
On the way to Roran

Megumi POV

Hmm...how will I store only half the things inside the storage seal without breaking them?

How does a storage seal store things in the first place?

Expanding the storage seal in my hands, I began to go through the seal and found what I already knew. It worked like a coin-sorting machine.

When unsorted coins are poured into a sorting machine, it sorts them based on the fixed sizes of coins.

An object is visually made up of various components, such as wood, iron, and glue. In chakra terms, these components refer to the different physical energies that constitute the object.

The storage seal separates energies and stores them in bags made of nature chakra combined with the shinobi's chakra.

It is like using an elemental clone jutsu to hold an object. In other words, nature chakra gives structure to the bag while the provided chakra fills the structure so that nothing flows out of it.

While extracting the item, the storage seal sends out energies the same way it had absorbed them so that they would bond together perfectly.

'So do I have to figure out how to keep chakra bags open without puncturing them to store things halfway?'

And then I can check how to transfer heat directly using physical energies.

'Hmm...let's first check the difference between hot and cold objects in a storage seal.'

Moving around the area, I collected dry branches and stored them in seals. Then using circuitry seals, noted the density and movement of the physical energy inside the storage seal.

'There is about the same amount of physical energy as the chakra I provided. And there appears to be some movement in the physical energy but not a lot.'

Making a bundle out of them, I set them on fire using dry leaves that were burnt using a spark created by doing nature transformation.

Once the fire had started and was burning in full swing, I destroyed the campfire and began to absorb the hot branches into storage seals.

'Oh!? There's more physical energy this time?'

'Is it because oxygen combined with the wood while it was burning and increased its weight?'

Moving on I began to study how the physical energy inside the chakra bags behaved.

Oh? It's just like normal matter, it gets excited when it comes in contact with heat.'

'Then do I even need to create a way for external objects to be half stored in the seal?'

'Can't I just excite the chakra bag and expect the physical energy inside to be heated?'

Let's give it a try.

Emptying the storage seals I began to pick up rocks for two reasons, one because they wouldn't catch fire and destroy the storage seal, and two because it was a closer comparison to the cement bricks I would be using it on.

The rocks were easily stored into the storage seal which I then attached to circuitry seals.

To begin, I sent pulses to the chakra bags. But within the first pulse, the piles of rocks inside the seal burst out with a bang. They had all mutated in weird ways, some turned yellow while others turned spiky and green. And one even became smooth and shiny like obsidian.

'Huh? What happened?'

'Oh, I should've expected that.'

'Should I remake my seals?'

'Never mind, I know a simple solution.'

I searched for the other person who was here with me, Rura, but failed to find her so I called her using our mental connection.

'Rura! Are you free?'

'Huh? Yeah, what happened?'

'Come to me I need your chakra for an experiment.'

'Oh? Ok, one minute.'

In less than a minute Rura was already in front of me, a little sweat remained on her brows but other than that she looked fine.

"What did you do that made you sweat so much?"

"Nothing, I was just recreating the picture of Roran I remember from my trip with Naruto so that I can make as realistic an escape route as possible to leave if something goes wrong."

"Can't I just teleport us?"

"And what if that doesn't work for some reason? We're already messing with something that can bend time, no need to take unnecessary risks."

"Makes, sense. Anyway, come here once."

"What happened?" Rura asked walking over to my side when I handed her the storage seal which had a few circuitry seals drawn on the back.

"Can you pour in your chakra here, at this point? Do it randomly." I showed her the place I created to inject chakra so that the chakra bags could be excited.

"Ok." Sakura began to pour chakra into the bag while changing the pace at which she was injecting chakra, sometimes in bursts and other times like a river.

After a minute, I asked Sakura to stop.

Taking back the seal, I created a puddle of water near my feet and emptied the storage seal into it.



A burst of steam cooled down the glowing hot rock sending my mood flying to the moon.

"Oh! That was a success!"

"What happened?" Sakura asked with a curious expression.

"I was able to heat those stones! Or you were able to heat those stones!"

"Why couldn't you do it?"

"Because the storage seal used my chakra to create the storage bags. So, adding my chakra to the seal would not do anything other than allow my chakra to break the bags and pollute the physical energy."

"Ah! That makes sense, but how are you interacting with the chakra bags? They are too small for us to even see, how did you interact so perfectly with them?"

"That's easy, I use the sender's chakra to bombard the bags so that Nature Energy gets confused about what the actual structure of the bags is. Causing random distortions and, making the things inside heat up. So there is no need for any precise interaction." 

"That's clever." Sakura nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, it is, now I'm going to go and pour all my cement bricks, wanna come?"

"No. I'm going to do my heist planning. Tell me when you need to heat them, I'll join you and help you then. Until then see you!"

Sakura went to her miniature model of Roran so that we could get our large source of energy easily. And I left to make more cement out of the materials I had collected so that I could make bricks out of them.

A small smile made its way onto my lips as I thought about what we would be doing soon.

'This is going to be the greatest heist of the century!'

Third Person POV

Megumi stepped into a vast empty area. He used his Katana to create a large storage seal on the ground above which he created a space grid using similar seals and stepped away.

Teleporting a wallless cube filled with cement over the grid Megumi smiled. He started to pour the cement into the grid as each cell took the form of a single cement brick.

"*Phew* That was tiring."

Relaxing before starting, Megumi watched the cement settle into the grid as it buzzed on his command to help settle the cement faster and trapped air bubbles escape.

'Rura! Can I help you with something?' Megumi asked using their mental connection.

'Yes! Come here once!'

Megumi left the wet cement to dry a little so that he could place it into the storage seal and heat it. Then, he teleported to where Sakura was working on their heist plan.

Sakura weaved herself through tall towers of stones, nearly ten feet in height, running and sometimes even jumping higher using them as footholds until she spotted Megumi arriving at the base of one.

"What happened Rura?" Megumi asked Sakura who was now standing sideways on the walls of a stone tower.

"I wanted to ask you, can you teleport me to Roran for a few hours? I want to scout everything out and make sure nothing is wrong in my design since I already have a few possible methods of getting us in and out."

"I could but I haven't been there myself. But isn't it just on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind? So we can teleport very close to it and then walk or run the rest of the way. What do you say?"

"Yeah, let's do that." Sakura said as she jumped down and walked to Megumi to hold his hand.

In less time it takes to blink, Megumi teleported to the farthest he could from the Land of Fire into the Land of Wind near the border. Megumi felt normal but Sakura was clutching her stomach and wheezing because of the teleportation.

"Megi! I hope you don't make the portals in the SCP organization like this! I hate teleporting places because of this!"

"No promises, but I'll try."

Standing in a desert Megumi asked Sakura, "Which way from here dear?"

Sending him an eyeroll, Sakura pointed toward their left and they began running together in that direction.

Following Sakura's directions the duo arrived at the main pathway that took people to Roran and came across a short caravan moving towards it.

'Let's change our appearances and go to the caravan. We can sit in it and gain entry under the guise of being tourists.' Sakura spoke to Megumi using their mental connection.


Changing their appearances, Megumi teleported himself and Sakura a little ahead of the caravan on its path to Roran.

The caravan was long and filled with over forty different large carts.

"Where do you think they are going?"

"A moving circus probably?"

"You have those in this world?"

"We do, they're just incredibly rare due to bandits."

"So they have good protection in there?"

"Probably, or with these many people, it'd be hard to survive."

"Wanna watch the circus after we're done with our job?"


As the caravan approached them, Megumi raised his hand and waved at the driver, "Hey! Do you have some free space!?" Megumi shouted over the noise the horses drawing the cart were making.

"Yes! But it'll cost you two hundred Ryo!"

"Alright! We can pay that much!" Megumi shouted back since it was a very reasonable price.

The cart came to a slow stop in front of them as Megumi and Sakura caught up to it.

Climbing into the cart, Megumi passed the money to the driver in the front through the people sitting inside.

The cart had two benches placed horizontally along the walls of the cart facing each other. Megumi and Sakura sat on the right side.

The cart started to move normally once again and everything was going fine until Megumi recognized someone inside the cart.

'Rura don't look at the person on the rightmost seat in front of us.'

'Why what happened?'

'I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but the person sitting there looks a lot like Mukade Anrokuzan.'

'...show me what he looked like inside the mindscape.'


Switching to his Mindscape, Megumi, and Sakura huddled around the holographic image of Mukade Anrokuzan. 

'See isn't it Makade Anrokuzan? The antagonist of the movie Naruto Shippuden the movie: The Lost Tower.'

'Holy shit! It is him!'

'What do you want to do?'

'Kill him?'

'He hasn't committed any crimes yet though.'

'Then we can just follow him?'

'But if we follow him like Naruto did, we might end up six years after he arrives which means he would have already killed Seramu.'

'...why do you know so much of the top of your head? Shouldn't you have to look at your memories to find out?'

'...*ahem* ok so what do we do?'

'I know you don't want to kill him right now but we don't have any other option do we?'

'What if killing him disturbs the flow of time? Perhaps he has to do something before he is killed?'

'That argument would apply to anywhere in time, even after he goes backward in time!'

'Ok, how about this then, we can kill him, but only after he goes back in time. That way we can expose his threat to the queen of Roran, Seramu, and take advantage of that to gain her permission to use the dragon's core. We can warn her that her country is going to get destroyed in a future war so that she can hide along with her citizens. And maybe we can use her and her citizens in Uzushiogakure as workers for the SCP foundation?'

'It sounds good, but I don't think it'll be possible. Especially since a lot of people might result in leaks about the organization and we don't have any living spaces for them.'

'About the leakage, we can't do much but we can only reveal the secret to a few trusted people chosen by the Queen herself. And for living spaces, we can make more from the already existing rubble in Uzushiogakure.'

'And how are you going to convince her that you really are from the future and the place is going to get destroyed?'

'Hmm...How about we arrive there before Mukade and explore the destroyed areas? Then we can time travel back to the past and wait for Mukade along with the queen for proof. For more credibility, we can inform her about the secrets in those destroyed regions.

'Oh! That actually sounds like a pretty decent plan!'

'See I told you! I'm a genius!'

'Ha! Genius of fools.'



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