
Reincarnated In Naruto with a Elden Ring system

This is a Naruto Fan Fic Centered Around Elden Ring Character Stats Weapons And Abilities. Chakra is used instead of fp and spells are jutsu instead. In this Story we follow a orphan named Gwyn in Naruto during the sannin period.

2_Spoons · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1

Gwyn POV

Its been six years since I was reincarnated into the world of Naruto. I remember when I first realized I was in this cursed world, but I am insanely thankful I was in this world instead of the Lands Between just thinking of that place gives me PTSD of staying up all night trying to beat pre nerf Radahn.

Anyways After Realizing I was in this world I started to abuse the fact that killing things gave me runes, during these last 2 years I started killing bugs, birds, snakes, and anything I could reasonably make myself kill without hating myself so no pets whatsoever.

Currently my stats are as followed

30 Vigor (HP) (950 )

30 Chakra (FP) (769)

25 Stamina (1246) (Endurance)

15 Strength

20 (Dexterity)

22 (Chakra Control) (Intelligence/ Faith/Arcane)

I can also buy items/spells from the shop which uses a different currency I get from also killing things called SP (Shop Points)

I saved up all of my SP to be able to spend on a Somber weapon and the one I chose is Moonveil a Katana that can output chakra in any way you can think of usually a ranged attack that extends from your swings.

The reason I chose Moonveil is because of the fact that I can still use jutsus not just elden ring abilities so I should be able to use Naruto jutsus that i remeber from the story and the fact that I can make a excuse that it is a katana with chakra conductive metal.

Small Timeskip

It has been one year since I have gotten Moonveil and since then I have been constantly upgrading my chakra control and spenging runes on it so I can properly use the Ash of War (Sending Chakra Out Of It)

I have also learned how to use the Shadow Clone Jutsu (also pretty much just multiple mimic tears) because it will further progress my training and my rune gain. Also during this last year I have signed up to be apart of the ninja academy which starts next month if I had to guess my strength is already at the level of a Genin.

Tomorrow is the first day of the academy and im looking forward to learning what the academy has to offer during this timeframe instead of what Naruto's Class was learned. I hope its more in depth and actually teaches the future shinobi that will be graduating during my year because of the upcoming war. And the upcoming death of The Second Hokage.

During this last week i have sneaked into training ground 44 also known as The Forest of Death. The Creatures in The Forest of Death are much stronger than any other creature in the Hidden Leaf Village. The rune count is also much more increased because the creatures can put up a fierce fight with most genins the only reason i feel comfortable fighting these creatures is because of the ability of Moonveil making it so that i can fight most creatures from a distance making most encounters for me much more trivial.

AN: This first chapter was much shorter than the future chapters i just wanted to get something out and see how people are feeling about the general idea of the story. Im most likely not going to do any romance until much later in the story. Also all weapons do not have stat requirements like Elden Ring.