
Reincarnated in my Hero Academia

“I died” Those were the first words Yamamoto Kei said to himself, thinking he was alone in the endless darkness of the void. Little did he know that he wasn’t alone. For a system was there with him, to present him with a gift and a new world he can call home. Note: this is not a novel where the MC will reincarnate and magically get god level acting skills or BS his way out of any situation. This novel is about an MC who is training constantly to reach his goals in the world he is now living in.

LoneSovereign · Urban
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23 Chs

A New Friend and a New Guitar

When Kei heard what Jiro said, he responded "no way, it is going with me"

At this moment it became a stare off between the two.

"We have been like this for over an hour. Just let go and let me have it already" said Jiro with an annoyed expression on her face

"Nope, not happening" said Kei not willing to let go of the guitar

This stale mate lasted another twenty minutes. Until Kei finally came up with an idea.

"Since we cannot agree on who should take the guitar. Then how about we compete for it" said Kei with a confident look on his face

"What are we competing in" said Jiro with a competitive look in her eyes

"How about we play an original song on the guitar and who ever played best keeps it" said Kei with a smile on his face

"Who is going to be the judge" said Jiro with a questioning tone

"Why not ask the workers to help us pick the best song" said Kei

"Alright then, let the best song win" said Jiro with absolute confidence in her victory

When Kei let the employees of the store know what they were up to. They immediately agreed, since the day had been slow and they had little to do.

As Kei saw Jiro look so confident. He could not help but feel bad, after all he had a decade and a half of experience. While she, a ten year old, only had five years at best.

Not to mention he could plagiarize any song that does not exist in this world. All in all, this was a one sided battle.

'Maybe I should just play one of my original songs instead' thought Kei as he felt like he was bullying Jiro

'Yeah, I will use one of my songs. I mean how good could she be at this age anyway' thought Kei with confidence starting to brighten his eyes

Since the employees had all gathered up, Jiro decided to go first.

"Alright, since I'm first I will give it all I got" said Jiro as she prepared to play her song

When Kei and the employees heard Jiro say that. They all became silent so they could focus on her song.

Kei who had full confidence up until now. Had it shattered in the blink of an eye.

'How the hell is she this good, she is only ten years old and is already this good' thought Kei as he heard Jiro play her song.

It was not only Kei who thought that. Even the employees were impressed by her song.

As time went by, Jiro finished her song with a happy look on her face.

"Alright, it is your turn now" said Jiro with a refreshing smile on her face

When Kei heard that, the only thing going through his mind was 'yup, I am going to plagiarize. Yeah, I'm doing it, there is no other way'

As Kei made his way in front of the people, he started to think of which song he should use as his own.

Once he got in front of everyone, he started to play. When everyone heard the song, they were so shocked that they had no words to say.

When Jiro heard the song Kei was playing, she knew she had lost.

When Kei finished his song, all he could see were the shocked stares aimed at him.

'I guess I did the song justice' thought Kei as he made his way towards Jiro

When Jiro saw Kei coming towards her. She could only sigh, as she was recalling how good the song Kei had just played was.

Just as Jiro was going to tell Kei that he had won. Kei who was now in front of her, handed the guitar over to her.

When Jiro saw the guitar in her hands, she was confused. It was only until Kei spoke that she understood that Kei was giving her the guitar.

"You can have the guitar, I will just go look for another one that I like" said Kei with a smile

Although Kei won. He did not feel good about it. The reason being that he had to use someone else's song to win.

'If I cant win with a song that was made by me, then there is no point in winning' thought Kei as he gave the guitar to Jiro

"Thank you" said Jiro

"Your welcome, by the way, my name is Naomasa Kei" said Kei in a friendly tone

"Jiro Kyoka" said Jiro while smiling

"It is nice to meet you, Jiro" said Kei

"It is nice to meet you too" responded Jiro

Now that the competition was over. Kei and Jiro started to talk about all kinds of different things. By the time they finished talking they realized it was getting late.

Before Jiro left, Kei asked Jiro if they could hang out again and play some music together.

When Jiro heard that Kei wanted to hang out again with her. She was happy knowing Kei wanted to play some music together.

The two then exchanged numbers and quickly said their goodbyes since it was starting to get late.

As Kei was making his way home he decided that he would go to a few other music stores tomorrow and see if he could find another guitar that he would like.


The next day Kei woke up early and had breakfast. Once he finished eating, he made his way out the front door.

'Today is the day that I get my guitar' thought Kei as he headed to a different music shop

Once Kei got there he once again headed to the section where the guitars were displayed. Sadly he did not find one he liked.

Since he found nothing that he liked, he made his way to another store.

After going to the third store. Kei still had no luck finding a guitar to his liking. As he left the store Kei could not help thinking 'why am I being so picky?'

As Kei continued to walk, the thought he had kept plaguing him. Suddenly he saw man doing fire spinning on the street.

When the fire spinner finished his routine, Kei went to approach him.

Once Kei was in front of him, he put some money in the collection bin.

Kei then spoke to the man "that was a great routine you did, does your quirk aid you in the routine"

"Actually it does not, but between you and me, I do not have a quirk" whispered the man

Kei was surprised that the man did not have a quirk. He had a costume that resembled that of a hero.

Before Kei could ask the question he had been thinking. The man seemed to know what he was going to ask and said " it was my dream to be a hero. This is the outfit I would have worn if I had been gifted with a quirk. Unfortunately I was the only one in my family that was not blessed with a quirk"

When Kei heard that, he could not help think of the one man that could take quirks from people.

"What part of Japan are your family from?. Not to be rude, but you do not see many people with physical characteristics like yours" asked Kei

"Oh, I am not a native of Japan. My home land is a country south of the Chinese border" said the man while happily smiling

Kei and the man kept chatting for a while, until Kei remembered what he had come out for.

When Kei remembered he was looking to buy a guitar he said "it was nice chatting with you, but I have to go. I have been looking all day for a guitar that suits my style, but sadly I've had no luck so far"

When the man heard what Kei was looking for he said to Kei "I am not sure if you have gone to it, but if you are looking for a guitar, try going to Immortal Legends shop. The owner used to be a world renowned pianist, but her real passion was in rock music"

"Thank you the suggestion, my is Naomasa Kei by the way" said Kei to the man with a deep sense of gratitude

"Don't mention it, my name is Thánh Gióng" said the man

"Alright I have to be going. If fate allows it we will meet again" said the man to Kei as he started walking away

When Kei saw the man start walking away, he immediately started walking towards the shop the man had mentioned to him.


Kei finally arrived to Immortal Legends shop. Just as he was going to go in the store, he saw a sign below the open sign that said 'this is not a shop of historic heroes'.

When Kei read the sign he thought 'huh, I guess a lot of people must have come in for that' as he went into store.

When Kei entered the store he saw largest collection of guitars and guitar memorabilia he had ever seen in both his past and current life.

Just as he was mesmerized by the sight, he heard someone say "hey boy, are you here to buy something or are you going to keep staring around like an idiot"

When Kei heard what the woman said, he responded in an embarrassed tone "I am here looking to buy. I was referred here by someone I met a bit ago. He said you were world renowned musician"

"Oh, they even mentioned that" said the woman

When Kei heard her confirm what the man said was true, he asked "what kind of musician were you?"

"A pianist" she said in a monotone voice with what looked like distain in her eyes

When Kei heard her answer, he could not help but say "from the looks of this place, I thought you would have been a guitarist"

The woman then said with disdain in her voice "I would have been but these accursed fingers were meant for the damn piano rather than the wondrous strings of the guitar"

When Kei heard the woman say that, he decided to quickly change the topic "so anyway, I came to find a guitar that suits my taste. I was hoping you have one for me to buy"

The woman then said " what do I look like, a damn tour guide. You have perfectly functioning eyes and legs, go look for yourself and let me know if you see something you like"

When Kei heard her say that, he started around to see if any guitar caught his eye.

After looking around a guitar that somewhat interested him. He picked it up and started playing the song he used to beat Jiro in the contest they had.

When he finished the song, the woman said "so your the brat, who created that wonderful song"

When Kei heard the woman say she recognized the song, he asked "how do you know this song?"

The woman then took out her phone and showed him a recording of the competition he had with Jiro.

When Kei saw the video he thought 'of course, if they did that in my previous world. They would obviously do it here too'

"So tell me what is the name of the song?" Asked the woman with a look that showed how curious she was to hear the title of the song

"The name of the song is called [Yesterday]" said Kei with a look of embarrassment

"That is a pretty good name" said woman before continuing "I have a few unique guitars in the back. Follow me, let's see if one fits your style, that is if you are interested"

Kei who had not found a guitar that suited him, followed the woman to back. There he saw an assortment of guitars. Kei tried them one by one until he finally found one he liked.

"How much for this one?" Asked Kei

"You have a good eye, what is it that caught interest in that guitar?" Asked the woman clearly interested in hearing his answer

"Not sure, just the weight and the balance to it" responded Kei

When the woman heard keis answer, she was silent for a while before she said "play me a song with that guitar, just not the one you played before"

When Kei heard what she said he started playing a different song.

Once Kei finished the song the woman said "that was brilliant, but that is not a cheap guitar. How much were you planning on spending?"

Kei then told her how much he had to spend on the guitar. The woman stared off into space with contemplative look on her face.

The woman then said "we can consider it a down payment" she then continued "as for the rest of the payment. Come here and play some of your original songs every other week and on some select holidays until you pay it off"

When Kei heard he could keep the guitar for just playing a few songs he agreed immediately. He then thanked the woman and went back home.

As he was making his way back home, he could not help think of how lucky he was to meet the man that recommended the shop to him.

Hello everyone. Sorry for the late chapter.

I want to let you know I am getting close to reaching the beginning of where the anime/manga starts.

The reason I am letting you know this is because I want you guys to think up two characters, one male and one female that will be joining MC in UA High School in class 1A. Think up the name, quirk, future hero name character will have. I will then write your username and pick two winners at random. One for the male and one for female. Good luck

LoneSovereigncreators' thoughts