
Reincarnated in Hunter X Hunter World

Mach Iora is the the Son of a Rich 2nd Gen Bastard who raped his mother and then neglected her.

GarlicBread1337 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - Navigator trials part 2

Manwhile back on the Pirate ship,

"Onichan, maybe we should steal some money instead of sneaking into the ship." The youngest mori brother spoke.

"Shut up, you're always such a wimp. Do you want to become a criminal by joining them? They are all murderers, do you want become a murderer?" The elder mori brother spoke up.

Another pair also sneaked up into the pirate ship, it was ponzu and bourbon.

After an hour of their intrusion, the pirates left with 37 passengers and 5 stowaways before destroying all the life boats. The weak, injured and dead all sank along the ship. The pirates made sure to leave no survivors. The passengers gulped saliva down their throats considering themselves lucky, the job well done.

After another 3 hours, every passenger sat down, tired, exhausted both mentally and physically. Many if them still had wounds left from the fights they had with other passengers. The pirates let them do whatever they wanted on the deck, but they were forbidden from going elsewhere.

"Attention all passengers" The pirate captain spoke, "As you know we are pirates and pirates can't dock at the harbor or else we will be caught so...."

*RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT* Gun fire ensued, screams could be heard. The pirates killed each and every one of the passengers and threw their bodies into the sea.

"You're gonna have to reach there by yourselves, hahahaha" The pirate captain laughed at the foolish actions of the passengers. They shouldn't trust the enemy, a murderer or a criminal, but these idiots trusted the words of all three of them.

Inside the captain's quarters, "Hahaha, I love the hunter exams" The pirate captain spoke as he counted his money.

*smash* The window broke, a swarm of bees entered the room via the window. As the pirates were busy fending off the bees, a tuned could heard. A cobra slithered his way across and bit every pirate in the room. After which the bees and snake disappeared again. Before the pieates could chase after the bees and snake,

*knock* "You're bitten by a cobra snake, the poison will kill you in less than 3 hours unless you go to the dolle harbor".

While the pirate captain rushed out the door, but no one was outside anymore. He geitted his teeth and charted a course for dolle harbor.

The ship arrived in the evening, ponzu, bourbon and the mori brothers left the ship. Before leaving bourbon did leave a single vial of antidote for the pirates. There was one antidote, but many poisoned pirates so a Gunfight broke out over the antidote.

The captain was waiting at the dock with mach and other 3, the captain of the ship spoke " Congratulations, My name is William coalson, I am the captain of this ship and the navigator of the Hunter exams. What you experienced just now was a trial, let me reveal to you the real location of the hunter exams - Zeban city.

Mach was surprised by 2 things -

1. The captain was the navigator

2. It was a trial, mach thought the events were real.

He felt distressed, the exams were way too cruel. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

On their way, everyone talked about their experiences, the mori brothers were thankful to Ponzu and Bourbon. Mach realised how close he was to death, if he played by the terms of the pirates he would have been killed for sure.

The plan was bourbon's, he expected something like this. Although he did gave a ponzu a heads-up, she still couldn't control herself when the passengers/survivors were massacred following which bourbon started the plan sooner than expected.

Mach introduced himself to ponzu, she was in dangerous. More importantly, if he could prevent her death, he may be able to slow down the chimera ants advance. They both disliked the methods of Hunters and yet could do nothing about it. They swore to one day change this rule.

At last, they reached Zaban city. The Navigator leads them to a small restaurant, which is actually a front for the Hunter exam venue. Mach's group is led to a back room, where an elevator takes them one hundred floors underground. Below, they meet the rest of the Hunter exam participants and are given their numbers.

Mach and ponzu met Gon and the Gang, his number was 37. Mach, Gon and Killua got along perfectly well despite their diverse goals. Killua wanted friends, Gon wanted to meet his father and Mach just wanted to go on Adventures.

Mario on the other hand made it perfectly clear, "I helped you before because you are my brother, but from here on its every man for himself. If you don't have what it takes to be a hunter, you don't have what it takes to be a hunter."

Mach knew mario was understimating the exams, "Sure, Just don't come to me crying for help."

Tonpa comes up offering juices, gon says the juices is stale and shouldn't be drinked. In the end, Tonpa fails to convince anyone to drink.

Hisoka makes a scene by killing a guy, Mach secretly read up his stats.


Health : 328

Health regen : 57

Strength : 197

Speed : 153

Stamina : 672

Nen : 30,000

Nen Regen : 1329

Intelligence : 104

Hisoka was quite overpowered. He even wanted to read Killua's and Gon's Stats but he gave up considering Illuki was still around.

after a short while, satotz came up and gave the instructions. And the phase 1 began.

After running for 40kms, Mario did run out of stamina, penny proceeded to carry mario until they reached. Mach wasn't doing any better himself, he nearing the edge of his stamina. His figured his limit was probably 50kms.

By 45 kms, mach started using nen to keep up. He was drenched in sweat but managed to continue with willpower.

By 70 kms, Mach started running on his physical strength again. Aject and penny were taking turns to carry mario, both drenched in sweat.

After 100kms, aject and penny ran out of gas. "We are sorry young master mario" "Do your best, young master mario".

The speed was pretty fast by now, they were probably running at a constant speed of 35m/s, reaching mach's max speed. He was completely exhausted physically and his nen did not recover yet. He gritted his teeth and released all the nen gathered by overcharge from yssterday. It was meager 500 nen, but it was enough to last him quite a while.

At 150kms distance, many gave up. Seeing Mario running on what little was left, Tonpa took the opportunity to harass him. Mario gave up running, crying like a little baby. But mach wasn't doing good himself, he practically exhausted all of his options. Fortunately for him, Gon came to the rescue. He offered mach a ride on the skate board. Mach gratefully accepted the favor as gon pulled him till the last km of the run - The stairs.

Mach pushed himself to his utmost, his body had recovered mostly from exhaustion and half his nen was recovered too. He made it along with Gon and Killua to the Finish line. "Gooaallll" The three of them shouted.

Sadly, this was just the first half of the phase 1. The numere wetlands had yet to come.



Health : 158

Health regen : 25

Strength : 42

Speed : 34

Stamina : 87

Nen : 279

Nen Regen : 53

Intelligence : 135

System upgrade : 0326/20,000 nen

Nen abilities:

Charmer - Makes the target love the user.

Overcharge - All excess nen made by the body after nen capacity reaches full is stored and released at will.