
Reincarnated in marvel as a cat

-" THE HULK SEEMS TO BE HAVING AND LOOSING A WRESTLING MATCH WITH...IS THAT A CAT ??!!??!!?" -"When I said someone worthy, I didn't expect Miolnir to choose another species entirely, now that stupid CAT is using the hammer to bully Loki, I better go grab that brat and bring him home.. sigh, if I don't then Friga will give me an earful... again". -"how THE FU** DID U SOLVE that algorithm faster than JARVIS? HOW DID U EVEN WRITE THAT FAST WITH YOUR MOUTH??!!!" -"this is sooo FREAKIN* WEIRD, how can I be attracted to a CAT??!!! I know shield asked me to keep an eye on it, but why did I have to bring him home ? I feel strangely flustered when he looks at me in the shower, don't cats usually hate water? wait IS HE SMIRKING?!!?!!" So this is pretty basic; MC is reincarnated as a cat with powers, he will be op from the start but will still need time to adjust, he will unlock the ability to become human but it will only be limited to a few hours or maybe even a day but he will choose to stay a cat and will only transform when needed(like during u know *smirk*) This is my first story so please be indulgent. *DISCLAIMER* I own nothing except my MC and possible OCs, I will create my own plot for the MC, as he will have his adventures before joining the main plot... WHICH I DON'T OWN!!!

Aminopavono80 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

5.Kids are complicated!

[AN: hey guys, I know it's been a while but I recently got back from my exams and didn't have the mental capacity to even think of the plot of the story, since I got myself into this complicated scenario of 1000 years before Canon instead of something more simple like 10 or 5 years, but now that I have some time, I decided to try my best with what I got.

Unfortunately there is still no update schedule so there might be another chapter tomorrow or next month idk, but I'll do my best. Hope you all enjoy anyways!]




So...this is awkward.

How exactly do you tell a small child that you can't bring her mother, who is most probably dead, back without breaking her heart and ending up feeling like the scum of the earth in the process?

The answer is quite obvious, u divert their attention until they forget about it entirely!Sigh...I wish it was that simple.

"Hey, Yao look at this" I quickly shot multiple balls of ki out of my mouth into the sky trying to create fireworks but ended up having a cluster of explosions in the sky like in those DBZ fight scenes.(AN: honestly don't know when i'm going with this.)

But it was big and flashy enough to attract her attention, Wich I was grateful for as it gave quite the distraction and made for a good way of sneaking out since I was out of my element here.

Luckily I saw two monks previously roaming at the edges of the clearing and from what I sensed from them they had a worried and caring aura around them and where actually looking for chibi one, so with my little 'signal'

They would find her easily enough (AN: I'm just spouting BS at this point)

Just in case, I kept observing from high above the clouds so they wouldn't detect me, I didn't want to get involved in the affairs of kamar taj.

So with the confirmation that the Chibi one was safe and I had dodged a bullet, I heaved a sigh of relief and kept there to myself to get the feel for this flying thing.

After a few minutes of trying different maneuvers at high altitude, Wich honestly made me addicted to this feeling of freedom, I decided to go explore, since this world of 1000 years in the past peaked my curiosity quite a lot, and the desire for exciting adventures filled my being, little did I know that trouble always finds me no matter where I go...

3rd POV:

"Come on brother, don't you think this is amazing??!!"

In a faraway forested mountain about a few hundred kilometers from where Eric met the Chibi one,

Two boys who looked to be no older than 9 or 10 yo, could be seen crouching on the ground, observing two beetles fighting intensely, their attire looked quite regal with the first one wearing black baggy pants tucked into boots of the same colour, with a blue Cape and shirt, the same colour as his eyes, with golden linings on the hems the same colour as his hair.

The one he called brother, standing next to him instead of crouching, was posing coolly with an air of indifference, however you could clearly see he was pretending as despite his best efforts to hide it, his exited green eyes couldn't help focusing on the small fight going on, his black hair swaying gently as he tried to get a better look without his brother noticing.

He wore the same thing as his brother but coloured green instead of blue.

"Look at them fighting feercly, not one of them giving in a single step in a battle of strength and attrition, their will tested each breath they took, and their determination strengthening every second, this is making my blood boil in excitement!!!"

The black haired boy looked at his brother like he was an idiot, "what a battle maniac".

Unlike him, he was merely interested in the new things they were discovering, not in some stupid fights, they had enough of those back home, 'Althought I guess I should thank him for convincing Heimdall of letting us explore this place a little, I've never been to Midgard so I need to explore as much as I can before we have to go back, or this buffoon does something to make Heimdall take us back early'.

Suddenly they both heard an unfamiliar voice calling out to them, and the head of a feline creature slowly coming out of the folliedge above them,

"Well Hello There!!!".