
Reincarnated in my vampire system

Disclaimer:I do not own the novel my vampire system Full credit to JKSManga 23 old Rayne was a medical student who was trying to develop artificial blood and had isolated himself from all of humanity but died due to over exhaustion leaving it midway but luckily his sister completed it. But later when Rayne woke up he found himself in a completely different world which he has no idea of will he survive this new world. Read it to find out. Caution read at your own risk follow closely to the plot

Poly_Malakar · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Ch 60:- A Contract of Blood

The next day, Rayne was once again in his room, sitting in front of his laptop, reviewing the data he had collected from the Pure base. At midnight, he had returned to his dorm room. Now, he was checking how many of their Pure agents were stationed on which planets and military bases. As he scrolled through the list, he saw two names under Military Base Two: Layla and someone named Cia, who seemed to have a higher clearance level than Layla. Who was she, and how much did she know about Layla and her involvement with Quinn group?

Seeing this, Rayne immediately logged into the school archives to find her. Sure enough, she was there, and almost hilariously, she was also in the same room as Layla. His gut told him that this was no coincidence. Was Layla just a decoy for the Pure, or was there something more at play here?

The next part was crucial: should he confront her, or should he continue to be a silent observer like a ghost that he had been? He thought about it for a moment before deciding to talk to Layla first. But before that, he needed to make sure that Cia didn't hear him. He had the perfect solution - Aura transmission, which he had recently learned.

As he made his way out of the room and through the school to find Layla, he saw how relaxed and friendly both Quinn and Fex were behaving. He was being ignored, as was the fact of what had happened. He felt sad for Erin. It wouldn't be good to say that they would soon forget about her.

As he made his way towards Layla's room, hoping to find her, he knocked on the door. The door was opened by a girl with short, jet black hair that fell in loose waves around her delicate face. A long, side-swept fringe nearly covering the entirety of her right eye accompanied by her pair of black eyes. It was none other than Cia.

She looked Rayne up and down before saying, "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? What do you want, hot stuff? Oh, let me guess, it's about Layla, isn't it?"

Rayne was taken aback by her flirtatious tone, but he didn't let it show. Instead, he recomposed himself and said, "Nah, who wants that? I'm actually here to meet you."

Cia raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Oh, really? What do you want from me?"

Rayne leaned forward and whispered something in her ear, causing her eyes to widen in shock. After a moment, she turned serious and opened the door wide for him to enter. Once inside, she closed the door and locked it.

"So, how can I assume that you're telling the truth?" Cia said, her voice firm and businesslike. Long gone was the flirtatious behavior.

Rayne smirked, his fangs highlighted in the dim light. "Oh, who said I told you the truth that I'm from Pure? I only said those words so that you'd let me enter."

Cia's eyes widened in surprise and realization dawned on her. "You sneaky little...," she trailed off as she summoned a short spear made entirely of smoke with a bluish hue to it and took a defensive stance. "What are you here for? Do you want to report me to the authorities or what? No, that can't be right. If that was the case, the authorities would have been here already. What exactly do you want?"

Rayne raised his brow at how calm-headed she was given the circumstances and said, "Well, if you want to know, I am here to know why you were sent to this military base."

Cia's eyes narrowed as he spoke those words and then immediately threw the spear in his direction while unfurling two throwing knives from under her skirt and throwing them at him. He completely ignored the spear, but as it struck, he felt his strength decrease. Seeing this, his eyes widened as he saw that the attack put a spiritual limiter in his mind, decreasing his stats by 10 percent. He ignored the prompt from his system and dashed forward, dodging the knives that seemed to have some kind of green liquid coated on them. But during his dodge, he was not prepared for another attack: an overhead kick.

As the kick came down, Rayne quickly sidestepped, grabbing Cia's leg and pulling it towards him, causing her to lose balance and fall to the ground. He disarmed her, and pinned her to the ground while holding her arms behind her back with one of his hands before using his other hand to search for any hidden weapons. He found some kind of device along with a canister which had a single pill made of thin glass with a white powder inside which he could only assume as a suicide pill or a L-pill. When he came upon this realization, his eyes widened and he immediately inserted two of his fingers into her mouth before using his blood and blood control to create a makeshift bound to hold her hands and legs in place before flipping her to the side so that she was facing him. He then started to inspect inside her mouth with her shaking in protest. After seeing that there was no other pill located in the teeth cavity to poison herself, he sighed in relief.

"Damn, you had me worried for a second when I saw that," Rayne mumbled.

"Mmmph..." Cia could only protest.

"Oh, I forgot my hand was still inside you," Rayne said as he took out his hand before cleaning it with a tissue and 76 percent ethanol.

"Bastard, what did you think? I would never say anything to you," Cia said as she struggled to break free.

But Rayne didn't answer. Instead, his eyes started to glow crimson as he looked into her eyes. Seeing this, she immediately tried to avert her gaze, fearing that it might be some kind of memory viewing or hypnotic ability. However, Rayne didn't pay her any heed. He grabbed her head and forcefully opened her eyes, making her eyes also glow in a crimson hue as he asked, "Why were you sent to this military base?" But she didn't answer, which only shocked Rayne. She seemed to be trembling. "Did she just resist my control?" Rayne thought, still being a noob in this influence/hypnosis department. He decided to take a different approach. He started asking her random questions like what her favorite color was, what she liked to eat, where she learned to fight, and who taught her. Questions like these were being asked without realizing that she was giving away information. Although it was still a small step to victory, after minutes of back-and-forth questioning, he was finally able to discover her true intentions. She was sent here by Layla's mother to look after Layla and also to act as a secondary agent reporting everything to the higher-ups. Through this questioning, he was also able to discover that she was stalking Layla, following her. And from the direction it was going, it would be obvious if their secret was not revealed to Cia soon even if he successfully remove about today's events. Not liking the outcome, he immediately went into thinking as he closed his eyes, and the influence skill got deactivated, making Cia regain control. She looked at him before she began to move around slowly and silently, bringing her bound arms to the front, and then trying to break free. But all that was futile as Rayne's ear twitched, and he immediately opened his eyes, looking at her and making her pause before she went in for a crotch kick. However, that was ineffective as he grabbed her leg, making her fall on her back and yelp in pain.

"I've made my decision about what to do with you. Your fate is sealed," Rayne said, his fangs glistening in the light and his crimson eyes making him look even more terrifying.

Cia's heart pounded in her chest as she tried to reason with him. "You can't be serious about killing me. Think about what Layla would think. Think about what the school will do to you. You can't do this!"

Rayne's expression darkened and he said"I'm not going to kill you. Your fate will be much worse than that or it may be better than death don't know only time will tell."

He grabbed Cia and threw her onto the bed, using his blood control to bind her hands and feet. Then he locked the door with a password so that no one could enter.

As he climbed onto the bed, Cia's face paled. "Are you going to...rape me?"

Rayne's frustration and nervousness were evident in his voice. "What's wrong with your imagination? Can't you think of something better than that?"

Seeing the nervousness she said "You know we can negotiate you let me let me continue my own things and I will forget anything that happened today," Cia said hoping that he would take the bait.

"We are in no place for negotiation," Rayne said as he muttered something fast under his breath before saying "The only thing I can negotiate is if you give your body to me,"

Hearing it Cia face turned rosy before she said "You want my body?" thinking she heard it wrong.

Rayne only nodded.

"I am not into this kind of kinks you know if you let me go maybe we can talk..." Cia said but couldn't finish as Rayne interrupted her "Do you agree to submit your body to me yes or no," his voice almost impatient.

Seeing no way out of the situation, Cia accepted her fate as a small price to pay for being a pure agent. "Yes, I agree--" But she couldn't finish her sentence as she was stunned by Rayne's almost inhumane grin. His fangs were elongated, and his eyes were glowing bright, but it wasn't what stunned her. It was the thing that appeared on the ceiling. It was a circle with various geometrical figures and unreadable symbols. As she turned her head to the side, what she saw almost horrified her. In the mirror, she could see that there was another circle on the ground right underneath her bed, and it surrounded more. When she turned to face Rayne, she saw that his face was too close to hers, and he seemed to have a red wand in his hand. As she took in Rayne's new appearance, she realized that he resembled a vampire, and if he had a wand along with two magical circles, it would only mean one thing. He was performing some ritual.

"It's my first time doing something like this, so you may feel some pain, but don't worry about it. It will soon be over," Rayne said, but it didn't give her much confidence. Wanting to escape the situation that she got herself into once again due to her mistake, she started to thrash about, but the way she was bound didn't give her much mobility. She could only watch fearfully as his face neared her neck until he bit her, digging his fangs into her soft flesh. He used his vampiric ability to numb her pain so that she wouldn't experience much pain during the process. After draining about 10 percent of her blood, he removed his mouth and started chanting while waving his wand, creating symbols that started to encircle them. Soon, the first chanting was complete, and then he slit his wrist with his elongated nails before using his own blood to create a symbol on her forehead. He then poured the rest of his blood into her mouth, causing her eyes to widen, and she started to feel a burning sensation throughout her body. Soon, the process was complete, and Rayne could be seen panting. He seemed to be out of breath.

"I hope it worked. I can't have a dead person on my hands," Rayne said. At that moment, a system message appeared.

[Congratulations! You have successfully created a blood slave.]

[Blood Slave: As the name suggests, they are slaves used by ancient vampires for their blood. However, the term later came to indicate a specific class of creatures that are said to be human with several vampiric quality due to them being human they are often time used by vampire as spy and infiltrater. Caution! Overfeeding on them may lead them to become a hollow.]

After reading the notification, Rayne sighed in relief, knowing that he had at least successfully created a blood slave and hadn't killed her in the process. He inspected her using his powers.

[Name: Cia Oakley

Race: Enhanced Human

Class: Blood Slave Type A

Stage: Sanguine

Cia is a pure agent who was turned into a blood slave by the user upon initiating a contract with her, with her willingly agreeing with him. She is in the Sanguine stage, completely under the control of the creator and is forced to do their bidding. It is recommended to give the blood of the creator once a week to keep them under control.]

"Finally, it's successful, but Sanguine? I was hoping for a puppet, but this can do," Rayne thought, feeling melancholy after what he had just done. He had never taken away someone's freedom before, and it felt immoral. However, the situation had forced him to do it.

"Cheer up. At least she's not a puppet and has a mind of her own," Rayne said, trying to console himself. "After all, she was a pure agent, and she could have reported Quinn or my oddity to them. This can only be a good thing, and maybe she can even act as a double agent."

At that moment, groaning sounds were heard as she woke up. Rayne immediately undid the bindings and let her sit up. As she looked at him, she cursed, "What did you do to me, ba--" but couldn't spell the word, as if her own mouth was avoiding her from saying it.

"Well, you see, I turned you into a Sanguine. You are just like me, a kind of vampire, with the difference being you only need to drink my blood," Rayne said.

"You've got to be kidding me. That can't be real," Cia said, still unable to take in the reality of the situation that she was something like a vampire, and the guy in front of her was a vampire too.

"It is reality. Now, if you report me to the Pure, I am sure I could flee, but what about you? You are still weak, and they may even capture you to perform many experiments," Rayne said in a casual tone. He wanted to use this as a way to turn her to his team, and a blood slave, being the most human out of all vampire subclasses, only seemed right to him.

"Okay blood slave doesn't have a nice ring to it how about I change it have any suggestions," Rayne mentally asked his system.

[Of course, Rayne. I'd be happy to help you come up with a more suitable name, how about 'blood attendant' or 'blood companion'? ]

"Nah not good enough how about Alfred or how about blood familiar," Rayne asked mentally to his system.

[Agreeable then should I change it to Blood Familiar Y/N]

"Yes change it now back to the topic" Rayne said finishing his inner monologue.

"That can't be true," Cia said, still denying the fact.

"Why not check the mirror?" Rayne said.

She immediately got up and ran to the mirror and saw herself. Her skin had turned soft and pale, and her eyes also had a reddish hue to them. Fearing for the worst, she opened her mouth to check her teeth, but when she saw they were normal, she sighed in relief. But then, Cia looked at Rayne in horror, her mind racing with the implications of what he had just told her. She still couldn't believe that she was now a Sanguine, a kind of vampire, and that Rayne had turned her into one.

As she tried to process the information, Rayne continued to speak in a calm and reassuring tone. "I understand that this is a lot to take in, but you have to understand that if you report me to the Pure, they will come after both of us. They won't care that you didn't know what you were getting into. They will see you as a threat and a potential weapon that they can use against us. And you know what happens when you are considered a weapon in fiction. The fate of such weapons is never good."

Cia nodded, still in shock. Rayne was right, she realized. If she reported him, she would be putting herself in danger. And he seemed so calm and reasonable, almost like a friend. Maybe he was right, maybe she should just keep quiet and try to figure out what to do next.

Rayne smiled at her, sensing her hesitation. "You don't have to be afraid, Cia. I can teach you how to control your new powers and how to survive in this world. We can be allies, you and I. Think about it."

Cia nodded once again, feeling that it was for the good. After all, she had resigned herself to fate when he caught her. "I guess I don't have any option but to follow you," Cia said.

Cia turned around and said, "So do I need to call you master from now on?"

"Nah, you don't need to do that. You'll have full control over whatever you do, but when it comes to matters related to the Pure, you need to inform me first," Rayne said.

"The Pure? I thought you wanted me to resign," Cia said.

"You've got it wrong. Have you heard of 'keep your friends close, but your enemies closer'?" Rayne said.

"So, you mean I should still have contact with them?" Cia asked.

"That's the idea. That way, they won't suspect that anything is out of place. It's the basic plan," Rayne said.

"As you say," Cia said.

"I guess I should leave you. You'll be needing some time alone," Rayne said.

"Why? Oh, I understand," Cia said, looking at herself in the mirror. Her clothes were stained in blood and wet with sweat.

After exiting the room, he stretched his body before heading towards his dorm room. He hoped to train a little bit before approaching Erin to tell her about her dream. He was hoping that he would be able to finally learn the fabled technique by observing her. After all, he could read it, but he could not comprehend it. Only a true heir or someone worthy could master such a technique.

At that moment, Layla saw Rayne exit her dorm room, which confused her greatly. As she entered the room, she saw that it looked pretty normal, except for some clothes that were thrown in the dustbin and someone using the bathroom. Suddenly, Layla heard a scream that startled her, and she approached to check if everything was okay. But then she stopped when she heard, "That beep beep beep, he took my innocence. How will I explain this?" although Cia said it in a joking manner but bot many would think so.

Meanwhile, Cia was screaming while looking at herself in the mirror, or more specifically, the tattoo that was now on her neck. She hadn't noticed it before, but now it was noticeable. It was a circle with various geometrical shapes. All in all, it looked beautiful. "Now that I think about it, I think it looks rather good," Cia said. At that moment, the tattoo slowly faded, returning her skin to normal.

But Layla, who was outside, got the wrong implication, and her face turned rosy. "That bastard, what a player he is!"

At that moment, Rayne sneezed. "Is someone talking behind my back?" he said, as he entered his dorm room.

"Nowadays, I feel like I'm some old sage going around recruiting and training people, but it's for the greater good. The more strong people I have by my side, the stronger we'll be against the Dalki," Rayne thought as he got ready and checked for his portal. But then he remembered he gave it to Quinn and he still hadn't returned it to him, so he needed to make another one. After some time, he had a new one made from cheap materials that he found at a wholesale store. After fiddling with it and setting the coordinates, he teleported to Erin using the scroll.