
Reincarnated in Naruto as a god

The system is unlocked when MC is 10. MC is unaware of the system's existence. The system is a boost to MC's power. The system is a kind of AI that can communicate with MC. I hope you enjoy it. Discord:https://discord.gg/gzUE7uhjnE https://www.youtube.com/@terrific-army5649

Akatsuki77 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: Healing

When I woke up I turned my head and saw Kushina checking my homework. I tried getting up but I was too injured and my body was weak. As I lay there I wondered what were my consequences going to be for running away from Kushina and not finishing my homework.

Kushina said "Oh, you're awake."

"Yes, what happened? How long was I asleep? Why can't I move?"

"Nothing much. You were asleep for 3 days and almost half the bones in your body are broken."

'NANI?! How am I even alive?'

I closed my eyes and went through my recent memories. Turns out I would have been a pancake if not for my instincts putting up a thick layer of chakra in front of me a millisecond before I slammed into the wall almost destroying the building. My reaction in words was 'What The Fu--'

Kushina asked "Izuna are you ok?"

"I am just a little sad"

"Why? Is someone bullying you?"

"No. I am just sad because I won't be able to train my shurikenjutsu for a while."

Kushina had a deadpan face and said "Bruh. YOU SCARED ME IDIOT"

"Sorry for worrying you"

Kushina then changed the topic and said "The doctors said that you'll be ok in a month or 2."

"I can't wait that long!" I said while moving my body.

'Uh oh'


Hi guys I know I have been away for a while but the next few chapters are going to be apology chapters so there will be many chapters released this week.

Thanks for supporting me bye!

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