
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Sea God Trials!


Xuan Yan closed his eyes relishing the sweet melody of the music that filled the room while he comfortably lounged on the bed as Tang Yueha continued playing the harp.

Tang Yueha stole a quick glance at Xuan Yan enjoying her music and a smile spread across her cheeks as she continued playing the harp.

A little later, the music came to an end and Tang Yueha stood up from her seat "Husband..." She softly sat on his lap their bodies fitting together perfectly and Xuan Yan gently clasped her waist "Beautiful as always, Yueha..." he said softly caressing her hair.

In the dimly hit bedroom, Tang Yueha gently caressed his face, planting tender kisses upon his lips. Xuan Yan kissed her back as his hands went up groping her boobs.

Retracting the kiss, Xuan Yan smiled "Hm... seems like your boobs gotten quite big, Yueha." Tang Yueha's eyes softened as she playfully pinched his nose "That's because you are always molding them and I am also taking good care of my body with the Diamond body technique."

"Because I have this naughty husband who just loves sex so I have to make him feel good with my body right?"

Xuan Yan chuckled upon hearing this and Tang Yueha leaned down kissing tenderly pressing her lips against his neck. "You want to have sex before dinner?" Tang Yueha whispered and Xuan Yan smiled patting her "Why not..."

But suddenly a frown appeared on his face feeling an energy and he gave a peck on Tang Yueha's forehead "Dear, wait for me. Right now someone is calling me."

Tang Yueha was surprised and raised her head "Who is that, Husband."

"Bo Saixi!"


*thrash* As the crashing waves relentlessly hit the shore, standing on a small cliff Bo Saixi looked at the sea's reflection of the moonlight dancing upon the restless waters with a scepter in her hand.

Her lips curled up slightly, forming a gentle smile as she shifted her gaze towards the attractive young man who stood by her side, his hair waving in the cool night breeze.

"What happened? Calling me now?" Xuan Yan asked curiously looking at her pink eyes. Bo Saixi shook her head "Nothing big, I just wanted to thank you."

"Thank me?"

"En." Bo Saixi bowed slightly "I just talked with Hai Nu. Thank you for saving her and the sea from the toxins even though it is my job to protect the seas."

Xuan Yan spoke glimpsing at the seas "I just happened to pass by. So I helped her, don't have to thank me and the toxins in the sea.. well, it's another issue."

Bo Saixi raised her head and saw that he was still quite nonchalant with her. She remembers that he was indifferent to her when they first met in Heaven Dou Empire too.

But little by little, he opened up to her and they got close in those months of travelling together. 'I kinda miss his teasing and that playful smile on his lips.' These thoughts lingered in her heart.

"Do you know anything about those toxins?" Bo Saixi asked as she noticed him saying it was another 'issue'.

Xuan Yan gave a small nod "Two of the women got poisoned eating the marine fish. So I examined it and found dark energy from it."

Bo Saixi's gaze narrowed "Dark Energy?"

"Yeah, the Dark Spirit masters are the ones who are trying to pollute the seas." Hearing this, Bo Saixi remembered Xuan Yan also killed some powerful spirit masters during their journey together.

As Bo Saixi reminisced about those days, a wave of emotions washed over her, causing her body to tense up. A subtle blush painted her cheeks pink, her eyes quivering as she stole a discreet glance at Xuan Yan.

Because that is the day, Xuan Yan confessed her feelings to her and asked her to stay with him forever. *badump* The memory of that unexpected confession caused her heart to beat wildly in her chest, leaving her feeling flustered and unable to contain her emotions.

But at the same time, she also remembered her rejection. She is the High Priestess of this Sea God Island, so she couldn't fall in love.

A deep sigh left her lips as she thought about that and she again glimpsed at his face. 'What would he think if I told him that I was Xiu Yin?'

'Maybe I should explain my current position and tell him the reason for my rejection. But, wait... Does he even remember Xiu Yin? He has a lot of women, so maybe he has already forgotten her?'

Her heart clenched in bitterness, thinking that he might have already forgotten her 'N-No, I don't want him to forget.' "U-Um..." she opened her lips to speak.

*swoosh* "Brother Lord!" Ma Xiaotao appeared there and Xuan Yan smiled looking at her "Sister Tao!"

"Brother Lord, the sisters are waiting for you. It's time for dinner..." she spoke and glanced at Bo Saixi "Senior Bo Saixi..."

Xuan Yan gave a nod "It's time huh? See you later, Bo Saixi." Bo Saixi wanted to talk with him even more, but in the end, she just gave a nod "Um, yeah..."

Ma Xiaotao looked at Bo Saixi's eyes and felt weird. She has seen this gaze in someone's eyes before. It is Tang Yueha,... the eyes that look at Xuan Yan with longing and affection, but also carry a tinge of pain?

This made her confused, Bo Saixi saw Xuan Yan just today, but why is she looking at him like that? Did she fall for him at first sight or something?

"Let's go, Sister Tao!" Xuan Yan said gently pulling her hand and Ma Xiaotao also clasped his arm tenderly. 

Xuan Yan stopped and turned around "Bo Saixi, there is a huge surprise for you tomorrow."

"Surprise?" Bo Saixi was confused hearing his words. 

"You will know tomorrow!"


In the morning-

*swoosh* Xuan Yan and all the women appeared near the Seahorse Holy Pillar. Bo Saixi looked at everyone and spoke "Today you all will go through the Sea God Trials."

"This pillar is one of the sacred pillars of our Seagod Island. It can transmit the will of the Seagod. When you stand in it, the sacred pillar will emit white, yellow, purple, black, and red in turn. Five kinds of light!"

"The white is the easiest and you will get only one test, but when it goes up, the trials will be many and harder. The natives of Sea God Island are given ten years for each trial, while outsiders are given one year."

"Looking at you all, I guess you might get black-level tests and there are three tiers in that level. From tier four to tier six. And the seventh tier is the red trial."

After some info dump, the women smile... because Xuan Yan already informed about this to them. Bo Saixi glanced at the women "So who is gonna come first?"

Hu Liena stepped up "Me!" Bo Saixi nodded and looked at Sea Horse Douluo who was standing near the pillar. Sea Horse Douluo bowed "High Priestess!"

 Hu Liena walked and stood in front of the Sacred Pillar. Sea Hose Douluo closed his eyes injecting his spirit power into the Sacred pillar and recited a chant.

The next moment, the pillar glowed up in white, and the white light fell on Hu Liena. *feen* *feen* It quickly changed colors and reached black.

"W-What? Black sixth trial? It is the most difficult trial in the black tier." The Sea Horse Douluo again glimpsed at Hu Liena and was amazed by her talent.

 Bo Saixi was also surprised looking at the Black Sixth trial. Xiao Wu was amused "Even with Sister Liena's talent, it is showing black tier?"

As Xiao Wu's words fell, *feen* The Scared pillar shone brightly and reached the color red. *FEEN* The beam of red light was shot towards the sky and the usual blue sky suddenly turned red.

And the red light fell on Hu Liena, and it pointed toward her forehead creating a red marking.

"Huh?" Bo Saixi was taken aback seeing the red trial. *woosh* She quickly appeared in front of Hu Liena "Girl, your name?"

"Um, Hu Liena!" Hu Liena replied touching the marking on her forehead. Bo Saixi nodded her head "Hu Liena, from now on you are a special guest of our Sea God Island. If you want, you can control some spirit masters who are wearing purple clothes."

Hu Liena glanced at Sea Horse Douluo and saw him bowing at her. "Aren't we already special guests?" Hu Liena asked and Bo Saixi nodded "Now you are even more special, I will take care of you in trials."

Hu Liena nodded "Yes, Senior Bo Saixi!" Xuan Yan smiled, it is no wonder. Hu Liena is already a genius and she also has the Diamond body technique, immortal herbs, and powerful spirit bones.

Bo Saixi glimpsed at the others "Who's next?" Xiao Wu stepped forward "It's me now." 

Xiao Wu closed her eyes, standing in front of the pillar muttering in her heart 'Please be red, please be red, please be red...'

"A-Another red?" Hearing the Sea Horse Douluo's surprised voice, Xiao Wu opened her eyes and saw the red color. She got overjoyed and jumped "Yay, I am also red."

Bo Saixi was startled and glimpsed at Xiao Wu who had a spirit beast's breath "Your name?" Xiao Wu replied with a smile "Xiao Wu!"

Bo Saixi nodded "Just like Hu Liena, you are also a special guest on our Island." Xiao Wu gave a nod and ran towards Xuan Yan "Brother Yan, I got red as you said."

As you said? Bo Saixi was bewildered and Xuan YAn with a frown. Does he already know very well about the Sea God Trials? Is this the surprise?

Then one after another the women walked forward for the trials.

"A-Another red trials?"

"Wait what? Red again?"

"Oh, this time it's top black tier."


"Again top black!"

"It is red again?"

"Are you guys monsters?"

"Within one day there are many candidates to get the High Priestess position of our Sea God Island in the future! They are truly blessed!"

Bo Saixi's eyes were full of surprise looking at the women. They were not only beautiful, they were also talented and powerful!

Seeing the constant red level lights in the sky, many sea spirit masters gathered near the sacred pillar bowing in front of it.

There are only four people left who are yet to get their trials. Long Yeyue, Ma Xiaotao, Xuan Yan, and... Zhu Zhuqing. The women all looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a smile, because she was the one who inherited the Vast Cosmic Shroud after all.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!