
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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98 Chs


[Agustus POV]

"I didn't expect to meet you so soon, Ms. Nagini," I said to the snake floating in front of me.

Was this supposed to be his sneak attack? Really? Is he that desperate, to send his prized Horcrux to kill me? I will never understand him.

"What are you doing with a snake, Agustus? Is she your new pet?" asked Luna, who was riding a thestral.

The thestral looked young compared to the other four standing behind him. Luna petted his head as he carried her around me.

"It's not an ordinary snake, Luna. Use your sight," I instructed. She used her 'Magic Sight' and exclaimed in shock.

'Magic Sight' is the name Luna gave to her power. She had been using it since childhood without knowing. I had taught her to turn it off. It was hard for her, but with persistence and training in magic control, she mastered it easily.

"She's a girl trapped inside a snake's body. Please help her, Agustus. She looks in so much pain," Luna pleaded as she came down from the thestral and hugged me from the side, looking at Nagini with pity.

I patted her head reassuringly. "She'll be fine. I will heal her, don't worry. Alright?"

She nodded but didn't let go of me. I gently removed her from my side and walked towards Nagini. She was still vigilant and hissing at me.

I removed Voldemort's soul from her, making the whole process painless as I didn't want to hurt her. After that, I used my magic to enter her bloodstream. The Maledictus curse had turned her into a snake. By removing the dark magic, the snake shivered and transformed into a beautiful Asian girl.

She had lost consciousness. The girl appeared to be eighteen, with black hair and beautiful eyes. As she opened her eyes, she looked at me with confusion.

There was two big problems right now, the girl in front of me was naked, she looked gorgeous, her body was perfect art.

Twin mountains were jiggling as she tried to move but couldn't cause she was still in air.

"Skadi!" called Luna. Right, I almost forgot she was here.

"Chirrp," the bird landed on her head.

"Bring clothes for the girl," she said, pointing at Nagini. Skadi disappeared, taking a glance at her.

Realizing her situation, Nagini didn't do anything. I was confused by that, so I entered her mind to see why. I soon found out the reason.

Due to being a beast for decades, she had pushed her human memories to the back of her mind. I destroyed her beastly nature and made her memories clearer.

"Ahhhh," she squealed, looking at herself while trying to hide her body from me.

"Chirrrrp," Skadi arrived on time, bringing Narcissa's Jeans and Tshirt, which Nagini used to cover herself.

"Put her down and turn around, Agustus, or I'll tell big sis Dora," Luna threatened me in a playful manner. I should've refused her training with Dora; she's corrupting my Luna's innocence.

I turned around, and Nagini started wearing clothes, what nobody saw was two eye sized POD portals in front of my face

I was seeing everything; I didn't need my head to turn to see that.

Skadi hadn't brought any underwear, so when she bent down to wear jeans. Pink.

After she put on clothes, I turned my head back towards her.

"Who are you? And where are we?" she asked, looking at me with apprehension.

" We are at Hogwarts. Agustus here removed your curse. You won't be able to turn into a snake anymore. I am Luna Lovegood, nice to meet you," she said with a smile. She didn't give me chance to answer her question

Nagini was stunned. She tried turning into a snake but couldn't. Tears appeared in her eyes.

"Yes! Yes! I am free, I am not a monster anymore, I am not a circus clown!" she cried as she kneeled on the ground. Luna walked towards her and patted her head.

"There, there, everything is okay. No one is going to hurt you," Nagini hugged Luna and cried. It was kind of funny to see a little girl console Nagini.

After a few minutes, she stopped and thanked Luna. She stood up and bowed towards me.

"Thank you for healing me. My name is Nagini. I know yours, Agustus and Luna. I will be forever indebted to you. I have to leave now and find a friend. I will repay your kindness someday," she said as she prepared to leave.

"Are you going to find Credence?" I asked, which made her stop in her tracks.

"He's dead, Nagini. It's 1992," I said.

"No, you are lying! Credence can't be dead. I turned into a snake for a few days! Don't lie to me, I know he joined Grindelwald, but I will save him" she fumed.

"It's true. It's really 1992. We are at Hogwarts," said Luna, making her rethink everything.

"How about we talk at my house? Luna, you're coming with me."

Without waiting for their answers, I apparated everyone to Drakul Manor.

[POV end]

[POV Millicent Bagnold - Minister of Magic]

Halloween had made my already hard life even busier, and as if that wasn't enough, Voldemort had come back to life on the same day!

I had already written my resignation letter for the Wizengamot when the boy made me stop.

Agustus was strong, but I didn't consider him strong enough to beat Voldemort—until I saw a memory from a Lord who came begging to make a connection with me and Peverell.

I saw him overwhelming Voldemort. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Shooing away Malfoy, I wrote Agustus a letter to meet him as soon as possible.

A meeting was organized for Christmas Day. Lady Leana Greengrass, Lord Black, and the Regent of the Potter family would be present.

I initially wanted to refuse him, as private dealings would be better, but he reassured me that everyone attending would be under a secrecy contract.

I looked forward to that meeting, as the boy didn't even attend the Wizengamot meeting regarding the Hogsmeade village case; only Edward Tonks attended from his house, and even Narcissa Ashwood was absent.

This time, he would have to de-age me as I am getting older every minute due to the constant stress of this position.


[Nagini POV]

This was a lot to take in. Grindelwald had been defeated by Albus Dumbledore, Credence was dead, and it had been more than half a century since those events. Everything was over.

I had no one. Wait, "The Circus Arcanus! Is it still going on?"

The boy nodded, "Yes, it is quite popular in American magical society." That's it. I would destroy them, and then kill myself.

As if reading my thoughts, Narcissa, the boy's wife, said, "No, you are not going there. You can't even walk properly. You want to go to America?" I didn't like her or Luna, as they both cared for me, even though we had just met today.

I could see a frown on Luna's face too. I had longed for such kindness all my life, but right now it somehow felt.. repulsive.

I was used to being called a beast, laughed at, and treated as a showpiece for the amusement of wizards—a Maledictus. But here, I felt different, and I was afraid of getting used to this. Yes, I could no longer turn into a snake, but I still had that cursed blood flowing in me.

As I was thinking, a beautiful girl entered the room. She walked towards Agustus and sat down beside him. She looked at me curiously.

"Bella, she's Nagini. Nagini, this is Bella, Narcissa's sister," he said, introducing her.

I nodded at her.

"Great, he got another one," she said, pinching his side while he laughed at her.

Another one?

"You're wrong, Bella. I helped her today. You think I'm a playboy who goes around collecting girls?" he said in a tone of fake hurt.

"He's lying. He has to marry Nagini," said Luna from the side, which made me freeze.

Everyone looked at her questioningly. She glared at him and said, "He looked at her when she was wearing nothing. He has to take responsibility, or else who would marry the poor girl?" She looked at me with sadness.

I remembered him staring at me, but I had forgotten since I had more important matters on my mind.

Bella pinched him again. This time he just sighed and said in a decisive voice, "You're not going anywhere until you can properly walk, Nagini. As for your revenge, I'll help you. So relax. You're free to do whatever you want. I just want you to trust us as friends, alright?"

I couldn't help but nod at his statement. I had friends.

[POV end]


I've finally made a patreon, I am also currently writing another HP fic, no harem, no reincarnation, no OP.

My patreon if anyone wants to support me -


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