
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

The War!

"Sisters!" Hu Leina rushed into the Library and yelled "Yan'er is broadcasting the War!"

"Really?" They were all surprised and *swish* appeared on the balcony of their home and saw Xuan Yan floating above the battlefield as terrific fire engulfed the whole ground.

Looking at the illusionic pillar, Qian Renxue leaned on the railing of the balcony "So, he is really in that war. hm..."

Xue Ling cheered for Xuan Yan "My son looks so cool!!"

"Sister Bibi Dong is also there..."

"Hm? Why are you half-naked Yue?"

"Preparing myself for Husband when he returns. hehe"

"Y-You are really a pervert, aren't you Yue?"

"You think so?"


Bibi Dong floated near Xuan Yan with an amused look "Hm.. That took most of them." Xuan Yan nodded as he retracted his martial spirit "I wanted to use the second skill but our forces are also in the range..."

Bibi Dong chuckled dryly "If you used another skill, the war would almost be over."


Yu Yuanzhen's heart tightened looking at the atrocity on the battlefield. W-We should've just surrendered to him....

Sword Douluo glared at Xuan Yan "There is that bastard!" Tang Xiao also narrowed his eyes "His million-year spirit rings skills are really terrifying."

Sword Douluo glimpsed at others "He is a cocky brat and probably won't go all out in the start." *swish* Clear Sky Hammer appeared in Tang Xiao's hand "We have to crush him before he uses his million-year spirit skills."

Bone Douluo raised his arm "Wait... Bibi Dong is beside him now." The Seventh Elder frowned "This is bad. She is also a level 97 Titled Douluo with twin spirit, right?"

*tap* Sword Douluo walked forward "That's not a problem. Three Elders of the Clear Sky Clan, you guys fight with her."

"Gu Rong, me, and Sect Master Tang would fight against Xuan Yan."

Yu Yuanzhen raised his eyebrow "Luonmian and I can't take all of Spirit Hall Elders..." Yu Luonmian who is also the brother of Yu Yuanzhen and also a Titled Douluo nodded his head.

Tang Xiao spoke "You don't have to defeat them. With the rest of the Elders and Spirit Douluos... keep their hold. We will finish that Xuan Yan and will soon come to help!"


*swoosh* Sensing the movements on the battlefield, Xuan Yan looked down and saw the Titled Douluos directly rushing to the battlefront.

Chrysanthemum Douluo smiled "Oh, here they come..." *woosh* Xuan Yan and Bibi Dong appeared on the battlefield.

*slash* *thud* With a slash of the spear, Bibi Dong beheaded a soldier near them. Xuan Yan glimpsed at the Spirit Hall people "Just continue..." There are still soldiers, spirit masters, and Spirit Douluos left.

"Yes, Your Highness!" They all replied and again moved continuing their rampage. As Huyan Zhen moved, *boom* two men landed in front of him.

Huyan Zhen grinned "Haha, Tai Tan! Dai Huo!" Tai Tan cracked his knuckles "I guess it's time for you to die, Huyan Zhen... you really annoyed me in the past."

Huyan Zhen laughed upon hearing this "Sorry to say, but I have received orders from His Highness... I am not allowed to die here."

*baam* Tuoba Xi of the Sacred Dragon Clan appeared near Huyan Zhen "You are not alone in this, I will take care of Dai Huo!"


*feen* Bibi Dong glanced at the seven people dashing towards them at high speed. She raised her left hand and the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud appeared in her hand. Even though she doesn't want to inherit the Sea God position, her blood is integrated with the prism and now she is the owner of that.

Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, Tang Xiao, Ning Fengzhi, and three Elders appeared in front of Xuan Yan and Bibi Dong. *thrik* They quickly divided into two groups each launching their relentless attack on both Xuan Yan and Bibi Dong simultaneously.

Bibi Dong quickly used the Vast Sea shroud to block the three Clear Sky Hammers. *THUD* The Seventh Elder frowned looking at the blue wall in front of them "Tch, what is this..."

The three Elders took a step back with a confused look, the Fourth Elder arched his eyebrow "Is that an artifact or something?"

 Bibi Dong tightly grasped the spear, her fingers firmly wrapped around its handle, and swung the spear in her hand as a blue aura enveloped her "First Form - Unfixed Storm!" *boom*

*clank* *baam* Xuan Yan blocked the Clear Sky Hammer with his Ea as he looked at Tang Xiao gritting his teeth. "Bone prison!" *thrik* Suddenly, a multitude of robust bones emerged from the very ground beneath him, tightly ensnaring and constricting Xuan Yan's body. 

*woosh* "Overlapping Sword Shadow!" Covered in a black aura, Sword Douluo swiftly sliced his sword towards Xuan Yan's neck. 

Xuan Yan then pushed back the hammer with Ea. Tang Xiao fell back and retracted a few steps. He then looked at his hammer and saw that there were some cracks in it. "W-What?"

Xuan Yan then turned around and the bones trapping him broke as he moved his body. *clank* he intercepted the Sword with Ea.

*woosh* With a swift and agile movement, Sword Douluo leaped backwards and used his sixth black spirit ring "Myriad Sword Returning Tribe" Xuan Yan raised his head and saw a rain of swords above him.

*fwing* As the swords were about to fall on Xuan Yan, he released his spirit rings and his first red ring shone "Phantom Slash!" A large red slash materialized from his Ea and *boom* It obliterated the rain of swords.

Ning Fenzghi released his martial spirit and Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda appeared in his palm as his sixth ring shone "Spirit Amplification." A light blue aura covered the Three Titled Douluos buffing them.

Tang Xiao again rushed towards Xuan Yan and this time his 6th black ring shined and he yelled "Heavy Hammer strike". The hammer in his hand got bigger, pulsating with an overwhelming surge of spirit power. With every ounce of strength within him, Tang Xiao hurled the large hammer towards Xuan Yan

Sword Douluo narrowed his eyes and his seventh ring glowed "Martial True body!!" Sword Douluo disappeared. What was left in his place was a huge Seven Kill Sword, ten meters long and four meters wide.

Bone Douluo also released his Martial True body and his body vanished revealing a huge Bone Dragon. *ROAR*

The third red ring around Xuan Yan glowed and he said in a low voice "Sword Quake". With that many large red slashes formed around him and launched toward Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao was stunned and hurriedly blocked the slashes with his hammer. He tried to block them but still, some of them injured him, forming many cuts on his arms and legs. "Arghhh!!" even though it was just small cuts it caused him great pain.

 Xuan Yan glanced at the huge sword and the Bone Dragon in front of him. A smirk played across his lips and *swoosh* His seventh golden ring shined brightly amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

"Martial True Body!"

H-Huh? Everyone on the battleground was startled by thetremendous surge of spirit energy in the center of the battlefield. They all turned and saw Xuan Yan's body covered in blinding golden light.

Bibi Dong's eyes sparkled witnessing this scene "Yan'er's Martial True Body?!" *WOOSH* Xuan Yan's body disappeared and a huge golden phantom of Xuan Yan appeared.

*FWOOM* The Martial True body is shining with golden low and it heights 250 meters from the ground. A large Ea sword appeared in the Phantom's hand.

In front of Xuan Yan's true martial body, the Sword Douluo's true body looked like a kitchen knife and the Bone Dragon looked like a lizard.

The Elders' and Spirit Douluo's jaws dropped as they looked at the huge phantom and were left in shock and awe by the sheer size and might of Xuan Yan's Martial True Body. Why the hell is that big? they also have the Martial true body but it is not that fucking big.

*WOOSH* The huge phantom slashed the giant Ea at Sword Douluo and the Bone Dragon. Bibi Dong looked at this and disappeared from that place with the prism.

Sword Douluo and the Bone Dragon quickly dodged the attack and the Ea hit the ground *BOOOM* The resulting explosion reverberated through the surroundings, causing the desert terrain to rupture violently. With an earthquake the desert ground broke into two creating a massive crack in the floor splitting it in two.

*gulp* The other Titled Douluos gulped their saliva looking at what a single strike had done to the land. Fear and uncertainty leaped in their hearts looking at this. FUCKKKK!

Sword Douluo who still hadn't lost determination moved and the large Kitchen knife appeared near Xuan Yan's face. *SWOOSH* Xuan Yan slashed his Ea at the kitchen knife *clank*

*thrissh* *crash* The kitchen knife broke into pieces and *boom* Sword Douluo's body fell on the ground. *cough* He coughed blood and rolled on the floor holding his back.

Seeing his friend get destroyed, the Lizard flew near Xuan Yan and Bone Douluo screamed using his ninth skill "OSSIFIED DRA-"

*puchi* But Xuan Yan caught the lizard with his left hand and tightened his grip clasping his palm. *crack* *splash* The Bone Dragon also broke revealing the Bone Douluo in a bloodied state who helplessly plummeted to the ground. *boom*

"Martial True Body!!!!" Xuan Yan heard a scream and he turned around looking at the giant black hammer. Despite his injuries, Tang Xiao has used his seventh spirit skill.

"GIGANTIC HAMMER!!" Tang Xiao yelled at the top of his lungs and the hammer grew even bigger and dark black as he hurled it towards Xuan Yan.

Xuan Yan just smiled and again raised his Ea towards the gigantic hammer pitching towards him. *CLANK* *BOOM*

As both the hammer and the Ea collided, it caused a huge shock wave that radiated across the huge battlefield in a forceful gust of wind pushing everyone and the dust flew in the air. *fwoosh* The air was filled with the resounding sound of the impact as the collision reverberated through the entire area. 

 *sigh* A sigh left Bibi Dong's lips as she levitated in the air, her body covered by a large blue prism. "Yan'er.. he is off the charts!"

Her eyes fell on the spear in her hand, "This spear is really powerful... two Titled Douluo died in just two moves. I should have killed the remaining one too..."

 After the chaos subsided and the dust settled, she cast her eyes downwards to take in the aftermath of the situation.

Tang Xiao lay sprawled on the ground, his body crushed and bruised, drenched in a pool of his own blood. *cough* A weak sound escaped his lips, a mixture of a gasp and a cough as if his every breath was a struggle. 

Huyan Zhen placed his leg over Tai Tan's body and smirked: "You were quite arrogant, weren't you? Where is that now?"

"I am called the strongest Spirit Douluo for a reason, haha!"

*swoosh* But he was surprised as suddenly felt a small headache. He glanced around and saw everyone from the Spirit Hall had gathered together.

 Dugu Bo's face contorted with a deep frown as he uttered "His Excellency has teleported us here..." he said looking at the battlefield in the distance.


Bibi Dong raised her eyebrow as she saw every Spirit Hall member disappearing. Now there are only enemies on the battlefield.

Xuan Yan's martial true body disappeared and his eyes glanced at the people below as his white hair fluttered in the air.

*SWOOSH* Massive red energy surrounded his body, forming a red aura around him and creating ripples in space. The three rotating segments in the Ea sword began to spin, the middle segment rotated clockwise, and the other two rotated counterclockwise. Crimson energy rushed to him and filled the sky with red color. 

*FEEN* He raised the sword above his head. Huge energy formed at the tip of the Ea sword mixed with a red and golden color and he extended it downwards...



I hope you guys liked this chapter!