and still swimming here?"

Sand Ninja Baki showed expressions of astonishment.

Only the elite Jonin Baki, who often comes to the sand bath, enjoys rare leisure time alone by the pool.

I saw a sassy-looking black-haired boy emerging from the sand bath.

"Yo, Mr. Baki, we meet again."

Seeing that the boy's skin had already been tanned to be a healthy tan, Baki asked thoughtfully, ", Haruto I remember you challenged the Devil's Bath for the first time half a month ago, right?"

The boy named Haruto nodded, and then showed a big smile, which was very dazzling in the backlight.

"Nani, have you adapted to the difficulty of hell in half a month?!"

"Monster, I secretly used Chakra to increase my activity before I dared to set foot in this pool..."

"Whose crazy boy is this?"

Hearing the comments from the people around, Haruto smiled without saying a word, put on his bathrobe by himself, said goodbye to Baki and left.

"Baki, how come I've never seen him?"

"You mean Haruto? He has been in the village for almost a year."

Baki dealt with his companions one after another.

"Have you investigated his identity?"

Baki shook his head, and at the same time grabbed a handful of hot sand and rubbed it on his chest, with a healed expression on his face.

"It's suspicious, I'll check it out..."

A tall and short-tempered Jonin stood up.

"It's not necessary, I tested Haruto, he doesn't have chakra in his body."

After hearing Baki's words, the others let down their guard.

"Civilian? Cut, I thought it was Konoha's ninja..."

"Why Konoha?"

"Because of his smile, I felt the same way for a moment just now."

Having said that, they looked helpless at the cruel world where the wind and sand danced in front of them.

Baki doesn't care if Haruto is a Konoha ninja.

It's just a pity that such a determined young man can't use chakra.

Walking out of the bathing place, Haruto wore clothes and hurriedly disappeared into the deserted street with few people.

"Night patrols have been strengthened again..."

Outside the sand ninja village, Haruto was hiding in the sand dunes, observing the actions of the sand ninjas, when a toad suddenly jumped out beside him.

"The technique of toad concealment?"

Before Haruto finished hearing, a hand stretched out from Toad's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a tall man with a white hedgehog head crawled out!

"It's coming, it's just in time."

"Oh, Haruto, long time no see."

The speaker was Jiraiya the Toad Sage known as one of the Konoha Sannin.

"One year..."

Before Haruto finished speaking, Jiraiya also suddenly shot five shurikens at him!

Up, down, left, and right, instantly blocked all possible dodging directions for him.

Jiraiya reacted extremely quickly, sweeping up the gravel on the ground with his legs.

The gravel immediately formed a strong sand blade that cut off all the shurikens! "The big whirlwind of Konoha!"

Haruto quickly switched from defense to offense, and first used the lower kick to fly towards Jiraiya, his body rotated at high speed in the air to switch to the upper kick, and in the blink of an eye, his heel hit the top of Jiraiya's head!

"Haruto, your speed has increased again, but you're a bit off the mark!"

Jiraiya blocked Haruto's kicking technique with his left arm, and hit the gap exposed by Haruto's body with his right fist! "It's not over yet... Rigid Tornado..."

Haruto instantly exerted force on his back and forcibly changed his attack direction. The kicked left leg was pulled back sharply, and the hidden right leg completed a roundabout kick from behind and hit Jiraiya's neck!

Click, it's not a human bone, but the sound of wood breaking! "Substitute?"

Haruto didn't wait to stand still, turned around and kicked straight, and his left foot stopped right in front of Jiraiya who was holding a shuriken and was about to attack.

"Not bad, Haruto, you've grown a lot this year."

Jiraiya smiled and retracted his shuriken, and sat down on the cool sand dune at night.

Haruto sighed, because he accidentally Reincarnated to the world of Naruto, and he knew that Jiraiya had also released the water, his system was locked, without chakra boost activity, without eight doors of armor, just relying on the fist will always be second-rate.

Jiraiya also saw through Haruto's thoughts, and couldn't help frowning as he recalled the first time he met him...

"Jiraiya, Haruto is my grandson, but I don't have time to train him, please take him out to practice."

The third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi bowed his head to his disciple Jiraiya for the first time.

Seeing the teacher making such a gesture, Jiraiya would certainly not refuse.

But he later discovered that Haruto Sarutobi, the grandson of the third generation known as the professor of ninjutsu and the successor of the Sarutobi clan, turned out to be a rare chakra-free person!

"It's no wonder that the third generation concealed the birth of his eldest grandson... Just as there was a conflict with kumogakure , a chakra-less successor is really bad for morale..."

Jiraiya also thought of this, and asked casually, "What do you know?"

"I know basic physical skills, disguise, eavesdropping, assassination and shuriken..."

Nine-year-old Haruto had no confidence when speaking.

Jiraiya also directly ignored Sarutobi Haruto's words, and instead suggested to Sarutobi Hiruzen, "If you want to practice physical skills, why don't you hand him over to Teacher Chen."

"I've already approached Mr. Chen, that stubborn old man refused to accept as his apprentice..."

When Sarutobi Hiruzen said this, he didn't mean to complain, but just felt that his grandson was humiliated for nothing.

"Because there is no chakra, even if you practice physical skills, you will not make great progress."

Just after Jiraiya said this, the corner of Hiruzen's mouth twitched, he jumped over suddenly, and smashed the wall brick next to Jiraiya's head with a punch!

I saw Hiruzen Sarutobi whispering in Jiraiya's ear with a distorted expression like a devil, "Jiraiya, I didn't ask you to take Haruto as a disciple."

"I'm asking you to help him find a physical technique suitable for those without chakra."

"Speaking of it, I'm your teacher, so he's your cute little junior. Aren't you willing to help?"

"Hahaha, Sensei's business is my business!"

"If I can't find a suitable method for him to practice, I will never come back to the village!!!"

Seeing the 'friendly' Sarutobi-sensei, a line of cold sweat flowed down Jiraiya's forehead.

"Can you really find it?"

On the second day, Jiraiya and Haruto embarked on a day of traveling in the ninja world with such doubts.

Five years later, the third ninja world war broke out. Although Haruto had grown a lot, he couldn't find a way to improve his combat power without chakra.

In order to protect Haruto, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not recall Jiraiya, but let them hide in the dark to deliver key information.

Until entering the Land of Wind, Haruto pointed out that the environment of Sand Ninja Village is very suitable for practicing martial arts, and asked to act alone.

Jiraiya also secretly protected him for a month, and later found that Haruto had disguised himself very well, so he let him practice on his own without worry.

However, Haruto's growth has exceeded Jiraiya's expectations, because he has not only improved his strength, but also seems to have found the key news to stop the war...

Jiraiya also asked seriously, "Haruto, is your information accurate?"

Haruto nodded heavily, "Sandaim Kazekage is murdered, and the murderer is the Sasori of the red sand!"