
A problem of Volcanic Proportions.

Sneaking about in a ghillie suit, Megumi along with Kaguya surfed around on the thick branches of trees as they moved closer and closer towards the mountain with the white smoke being released from the top.

'Why is it getting so much hotter even though there are so many plants outside everywhere?'

'Is global warming a thing on this planet too? But what's polluting it so much that it becomes so hot so soon?'

'....no there's definitely something else going on right? But….what?'

As the two of them moved closer to the volcano, they soon came across pools of lava exposed and out in the open that Megumi attributed to the sudden rise in temperature.

Megumi became very careful about moving ahead from here since all the times he had seen the fire monkeys hunt before, it had been accompanied by lava each time.

With carefully measured steps while taking care to silence his own footsteps and movements, Megumi kept a steady pace while moving towards the volcano until he stopped all of a sudden as in the distance he could spot fiery gorillas treating the pools of lava like a spa, resting and bathing inside it.


He watched on as the Volcanic gorillas spoke in grunts while making hand signs to communicate with each other while they seemed to be talking about what felt like who got the bigger catch during the hunt today.

Megumi mapped out all the lava pools and lakes that surrounded the area around the base of the mountain as he moved around them by sneaking over them through the branches that were connected with each other.

'Seems like their detection skills are pretty weak? Is that why they have fixed hunting grounds? So that they don't have to search for their prey but let it walk into their traps?'

'Hmm… so they are a little more intelligent or is it just their hunting habit?'

As Megumi and Kaguya moved deeper and deeper into the enemies territory they found absolutely huge lava pools with titanic sized Gorillas that were about nine to ten meters tall while they were seated in their pools.

'What the hell…?'

'Why isn't there any Ekoji Sorui around here? Even though there are so many Lava pools everywhere?'

Megumi tried to look and keep track of all the flora around everywhere he was going but not having found any plant that looked like Ekoji Sorui he decided to venture in a little deeper to see if he could find it there.

As soon as Megumi arrived at the base of the volcanic mountain he carefully opted to choose a branch that was closer to the ground so that he could carefully check for Ekoji Sorui and moved downward towards it as his body shivered involuntarily as if being stared down by a predator which caused him to stop and look around himself since he was feeling terrible as if something was already aware of his presence in its territory.

'...howw…? How did it find me? I wasn't touching the ground!'

'Let's just pretend to be the bush I am and move back…'

Slowly making his way back on the branch he had just dropped down from to slide back the way he had arrived, Megumi kept moving when suddenly a guttural roaring rumble lifted the entire mountain that was the volcano in to the air by a few meters.


Megumi watched in shock, horror, awe and stunned as the entire mountain shook and flew up by a few feet exposing the freely flowing magma inside and underneath it where he locked eyes with what felt like two giant pairs of white balls swimming inside the lava which went away as the mountain landed back down sending the earth shaking all through out the area as the ground nearby split everywhere spilling out lava from it causing the scene in front of Megumi in his ghillie suit to look like he had arrived at a place that closely resembled the phrase 'Hell on Earth'.

Megumi knew this was not the time to stop but he couldn't do much else after spotting several hundred hands spill out from underground through the newly opened lava pools while the ones that were already on the surface all turned their heads to look exactly at him, even though their eyes looked hollow and blinded.

'I might just be fucked.'

Silence reigned supreme, not just in and around the volcanic mountain but also through out the entire forest, every creature be it the fiery foxes that lived in the adjacent territory or those that lived in the ant hill like castle or the simpler ones like the mongoose that scuttled around or the snakes that were used to slithering around, each one had their motions come to a halt as they all turned in the direction of the Fire Gorilla's territory.


With a thunder of roars the fiery monkeys that had all stood up inside their lava pools and broke the silence by starting to thump their chests as they jumped around the spot making the earth quake.

'They shouldn't be able to see me, so they need to locate me on the ground, I just have to get away from the floo-'



Before Megumi could complete his thoughts the larger Fiery gorillas slammed their arms into the lava pools causing all of it to fly up and create a curtain that enclosed the entire mountain which then solidified into hard stone, blocking any external light from entering inside.

Megumi was now stuck inside the enclosed space with the lava pools being the only sources of light.

The fiery gorillas looked down right demonic with their glassy blind eyes reflecting the magma and lava making them look like red lasers trained right at Megumi's tiny figure.

"Surely there's no need for violence? Right boys?"


With the roar of a single gorilla, every single one followed suit and began to dive into the ground and then swim at Megumi through the ground as it converted into Lava.



"Yea! Yea! I know! I know we're probably going to die!"

'How do I get off of the ground?'

Megumi quickly made a hand seal to make four clones of himself which he passed on a few things to and then along with him all shot off into different directions moving toward the top of the mountain.

Surfing over the rough mountainous terrain Megumi controlled his four clones to do the exact same things as him and follow him toward the top of the mountain through different paths.

Although Megumi had split the attention of the entire army of fiery demons about twenty still followed closely behind each clone and Megumi himself, and all the fiery demons were closing the distance between their targets at a ridiculous speed.

Jumping over a few rocks in the way, Megumi dove through a tight gap that had formed from the intersection between the branches of two trees and landed on one of them as he continues to surf over them towards the top of the mountain while simultaneously controlling the four other clones that were always in his vision, just on different branches to move toward the top along with him.

Megumi did everything he could to maintain the distance between the two parties as he chose the riskiest paths, even those that might get him thrown off the branch if he lost the slightest concentration at the speed he was going.

As the chase got tighter and tighter to the point Megumi could hear the fancy swimming strokes of the Fiery demons as they swam through lava, by displacing it into the air, Megumi split his mind into two to focus on both the tasks he was doing better, one was to use the clones for his plan and the other to use himself for the plan.


"Yes, I know little girl, don't worry, we'll be alright, you'll be able to tell me that you love me a lot again later too."

With less than a kilometer, or half a mile, left for Megumi and his clones to reach the top of the mountain Megumi calculated a point where he could cross over with a clone.

After finding the right distance, Megumi controlled one of the clones on his right to meet him right at the peak as a few of the fiery gorilla's slowed down because their paths got overcrowded but the faster ones from the two still got closer to Megumi.

'Shit they're so fuckin' hot, it's like I'm standing in lava.. Well I almost am… but that's besides the point!'

"IF YOU WON'T LET ME LEAVE I WILL LEAVE WEARING YOUR FUCKIN' SKIN YOU FIREPROOF MODAFUCKA!" Megumi taunted making the most ridiculous expression he could while looking at the fiery gorillas that were swimming towards him as he surfed upward.

Just as one of the Gorilla was about to catch and crush Megumi's head like a watermelon, he used the substitution jutsu to replace himself with the clone and threw himself into the volcano's mouth.

Turning back toward the gorilla who now had his clone's head in his palms Megumi watched as he commanded the clone to explode.


With a small but bright explosion that passed through everything on the top of the mountain, Megumi vanished from the sound based sights of the horde of fiery demon gorilla's that were chasing after him.


As the light from the explosion died down the horde found their target missing and unlocatable as if it had vanished into thin air, while the gorilla that was closest to him was holding his right arm in a tight grasp as he had his right hand from below the elbow blown away, missing, as it wailed into the sky trying to stop its lava like boiling blood from leaking out of its body.


**Megumi POV**

'Alright… that worked…. Well it worked enough to keep me alive to hang in the air inside the mouth of a volcano with the garden of hell underneath me, waiting for the vines tied around me to break and then swallow me whole.'

Kaguya licked my cheeks to tell me she was alright as well as I looked at the ring of fiery demons staring down at us from the rim of the volcano looking mighty confused about our positions.

I had controlled the clones to tie their vines to an outcropping and throw them into the center where I caught them all as I fell towards the center and slipped all the hoops onto myself so that I was suspended by four vines and wasn't touching any of the rocky walls which I assumed the gorillas were using to listen to the vibrations I made while I was surfing around on the branches closer to the ground and track me down.

'Now all that remains is to somehow fool the one that's under the volcano...or probably is the volcano.'

I still had three other clones just hang on the veins from their own spots and since they didn't have any muscle fatigue they could just stay hanging until I controlled them to let go.

I brought the clone closest to me to come and collect my assassins blade and gave it a thick rope made from the vines and roots of trees that I connected to myself by tying it to all the ropes around me and then controlled the clone to move it to the spot I had jumped off from.

I left it hanging right underneath the edge since the Gorilla that had gotten its hand blown up as it tried to catch me was flailing about on the ground screaming, confusing the senses of all the other gorillas that were trying to find where I had vanished to along with my clones.

As soon as the gorillas began leaving the area the clone climbed up and stabbed the fiery gorilla right in between its eyes with the hidden blade causing it to stop crying attracting the attention of all the other gorillas nearby.

But before any of them could even move about, I just pulled it along with my clone and jumped with it into the volcano.

As the clone fell along with the now dead fiery gorilla, I used it to wrap the gorilla in the rope and stabbed the rope into the volcano wall using the assassins blade the clone had while simultaneously the clone then jumped into the wall nearby and exploded sending chunks of rock barreling into the magma below.

Now I was stranded, hanging in the center of the volcano with a thick vine connected to me holding a fiery gorilla along with a two other clones.

Only after making sure that all the Gorillas at the edge along with whatever monstrosity lived at the bottom of the volcano thought that the fiery gorilla had fallen into the volcano along with me and everyone had stopped searching for me did I calm down.

Regaining my bearings I began to control the third clone to take a sharp claw from me and begin harvesting the skin of the dead gorilla that I had collected.


'What the hell….'

'I don't like all this one bit….'

I thought as I looked at the solid earthen dome that had still not been lowered, indicating that either the dome was never going to break away until a much later time naturally since it didn't affect the gorillas, or that the gigantic creature underneath the volcano was still suspicious of my whereabouts.

'The plan worked but barely….in fact with so many variables I'm not sure how it even worked.'

'I still wasn't sure if the creature that lived inside the volcano was going to be another creature or just a gigantic version of the gorillas I had seen so far, but either way it was going to be terrifying if I had to face it to get out of here.'

'I had taken the gorilla I killed because I wanted something that was fireproof to protect me from the lava that the gorillas used so much, their fur skin looked like the best choice in this situation. I don't know about the heat itself, but at least I could protect myself from getting into direct contact with it and depending on the insulation it provided perhaps could even protect myself from the burns.'

'Now all that's left is to figure out a way to get out of this dome that has me trapped fully. Maybe if I just stay inside here for long enough they'll open it and I can escape?'

'But it is probably going to be more likely that I'll get eaten by the gorilla in the lava lake beneath me…..'

'Haha… will I get my new powerups now? I don't know maybe my reincarnate privileges are going to kick in soon?'

'At least I can see that there are a few plants of Ekoji Sorui growing around inside the volcano….that's good….maybe I can at least make my last call…before attempting anything.'

Summoning leaves and dry barks from seals I tried making a temporary platform for me to at least sit myself on so that I didn't have to feel like my legs were burning since they were exposed to the bottom volcano, I simultaneously controlled the fourth clone I had to go and harvest Ekoji Sorui slowly and patiently without making much of a disturbance to the surrounding walls of the volcano.

'This is going to be one hell of a job.' I thought as I summoned an aloe vera leaf to break and hydrate myself.


As Megumi and Kaguya moved deeper and deeper into the enemies territory they found absolutely huge lava pools with titanic sized Gorillas that were about nine to ten meters tall while they were seated in their pools.

'What the hell…am I in Attack on Titan?'

A music began to ring through out the universe as the words

'Sind Sie das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jager~'

were being sung along with the tune.


A/N: Happy New Year Everyone!!!

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