
chapter 1: last moments

Alex Walker lived a quiet life in a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. He was a young man in his mid-twenties, with dreams that often outpaced the realities of his daily routine. His job in customer service paid the bills, but it was his passion for manga and anime that truly ignited his spirit.

On a typical evening, Alex would unwind by diving into the latest chapters of his favorite manga series. Tonight was no different. He sat cross-legged on his bed, bathed in the soft glow of his smartphone screen. The digital pages of "Kaiju No. 8" flickered before his eyes, each panel a gateway to a world of heroes and monsters.

It was nearing midnight when Alex finally decided to call it a night. With a sigh, he set his phone aside and stretched, feeling the strain of hours spent hunched over. Tomorrow would be another day of mundane tasks and fleeting daydreams of adventure.

As Alex drifted off to sleep, he had no inkling that the next day would change everything.


Morning arrived with its usual blend of sunlight and distant traffic noise. Alex woke to the soft melody of his alarm, reluctantly pulling himself from the comfort of his blankets. He went through the motions of his morning routine—shower, breakfast, and a quick glance at the news headlines before heading out.

The day passed in a blur of monotonous tasks and polite smiles exchanged with coworkers. Lunch break offered a brief respite, during which Alex found himself once again drawn to his phone. He scrolled through social media, catching up on the latest memes and updates from friends. But as the afternoon wore on, a restlessness gnawed at him, a nagging sense of something left unfinished.

By the time evening rolled around, Alex was eager to return to the world of "Kaiju No. 8." He settled back into bed, phone in hand, and resumed where he had left off. The story was reaching a critical point, the protagonist facing off against a formidable foe. Alex immersed himself completely, oblivious to the passage of time.

It was well past midnight when Alex finally decided to call it a night once more. He set his phone on the nightstand, the screen still glowing faintly. Fatigue weighed heavily on his eyelids as he drifted into a restless slumber.


The next morning dawned crisp and clear, a perfect reflection of early autumn. Alex awoke with a groan, feeling more tired than when he had gone to bed. He fumbled for his phone to check the time, his fingers brushing against the cool surface. But as he reached out, a sudden realization struck him—a memory, vivid and undeniable.

Yesterday evening, he had read a chapter of "Kaiju No. 8." He recalled the thrill of the battle, the suspenseful cliffhanger that left him eager for more. But what happened next?

As if on cue, the memory unfolded before Alex's mind's eye—a mundane scene of crossing the street after work, lost in thoughts of the manga's plot twists. The traffic light had turned green, and Alex stepped onto the crosswalk, hardly noticing the world around him.


Time seemed to slow as Alex's gaze flicked up, catching the glint of headlights in his peripheral vision. A truck, speeding towards him with relentless momentum. In that split second, fear and disbelief froze him in place, his heart pounding in his chest. Instinctively, he tried to move, but his limbs felt heavy, unresponsive.

The world around him blurred into a chaotic whirl of sound and color—the screech of tires, the blare of a horn, and the dull thud of impact. Pain blossomed, sharp and sudden, radiating from his legs as he was thrown through the air. The ground rushed up to meet him, a jarring collision that stole the breath from his lungs.


As Alex lay on the pavement, time seemed to stretch infinitely. His senses dulled, the world fading around him. But amidst the haze of pain and confusion, memories flooded his mind with startling clarity.

He saw snippets of his life—childhood days spent playing in the park, teenage years filled with laughter and heartache, moments of joy and sorrow that defined his journey. He saw his parents' proud smiles at his graduation, friends gathered around a bonfire on summer nights, and quiet moments of solitude spent lost in his favorite stories.

But amidst the nostalgia, Alex's thoughts returned again and again to "Kaiju No. 8." He remembered the characters he had come to love, the battles fought and the challenges overcome. It was more than just a story to him—it was a world he had escaped to whenever life became too overwhelming, a refuge where heroes faced impossible odds with unwavering courage.


As his vision blurred and darkness crept in at the edges, Alex's last coherent thought was of the unfinished chapter waiting for him on his phone. He wished, with a bittersweet longing, to know how the story would unfold. Would the hero triumph over adversity once more, or would fate deal a cruel twist of fate?

But the answer eluded him as consciousness slipped away, leaving behind a void of silence and stillness.


In that fleeting moment between life and death, Alex Walker became a casualty of the mundane world he had sought to escape. His body lay crumpled on the asphalt, a tragic reminder of life's fragility and unpredictability.

But unknown to Alex, his journey was far from over. As his soul drifted into the unknown, it would soon find itself thrust into a new reality—a world where heroes and monsters existed not just in stories, but in the very fabric of existence.
