
Reincarnated in marvel as a cat

-" THE HULK SEEMS TO BE HAVING AND LOOSING A WRESTLING MATCH WITH...IS THAT A CAT ??!!??!!?" -"When I said someone worthy, I didn't expect Miolnir to choose another species entirely, now that stupid CAT is using the hammer to bully Loki, I better go grab that brat and bring him home.. sigh, if I don't then Friga will give me an earful... again". -"how THE FU** DID U SOLVE that algorithm faster than JARVIS? HOW DID U EVEN WRITE THAT FAST WITH YOUR MOUTH??!!!" -"this is sooo FREAKIN* WEIRD, how can I be attracted to a CAT??!!! I know shield asked me to keep an eye on it, but why did I have to bring him home ? I feel strangely flustered when he looks at me in the shower, don't cats usually hate water? wait IS HE SMIRKING?!!?!!" So this is pretty basic; MC is reincarnated as a cat with powers, he will be op from the start but will still need time to adjust, he will unlock the ability to become human but it will only be limited to a few hours or maybe even a day but he will choose to stay a cat and will only transform when needed(like during u know *smirk*) This is my first story so please be indulgent. *DISCLAIMER* I own nothing except my MC and possible OCs, I will create my own plot for the MC, as he will have his adventures before joining the main plot... WHICH I DON'T OWN!!!

Aminopavono80 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

2. New life settings

After disappearing, I found myself sitting at a bar with the godlike being next to me drinking a beer, I had one in my hand too and it's also the brand I usually drink, I also noticed the place we were at wasn't too crowded nor too quiet, just the perfect atmosphere (nobody can notice or interact with them), "Just call me ROB if you want, that's what the ones I meet usually call me, I thought this setting would make u more comfortable, also we have all the time we want, so we can talk a little bit, I wouldn't mind hearing about your day or how u feel, we can chat about whatever you want", after hearing that I felt more relaxed and... happy?? I know this sounds weird but I felt warm inside, like this was an experience I have missed all my life, 'is..is this what it feels like to share a drink with your father and just talk ....?'

And so we talked for a while, about anything and everything, I told him about how my life went, about how difficult it was to grow up alone, about my happy experiences and my depressing ones, he listened to everything, although he probably already knew about all of this, but I didn't care, it felt good to share all of this with someone, he even gave me some words of advice and even and even mentioned trying the life on earth as a mortal for a while and even mentioned he once also fell in love but quickly changed the subject after that, I guess even he isn't immune to the power of love ( god I felt so cringe while writing this😬, please tell me If it's too much or I should turn it down a bit).

"so, are you ready have the information about your next life?".I nodded and asked eagerly, " so do I have wishes or can I choose the world I'll be going to??!!"

"Wow there, slow down son, unfortunately you can't choose those things, you will instead be given them randomly". I then noticed that our surroundings had changed during our talk, we were still at the bar, but it was empty and behind us was a big screen, floating in the air, with a red button sitting right next to my beer ' how didn't I notice that , I guess I was too absorbed in our conversation'.

"By clicking the red button you will activate the randomizer and you will get whatever it lands on, pretty simple, right? You will have 5 different slots u will be picking : 'WORLD'; Wich can be any real or fictional universe out there, and yes, all the movies, comic books, anime, manga, and even cartoon worlds exist out there. 'BEING'; this unfortunately means you can get any race ranging from an ant to a godlike being like superman or even a species you have never heard of that lives in a totally random universe, so the chances of you being human again are really small but possible with enough luck. And finally you will have 3 'PERKS'; these can range from being able to manipulate the space time continuum to simply having slightly better taste buds."


I was a little surprised at the start, when he started describing how really random this was, but was really worried about the second slot; the possibility of becoming an insect or even an ugly monster that has no continence, made me really uncomfortable and worried.

"Now I like u kid and I feel kind of bad for the way you lived, so I'll give you one chance to reroll one of the slots once if you wish to, however, I can't give you more than that."

'That's great now I can reroll my race if I get a bad one'.

"So, Wich slot would you like to roll first ?"

"Huh...Well, I'll go with the order u described them in." ROB nodded and the screen glowed with the word 'WORLD' and a big red button under it, I quickly understood and pressed the similar one next to me, the screen rolled with different names appearing too fast for me to read but I caught a glimpse of a few like 'STAR WARS', 'MODERN FAMILY' and 'BEN 10'.

... Finally, after rolling for like 15 secs it stopped on the word 'MARVEL EARTH-199999 (MCU)', I was relieved, I got the least broken version of the marvel universe, although still broken, I won't have to be afraid of omnipotent beings accidentally or intentionally erasing me from existence by breathing a little too hard😐."Nice, not too dangerous but still exciting enough, I like that", I exclaimed approvingly which made my company chuckle a bit and ask if I would like to go on to the next one, "Actually can we go with the 3 'PERKS' first ?", ROB looked at me knowingly and asked why, "I actually thought about it and don't want my race to influence my decision on if or if not I should reroll one of my perks, if I'm going to gamble, better go all out and just change whatever I don't like on the spot instead of thinking too much." I actually didn't want my race to influence my perks like if I become a non humanoid being, would I still get the perk of heat vision for example, I didn't know if the randomizer would automatically discard the perks not made for my race, I believe any perk is useful if u are clever enough in using it...ROB gave me a smirk probably already guessing my intentions, but he just muttered "Clever kid" and didn't comment further making me sigh in relief, he decided to give me the three perks at the same time, so after pressing the button, three slots appeared on the screen and began rolling, at first I didn't understand why he did that but went with it, after another few seconds, roll stopped and gave me:

1.Achilles heel: You are a force of nature, nothing can stop you or hurt you in any way, shape, or form and you are granted infinite stamina, however, like the name suggests you have one week spot on your body that even if punched a little too hard will kill you instantly *NOTICE this weakness can only be countered by the perk 'Absolute immortality'*

2.Absolute immortality: You can not be killed by anything, there is no exceptions to this rule, u may be vaporizer, or thrown in the center of a sun, or even destroyed by an omnipotent beings, you will always come back as good as new, aging, sickness or poison, nothing will ever hinder you.

3.Flash digestive system: The food you eat will be digested within a few seconds and will be evacuated as fast as possible. *WARNING this ability is passive and can not be resisted or turned off*

At first I was slack jawed at how lucky I was that from billions or possibly more perks, I got the perfect combination in my two first, but I then looked weirdly at the last one, although I was immortal and unstoppable, with infinite power, I would live my life on the toilet, I don't even know if you could call that a 'perk', but I wasn't too worried and simply though I would just change it to something else with my reroll option, however when I turned to ask ROB to reroll the last slot only, he told me something that left me petrified and made my heart drop "What do you mean the last slot ? I only see one slot here, would you like to reroll it an try for three new perks?", as he asked me this with an innocent face, I robotically turned to the screen and noticed he was right, there was not three but a single slot with my three perks inside of it, I then understood why he gave me the perks all at once, I simply dropped to my knees and sobb- *ahem* cried manly tears, with him laughing his as* off, "AHAHA...Kid you're a few billion years too early to try to trick me and find a loophole in my system, but since you made me laugh harder then I ever had In a few centuries, I'll give you one custom perk that I think would help you but wouldn't be too overpowered, but I will deduct it personally from one of your next three perks and you will have no say in it, are we clear ?",ROB asked in a stern tone, I quickly nodded, like a child being scolded and he let me reroll my perks again, after it stopped the screen once again showed something amazing:

1.Omniscient: you will know everything about anything, will always have eyes and ears on everything in existence be it past, present or future*NOTICE limited to only the universe you are in*.

2.Longevity: basically eternal youth

3.Mutated Saiyan physiologie: you have all the powers of a Saiyan like ki manipulation, fighting instincts, Great Ape, zenkai boosts and ssj transformations but with a slightly stronger base power at the start *NOTICE Great Ape transformation will be adapted to your species* (A/N: for example if he is a dog, he will have a Great Wolf Transformation . Tell me if it doesn't sound right 👍).

Before I could celebrate my amazing luck, ROB quickly waved his hand, and suddenly, my 'Omniscience' perk was replaced by another one;

1.Regulator: no matter who your opponent is you will never be caught inadequate, however that goes the other way as well; you will always have almost the same level of power (just a little higher) as your opponent no matter if it is a god or an ant and will have to win your fights with pure will and determination, if fighting against multiple enemies their powers will be stacked up and multiplied by the number of enemies *NOTICE this power will be activated only in critical moments such as life or death battles so as to not let you rely too much on this power*.

...I was disappointed at first, but after reading the details of this perk, I realized it wasn't that bad and was actually really amazing...although it wasn't as broken as Omniscience🥲.

"Now, time for your last slot son". After quietly absorb the information about my new perks, ROB asked me to roll the last category wish was the one I was the most nervous about, but then an idea, struck me, "Can you give me the honor of being the one to press the button this time? I know that you must have the most amazing luck in existence so I was hoping you would help me to stay human!!", I asked sounding pitiful and desperate for his grace, I was actually banking on him wanting to show off and manipulate the screen to give me something good since he was the one to press the button, I stopped thinking and emptyed my mind of any thoughts of trying to fool him, since I knew he could read my mind, he just looked at me in pity and pressed the button, I quickly looked but froze as I saw the screen; 'HOUSE CAT', the look of pity on his face quickly turned to amusement as he teasingly sed "I told you... billions of years too young to fool me". I looked down in sham- "But..." I looked up in hope, "I will upgrade it a little", he then looked at the screen and I quickly followed his gaze to find that it had changed to 'FLURKEN', but before I could say anything he quickly cut me off saying, "now it's time, safe travels and I hope you will one day forgive what I did to you...", before I could process his words, I was quickly sucked by a rainbow colored vortex coming from a rip in space, before it closed completely I heard a sound akin to a whisper. "Goodbye...and I am proud of you...my...son".





Hey guys, thank you so much for reading this, I know you don't like info dumps like that, I don't either but I had to do it for this chapter but there won't be any more... hopefully.😜

anyways thanks for the support and imma try updating as soon as possible and comments about the plot or the details are always helpful, have a good day... or night idk😁.