
Reincarnated in Kingdom

After getting his 3 wishes from God, MC woke up in the Kingdom world. Disclaimer: i dont own the copyright for kingdom This is my first novel Expect a lot of grammar errors

Shadow_Kid978 · TV
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Long night

After waiting a while Yeong-shin got up and tried to peek through the cracks of the door. Noticing there wasn't anything outside, he decided to take down the barricade.

Seo-bi curiously asked: what are you doing?

Yeong-shin with an expressionless face: we have to stop this from spreading out. You heard what Sung Woo said.

Seo-bi: how are you going to do that?

Yeong-shin: I'll make sure none of these creatures make its way outside. I'll build a barricade around Lee Seung-hui's client.

Seo-bi nodded, then grabbed Sung Woo sword and handed it to Yeong-shin: you're going to need this.

Yeong-shin refused: keep it to protect yourself and Sung Woo.

Before heading out Yeong-shin ask Seo-bi: are there any bamboo or wood planks?

Seo-bi: yes, it should be in the storage area at the back.

Yeong-shin left quietly with his hatchet in hand. He moves slowly and quickly not to alert any zombies, especially the mutated zombie. When he reached the storage he saw a big stack of bamboo. He bent over to pick it up but something tackled him from behind. Yeong-shin swift his body so he doesn't fall and he saw a little zombie boy. He was able to push the zombie off.

Yeong-shin firmly grip his hatchet and mumbled: I'm sorry it was all my fault

Yeong-shin hacked down on the zombie boy's head. Then he looked around making sure nothing would sneak up on him again. Soon he started to make spike barricades and spears and placed them around the clinic.

[Seo-bi POV]

After Yeong-shin left she started placing stuff in front of the door building a small barricade. Finally, she walked back to Sung Woo's side and placed his head on her lap.

Seo-bi wiping Sung Woo sweat: we just met but you protected me twice and put yourself in danger. Why?

Seo-bi never thought she would ever feel this way to a stranger. She was too busy concentrating on becoming a doctor and helping patients.

Thinking of all the patients she cried again. After a moment she wiped her tears and had a determined face.

Seo-bi thought to herself: I must find a way to cure this.

Seo-bi put Sung Woo down gently and went to look for some notes taken by doctor Lee Seung. After searching for a while she can't find anything to help. She starts thinking for a while and remembers there are some notes at the clinic.

Suddenly she heard a bang against the door. She jumped, shaking in fear. The door slammed again, she went to grab Sung Woo sword. Just when she turned around the bang stopped.

Pointing the sword at the door she slowly approached it. When she pushed the door. It swung open, closing her eyes and she stabbed forward.

She heard: it's me

Seo-bi opened her eyes and saw Yeong-shin with a scared face and a sword next to his head.

Seo-bi putting the sword down she questioned: were you banging the door outside?

Yeong-shin: No, I already took care of it.

Pointing outside she saw a headless body and shuddered.

Yeong-shin: you should get used to it. You are going to see her more of this later.

Seo-bi snaps: and whose fault is that?

Yeong-shin pupils expanded, then took a deep breath: I'll take responsibility for what I have done.

Seo-bi apologizes: I'm sorry I just

Yeong-shin interrupted: Sung Woo and you are right it's my fault and I'm a monster.

Seo-bi: enough, let's rest and take care of tomorrow.

Yeong-shin: I'll stay up and watch out for any creature.

Seo-bi: Ok wake me up in 3 hours and we will take turn taking shifts

Yeong-shin nodded his head.

[Sung Woo dream]

He was back in his original world. He just finished taking down this boss's son and became boss.

He is now the boss running the gang and owns a villa and has his own family. Married to a woman who looks like Seo-bi.

Sung Woo is currently at home with a beer bottle in hand enjoying the fresh air. He suddenly heard a thud in another room.

He followed the noise and saw his wife's corpse with a zombie over her, chewing on her flesh. He dropped his beer bottle. The zombie turns and faces Sung Woo. Sung Woo recognized the zombie face that it was his boss.

The zombie open it mouth and said: you promise me you will be loyal

Sung Woo: your son try to kill me

The zombie walks toward: where is your loyalty? I raised you, fed you, and took you off the street.

Sung Woo face darkened: I tried my best

The zombie with an evil smile: did you?

Sung Woo whispered: I'm sorry

The zombie jumps toward and bite his neck.

Sung Woo got up and screamed. He looked around and saw Seo-bi next to him sleeping and Yeong-shin looking at him.

Yeong-shin: you finally awake sleeping beauty

Sung Woo looked at the door and noticed there was sunlight: is it already morning?