
Reincarnated in my vampire system

Disclaimer:I do not own the novel my vampire system Full credit to JKSManga 23 old Rayne was a medical student who was trying to develop artificial blood and had isolated himself from all of humanity but died due to over exhaustion leaving it midway but luckily his sister completed it. But later when Rayne woke up he found himself in a completely different world which he has no idea of will he survive this new world. Read it to find out. Caution read at your own risk follow closely to the plot

Poly_Malakar · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
85 Chs

Ch 32:- Energy Galaxy Creation

The bell chimed as Rayne opened the door of the manga store, and he was greeted with the sight of Selene standing there with a worried look. However, he was unable to focus because of the enticing scent of her that was calling him to sink his teeth deep into that tender flesh, but he was easily able to ignore the feeling due to his self control training.

"Hello Selene, fancy meeting you. How are you?" Rayne said.

"Uh...I am fine," Selene said, with a light blush dusting her face.

'Ugh, the charm thing. It seems to be affecting her. What do I do? If I don't find a way to disable it, it would be a big problem. Do you have any solution?' Rayne asked his system mentally.

[It would have been easy if you could use your spells, but as you can't use them, I will be manually deactivating it until you learn to deactivate on your own.]

[Charm deactivated.]

As soon as Rayne deactivated it, Selene's face returned to its normal color, although she still looked somewhat dazed, probably an after-effect.

"So how are you? I heard about how there was a fight between your class and second-year," Selene asked.

"Yeah, I am totally good, as you can see. Believe it," Rayne said with a grin while giving a thumbs-up.

Selene's eyes widened, and she said, "Are you trying to imitate Naruto?" before giggling.

"Yeah, you caught onto that easily," Rayne said while laughing sheepishly.

After that, both of them proceeded with their work while occasionally talking about various things, but mainly discussing Naruto. From her, he was able to learn more interesting things like how chakra was a combination of physical and spiritual energy, which he already knew. Then, there were ninjutsu, fuinjutsu, genjutsu, and many more. The more he heard from her, the more he started to realize how much of a geek she was. But that was not the only thing he realized. He also realized that all the things she was talking about could be used in this world because of the variety of energies like qi, blood aura, and mutant cell energy. There could be much more energy, but it would need research and patience. After completing his job and getting paid, he walked with Selene all the way to her dorm room. After that, he returned to his room to train a little bit more and discover more about the new energy before sleeping.

Rayne walked through the empty hallway until he reached his dorm room after reaching it he unlocked the door with a password before entering it and straight away going to the bathroom to take a cool shower after taking a shower and cleaning his body he wore a lose cloth before sitting down on the bed with his leg folded he immediately started to meditate in order to see if the soul sea is still accesseble or not. After about a minute he found himself in a plane with dark sky with several white crack like thing spanning across it along with a massive star like sun which was now dim without any light or energy it was truly looking like a stellar beauty although how much beautiful it was or not all this thing were truly not positive because it just showed how much damage that parasitic armour caused to his body but can't really do anything now so he tried to repair his soul sea which was representation of his soul but how much he tried he can't repair it so he thought that he would be needing soul shards to repair it so he immediately summoned his inventory but it was empty seeing this he was alarmed but the system immediately diffused it by saying.

[Your items are currently in the heavenly realm where they are currently going through cleansing prosses to remove any kind of disease or impurity that might get carried on from the nightmare realm.]

Hearing it, Rayne was somewhat relieved, so he immediately exited the soul sea before deciding that he should familiarize himself with his blood aura. He reached for it before calling upon its power, and immediately his hand was covered in a crimson aura. He then started to shape it into a gauntlet before starting to harden it, and the end result was a glowing dark red gauntlet with red mist constantly emitting from it. He then looked at his HP, and sure enough, it took a whole lot of health just to construct this thing.


Rayne immediately stood up and started making several punching motions. He then opened his palm and positioned it like that of a claw before performing several swipe-like motions. Instantly, red blood lines in the shape of a claw came out and hit the wall, leaving claw marks with smudges of blood. At that moment, a system notification appeared.

[You have successfully learned blood swipe.]

Rayne exclaimed, "Woah, that was freaking awesome!"

After that, he continued to perform several strikes with his right gauntleted fist, sending out several pulses of energy with every strike. This was the Nine Echoing Punch, and it was one hell of an awesome skill that he had learned.

Afterward, he decided to do his daily martial art katas along with some endurance training before deciding to fall asleep at 12:00am.


Rayne woke up in the morning and brushed his teeth before putting on a black full-sleeved shirt. He departed towards the café to work his morning shift by running like a terminator without stopping. After reaching there, he worked until noon when he and Daphne got a small break. He decided to walk around the town for a bit while drinking banana milk. As he was walking through the town, he spotted a pair of beautiful legs wearing a red dress and short hair. She was carrying a bow, quiver, and a fairly large bag. She was walking side by side with a boy with curly brown hair who was none other than Quinn, and Layla. They walked for a bit before sitting down in an empty area in the park. As he neared them, he noticed a very strange smell, so he asked his system about it because it seemed much different from what humans smell like.

[It is the smell of a vampire halfling]

'Is it coming from Quinn? Probably that should be it,' Rayne said mentally. He decided to approach them stealthily while trying to conceal his scent as much as possible, thinking that Quinn would also be able to detect it. After reaching them, he decided to perch on a nearby tree to hear their conversation. As he sat on the tree, he checked the time. It was currently 12:20 pm, which meant he currently had at least 50 minutes. As he looked down, he saw Layla emptying all the contents of her bag. There were several items of thick clothing, such as hats, scarves, sunglasses, and most of it seemed to be black in color. Then she continued to pull out even more stuff like lotion, sunscreen, and finally, at last, she pulled out an umbrella.

Rayne then heard Quinn say, "Did it cost a lot?" Quinn asked, worried after seeing how much she had bought.

"Don't worry about it. My family sent me the credits, and I used up what the academy gave me. Besides, I got it all from the marketplace, so it was dirt cheap," Layla replied.

"So she bought them from the marketplace. Can I sell my gold artifacts there? Hmm," Rayne started to think before once again paying attention to their talk.

"And could you smell that? I don't know, but I think I can smell something strange," Quinn muttered quietly, wondering what the strange smell was.

But Layla was able to hear him. She smiled a little as if knowing what the smell was. Of course, she doesn't have any superhuman smelling power, but she has telekinesis, which allows her to sense if anyone was nearby, a perfect ability that complements her profession as a numbered pure agent, agent 83. But, of course, both the boys didn't know that.

"Why do I feel like she knows that I am here? That can't be possible, right? But what if her telekinetic ability is like those that are talked about in the community? A telekinetic ability in which, within the person's area of influence, they could perceive everything around themselves even with their eyes closed just like Byakugan's 360-degree vision ability. But, in this case, the ability will only let the person perceive around themselves when the ability is activated, but that would need impeccable control, and she clearly doesn't possess that to be able to see me. So the only thing that could happen is that her being able to only feel his presence and then connecting the dots with Quinn's statement to understand that it was him that is a probable theory," Rayne thought while nodding to himself.

He then once again continued to hear their conversation.

"So what do you want to try first?" Layla said, holding the sun cream in her hand.

Rayne continued to eavesdrop on their conversation. Quinn looked at all the items that she had brought over. He then noticed a few more things on the ground with her: a metal-shaped cross, a clove of garlic, and even a piece of silver jewelry.

"Oh, those are for later," Layla said, embarrassed, noticing Quinn staring at her stuff. "We should also try to find out if you have any other weaknesses of normal vampires as well."

"Alright, why don't we just try the umbrella first," Quinn said as he knelt down to pick it up.

He then stood still and popped open the umbrella. It was solid black in color to make sure that most of the light didn't penetrate or get through it. Quinn then adjusted the umbrella a few times to make sure his body was completely covered in the shadow, then to his surprise.

[Stats have returned to normal.]

While Quinn was fully covered under the shade, his stats had returned. Then he lifted his hand and placed it outside the shade zone ever so slightly, and as soon as the tiniest part of his finger was outside, the same usual status screen had appeared.

[You are being affected by Direct sunlight.]

[All stats will be halved.]

"Well?" Layla asked. "It works, but even if a little bit of my body is in the sun, then I start to feel weak."

After that, Quinn continued testing with sun cream, which looked quite intimate. After that, he tested the clothes until he was fully covered and looked like a cloth snowman or clothman is that even a right term.

Rayne, at that moment, noticed that it was already time for his shift, so he once again stealthily climbed down the tree before quietly going towards the cafe. As Rayne got a few meters far away from them, Layla finally sighed.

'Holy shit, I never thought that he would be spying on us. He is like an assassin. If not for Quinn's statement and my training with telekinesis, I would have not realized that there was someone who was spying on us. And Quinn telling about the weird smell further solidifies my belief that he is a vampire,' Layla thought.

After that, Quinn and Layla continued testing. They tested various things from vampire myths, such as garlic cloves used to keep vampires at bay, a religious cross, and a silver chain, verifying if they were real. However, none of them had any negative impact on Quinn. As they started packing up, Layla shared the origin of vampires. "I'm glad you asked. Vampire lore dates back further than you might think. Even in Greek mythology, there are tales of vampires. The first vampire was said to be cursed by the god Apollo to be burnt by sunlight. Then, when the man tried to touch Artemis's bow, she cursed the human further to be affected by silver. Of course, there are other reasons, but this is one of the older ones. As for the cross, vampires have always been seen as workers of the devil, creatures that needed to suck blood to live. And, of course, God, in the eyes of many, is a fighter of evil, and the cross is a symbol of the god."

With the test over, it was finally time for them to return to their dorm room. On their way back, Layla asked the question that had been bugging her mind a lot. "Hey, do you think that Rayne is a vampire?"

Quinn immediately stopped mid-step before turning to her and saying in a serious voice, "No, but why did you think that he was a vampire?"

Layla turned to Quinn before answering. "I don't know. I just saw how he was acting when he saw blood. It was quite like how they portray them in movies. And, recently when I met him yesterday, I saw he had become much paler and good-looking. You can understand what I am trying to say, right?"

"Yeah, I can understand what you are trying to say, but I think he is really not a vampire," Quinn said. However, at that moment, a hint of doubt took birth in his mind.

Sighing, Layla separated from him and went to her dorm room. Quinn also decided to head back to the dorm rooms and see if Vorden and Peter wanted to hang out and do something for the rest of the evening.

But when he entered the room, once again, neither Vorden nor Peter was there. Quinn didn't worry too much about Vorden. It seemed like he had been getting into trouble lately with the second years, but currently, they were staying well clear of him after the incident. It was Peter that Quinn was more worried about. He couldn't help but shake the feeling that these new friends of Peter weren't actually his friends and was wondering what to do.

Meanwhile, Rayne had completed his job at the café in the evening and was paid. He had also bought a burger, chocolate milk, and a coke. After that, he started to make his way towards the manga store. On his way, he drank only the chocolate milk while carrying the rest for Selene.

After entering the store and greeting Selene and her grandfather, he gave the pack to Selene, who seemed to be very happy. And like that, he did his job. When there were no customers, he would read Naruto to complete the whole manga and learn about the conclusion. The more he learned about it, the more crazy ideas sprouted inside his head, but it was all just fantasy. He could only wait until all his items returned to his system inventory.

After the job was completed and Mr. Winter paid his wages, he suddenly said, "Well, if I were you, I would have created a card to keep all my credits in it. As you may know, the portal outing will be soon, and they will be training you, so it would be good if you make a card."

"Yes, sir, but do you know how to apply for it? I actually don't know," Rayne said.

"Yes, of course, I know. Come here," Arvon Winter said, calling him towards his side behind the desk. He then asked him various questions while filling up a form. After filling up the form, he confirmed it before taking out a printout. From inside the drawer, he took out a stamp before stamping it and signing the document. He then told Rayne to go to the bank-like establishment situated beside the hospital tomorrow. From there, he would be able to get his card. Hearing this, Rayne nodded, and at that moment, as the man rose from his seat, he whispered something to him, which caused Rayne's eyes to become as wide as saucers. He immediately looked back at the man and used Inspect to learn more about him.

But all it showed were bunch of question marks and which further confused him.

After that, he once again helped Selene by walking all the way to the front of her dorm room. Afterward, he returned to his dorm room and proceeded to do his regular martial arts kata, endurance training, and meditation and stretching before finally falling asleep.

~Next Day~

Rayne woke up at 5:00 am and performed his daily hygiene routine. After putting on his track suit, he sprinted around at full speed for about 10 minutes before slowing down to a normal pace and covering a small section of the town for about 50 minutes. He then headed towards an open park where he had seen Quinn and Layla meet the previous day. He stretched for a bit with some of the elderly people in the park before moving deeper into the forested region. There, he practiced punching and kicking a tree until he was exhausted. He slid down and leaned against the tree, assuming a meditative posture and breathing in a specific pattern. Soon, he once again found himself in his soul sea, but this time he had a great idea. He concentrated hard enough, and the whole space before him started to warp into a completely new space. The ground from underneath his feet vanished, and he was now floating in front of a cloudy space with stars of various colors. Thin, almost invisible strings were attached to each of the stars. He realized that these were representations of his system and maybe his brain, but he still didn't know for sure. Before him appeared three galaxy-like structures - one big one with a crimson color, a small one with a bluish-yellow color, and a scattered one which was white. They represented blood aura, qi, and soul force, respectively. However, even after the new makeover, there were still cracks scattered all over the space as if the fabric of reality was itself breaking apart.

After waking up from his trance, Rayne had a frown on his face. 'I really need to repair my soul sea quickly; otherwise, there may be some problems in the future,' he thought to himself. He then made his way towards his dorm room, took a quick shower, and got into his school clothes. After resting for a little bit, he checked the time and realized that it was already past 8:00 am. He hurriedly made his way towards the canteen. Spotting Quinn, Vorden, and Peter eating together, he took his food and went to sit with them. While eating, he chatted with them a little bit.

Once the three of them had finished eating, it was time for them to head to their homeroom classes together. On Monday morning, they had a theory-based lesson with their teacher Del, either about the history of the human race or something else. The four of them sat in the back of the class as usual, while Layla sat at the front with Erin by her side. The students waited patiently until Del finally arrived.

"Alright, class, I have an important announcement to make," Del said. "The preparations for your first Portal outing have been completed. It's time for you kids to go explore the Universe a bit more."