
Reincarnated in my vampire system

Disclaimer:I do not own the novel my vampire system Full credit to JKSManga 23 old Rayne was a medical student who was trying to develop artificial blood and had isolated himself from all of humanity but died due to over exhaustion leaving it midway but luckily his sister completed it. But later when Rayne woke up he found himself in a completely different world which he has no idea of will he survive this new world. Read it to find out. Caution read at your own risk follow closely to the plot

Poly_Malakar · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Ch 22:- The Fall of Dagon

After regaining his energy, Rayne decided to practice using the odachi for some time to get accustomed to wielding it before continuing on his journey the island was decently sized for his practice. He once again set out on his journey towards the pit. As he traveled deeper into the cave, the water level kept on rising, making it increasingly challenging to walk through it. If previously the water level had been up to his knees, now it was up to his waist. As he proceeded, he encountered a problem, the path before him ended. He quickly opened the map to confirm whether he was headed in the correct direction.

'I am heading in the right direction then why does the path ends here,' Rayne studied the map for a moment, then crouched down in the water, causing it to rise up to his neck. He then began searching with his hand, feeling around for something. Eventually, he discovered an opening beneath the rock that was blocking his path, likely leading to the other side of the pit.

'Ah, so the path is submerged. If I want to reach the other side, I'll need to travel through this opening. But before I do that, I need to tie a rope around here,' thought Rayne while summoning a rope and tied it to one of the sturdy rock that he found nearby. After securing the rope tightly around the rock, Rayne took a moment to calm himself with some deep breathing exercise. He realized that this would be his first time diving and the only experience he ever had close to diving was during his childhood while playing in his bathtub.

With a deep breath, Rayne dove into the opening and began swimming through the water towards the other side, holding onto the rope tightly and feeling the walls of the cave to maintain a general direction. After about 5 minutes, Rayne broke out of the water on the other side, breathing heavily. He noticed that the water level was now up to his neck, meaning that he was right now practically swimming which meant he was in great trouble if some kind of those fish beast decide to attack him again.

As Rayne thought about it, a shiver ran down his spine. His clothes were now completely soaked, unlike his boots, pants, and trench coat which were waterproof. Earlier, he had stored his trench coat away because it was creating too much drag force and his hat because he thought it would be of no use during swimming. He was now left with a white shirt, which was now stained red, a vest that protected his vital parts, and a mask covering his nose to keep the stench of blood at bay.

After half swimming half walking through the cave he finally reached the pit. The pit looked like a massive pond of blood with a statue of some kind of creature in the middle of it and just behind it there was an entrance which was glowing with a divine light.

Suddenly a music started to play in the background it was being played by the system.

'Why does this music seem so familiar?' Rayne thought as he continued to move forward, and started humming it until he remembered, 'Isn't this the boss music from the Bloodborne video game?'

As soon as Rayne thought that, he felt something grab his leg, and in the next moment, he was dragged into the depths of the water. He immediately summoned his odachi and started slashing madly to get rid of whatever was dragging him. With his sword's massive reach, he was able to hit the creature. Soon, he broke the surface of the water and looked around. Suddenly, a horrendous creature emerged from the water.

It was a massive beast almost 12 feet tall with human-like torso, a fish-like head with sharp, pointy teeth, and a snake-like tail. It was the mother of all the Deep One he had fought earlier.

"What the hell is that creature, and why did you start playing the boss music all of a sudden?" Rayne said out loud.

Rayne started to swim as fast as he could toward the gate, but the creature quickly wrapped its tail around him, making it hard for him to breathe. In a quick and decisive move, Rayne summoned his blade, which cut right through the tail with just a little tug, causing the beast to shreak in pain and release him and sending him falling. However, with his quick reaction speed he immediately summoned several oil urns, which he threw at the creature while still falling.

After falling, Rayne quickly swam to the surface and summoned a working lighter that he found on one of the corpses. He lit it up and threw it at the beast, causing it to catch on fire and thrash around in pain. Rayne then summoned his gun and activated the [Blood Infusion] enchantment on it before starting to shoot at the creature, intending to blind it by shooting its eyes. He kept shooting until his HP reached 1, at which point he popped a blood replenishing pill in his mouth and waited for a minute. By the time the fire on the beast's body had subsided, Rayne could now see that he had been able to blind it to some extent, but it was also regenerating fast.

Rayne saw an opportunity and quickly started to climb the walls that he had swam to during his ongoing assault. After climbing a decent height, he could now see that the creature was searching for him while thrashing its tail in the water and creating waves which sent shiver down his spine. Feeling satisfied with the height he had achieved, Rayne steeled his nerves before jumping and summoning his odachi mid-air. He then thrust downward, piercing the creature's head and ultimately killing it.

[You have slain an Awakened Tyrant, Dagon.]

[Your Blood grows stronger.]

"Fuck that was really hard who would have thought that it would have worked." Rayne muttered to himself as he landed in the water once again he swam up, catching his breath after the intense battle. He then looked around the area and noticed that the gate he was searching for was just a few steps away. With a sense of relief and accomplishment, he swam towards the gate and didn't even bother to collect the loots, ready to continue his journey to escape this place.

With the death of the beast the water level was slowly decreasing and soon completely vanished.

As Rayne followed yet another cave entrance he soon reached a gate, the gate to freedom the gate to outside world.

As Rayne reached the gate, he noticed that it was heavily guarded by several Deep Ones, but he had already fought their mother and was prepared for whatever came his way. He drew his sword and gun, took a deep breath, and charged towards the gate.

The Deep Ones tried to stop him, but Rayne's agility and combat skills proved to be too much for them. He slashed his way through the guards, shooting down those who tried to attack from afar. The gate finally opened, and Rayne stepped through it, relieved to finally be out of that cursed cave.

As he stepped out of the gate, Rayne found himself in a dark forest. He looked around, wondering where he was and how he was going to get out of there. But he knew that he couldn't rest yet. He had to keep moving forward, and be always on the lookout for danger.

With his sword in hand and his gun ready, Rayne stepped forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead. He didn't know where he was going or what he would find, but he was determined to survive and escape this nightmare.


Sorry, I don't know how to choreograph a proper fight or battle scene, so I apologize for the low quality writing.