
Chapter 8 : A new beginning, part 3

– Back to the present –

Finishing to remember my meeting with Daichi, I come back to myself, I erase the idiotic smile on my face. Damn... I really have to stop zoning out at any time, fortunately no one has seen me otherwise people will end up taking me for an idiot.

I sigh one last before getting up and getting ready for my big departure. Breakfast is going as usual, well... contrary to usual of being ignored by the other children, I find myself being the object of their whisper, and their gazes that hold at the same time contempt, indignation, and jealousy.

The matron told them yesterday that I was leaving the orphanage because I had been adopted, as much to say that for children without parents, to be adopted is the desire that everybody shares. And so I, the strange, discreet, antisocial child, became the object of their hatred overnight.

I can understand that, so it doesn't offend me. Anyway, soon we will be in different worlds, while I take my first foot in the ninja world aiming to become an S rank. Most of them will end up as simple civilian and perhaps, at most, for some most talented will become ninja who will never exceed the rank of chunin during their life. Honestly the only things I can think of while looking at them are just a deep sense of pity knowing that most of them will never be able to control their fate and will remain like a frog at the bottom of the well.

After that I go back to get ready and collect my things, which only consists of a few clothes.

Once finished I go to the entrance, I hear Daichi's voice. Looks like he's already arrived, say I thought I had to wait for him again. I move forward, he is there at the entrance talking to the matron, surely in the process of settling the last preparations with her. They turn to me, Daichi manages to read the surprise on my face that he arrived on time, I can see him hold a broad cocky smile.

Before even being able to retort anything to him, the matron reprimands me "Kuro where are your manners, your first day with mister Daichi and you are already late. Hurry up and come to greet him."

Gritting my teeth, I walk towards him and greet him as politely as possible " what's up, Daichi."

I watch his expression change, its almost comical, he tries to maintain his cocky smile but it can't be helped his smile turn sour.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to enjoy this moment, I feel a slight pain on the top of my head. "Ouch" I look up at the matron who just hit me with her fist, shocked to have been hit like Naruto with Sakura.

I hear her lecture me but too shocked I can't catch what she says, but I still manage to understand what she says to me.

I look at Daichi again, his smile has returned, even brighter than before, his eyes twinkle with mischief.

I regain my composure, swallow the bitter taste in my mouth and with my most sorry look, I said "I am very sorry Daichi-sensei for my disrespect to you" bowing my head as low as possible.

His smile I don't know how still manages to widen, he almost beams, then retorts in the most cocky way "There is no problem, young puny disciple, I the great Daichi will teach you how to address your seniors" While patting my head in the most patronizing way.

I can't stop my face from getting sour, but this time I manage to keep my tongue in my pocket.

Daichi turns to the matron and said "well, I think we're done with the paperwork and all the other formalities, it will be time for me and Kuro to leave I will let you say your goodbye"

Once these words are spoken reality crash upon me, I may have always lived reclusive towards others nor socialized, but it does not prevent that I have lived here since my first memories of this life. I look towards the matron, even if our interaction was short and rare. I am very grateful to her, first of all for taking care of me but above all for presenting me such an opportunity on the road to my ambition. I feel my eyes get wet, but I try hard not to shed a tear after all I'm now on the road to becoming a ninja. Finally, I look her straight in the eye and say in a hoarse voice "Thank you for all matron, I will never forget what you did for me".

She looks at me with a sad look and a hint of guilt, before regaining her usual warmth "Kuro you are a good boy and I am sure you will become a great ninja, don't look back and chase your dreams relentlessly I am sure you will successful". She said, patting my head affectionately one last time.

these words give me courage, my eyes dry and become determine, I bid him farewell and turn to the exit I continue without looking back I hear the matron tell Daichi to take care of me before he follows me. I continue on my way without looking back, always walking with a deciding step, only when leaving the street I stop, my body starts to tremble, my eyes start to wet, and even with all my efforts I cannot suppress my sobs. Daichi behind me comes closer he puts his hand kindly on my head without saying a word. It takes me a few minutes to silence my sobs and come back to myself.

Eyes red and slightly irritated after crying I turn to Daichi and I make the promise to him or to myself I don't know. "Today was the last time i cried." I turn to the horizon, my gaze toward the rising sun and once again I advance with an ever more deciding and determining step to seize my future.

Behind me I can't see that but Daichi nodded his head with approval and a hint of pride on his face.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Qinyu345creators' thoughts