
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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91 Chs


[Agustus POV]

Looking at the man crying on the floor, I realized my actions. The person in front of me was a pathetic, lying bastard—not to mention incompetent. Beating him is disrespecting myself as a person.

I looked at Hermione, who was shocked. She was the reason I had even bothered talking to Lockhart.

Even though I knew he wouldn't dare to do anything to her, as he is a coward too, I just wanted to make sure. And that guy escalated things.

"Granger, you should realize now how this guy is nothing but a liar. This is the last time I am saying that to you as you are my friend, or at least I think of you as one. But honestly, I am tired of it now. I hope you open your eyes."

I didn't even glance back at her. I took a look towards Lockhart, who was still pointing his wand at me. I scoffed and walked away from there.

I arrived in front of the headmaster's office gargoyle, which immediately gave me way to enter. It seems the headmaster had been waiting for me.

Walking in, I saw Fawkes sitting on his perch. He had stopped playing with Skadi as she usually bullied the poor bird. His initial excitement at finding a bird similar to him had been erased with time.

Seeing me, he glanced at Dumbledore and gave him a 'run, bitch, run' look before disappearing in a flash.

Dumbledore didn't give much reaction, but I could sense a little amusement in his eyes.

"Sorry to call you without any prior notice, Heir Peverell, but the subject was too important for me to postpone it," he said while I sat down in front of him.

"It's fine. I wasn't doing much anyway." I was looking for a new hobby. I had too much time on hand. Dora was busy with Luna and Astoria. Bella with Nagini, Hela was in her domain, and Narcissa was looking after Ashwood House. I was bored, as my friends were busy pranking Slytherin Quidditch team.

Maybe I'll go to the ministry and trouble my 'teacher.'

Nope, after reading her last letter, any more trouble and she might really resign.

"I have a request, Heir Peverell," he said, breaking my thoughts. Hmm, I thought he wanted information on Voldemort, or maybe Snape had said something to him.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"You said you would revive Ariana, right?" I nodded at his statement.

Honestly, she had a pretty bad go at life. Many have that, but their brother is not Albus Dumbledore working under me. So I had said to him about reviving her.

"I want to ask you to revive one other person for me," he said, looking at me hopefully.

I was confused at his request. Who? His parents? And why?

Seeing my expression, he continued, "It's Rosemerta Dumbledore. My brother married her. They fell in love a few decades ago and got married without anybody knowing. She died in the Hogsmeade attack." I could feel his body shiver as he talked about her death.

This was an unexpected event. "You know I am rewarding you with reviving Ariana, but Rosemerta was not included. Can you pay the price?" I asked him.

I knew he was ready. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have even requested it to begin with.

"Yes, I am," he said, taking out a golden key from his robes. The key had a lion-shaped bottom.

He tried to hand me the key, but I used POD to clean it first. I didn't know where he had put the key, and I honestly didn't even want to know.

Seeing me looking at the key, he said, "The key opens the gate to Godric Gryffindor's legacy he left for his heir. I found the key inside the eyes of his portrait in the Room of Requirement. His lair is in the Forbidden Forest.

In that vault, there are more than 30 extinct species of magical plants, rare woods, magical creatures, and much more. It's like a small world, and they won't attack you as you would open the door with the key. They only attack someone without the key."

Well, this is amazing. Did Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw leave their legacies too? Shit I forgot about that old man's snake inside the girl's bathroom, I'll have to do something about that.

Putting the key in my pocket, I said, "Okay, next Sunday I will bring back your sister and Rosemerta."

He looked happy and relieved as he bowed. "Thank you for everything, Heir Peverell. Here is the map for the vault," he said as he took out a map from his robes.

The things this old man is hiding in his robes! I destroyed the map as I didn't need it and walked out of his office. Time to visit the Forbidden Forest.

[POV end]

[Nagini POV]

After crying and letting go of the pain of Credence's death, I started my new life with my friend in front of me.

I looked at Bella, who was yawning as she taught me about curses that enhance the pain of their victims.

Bella was a talented witch. She had a carefree exterior, but inside she was the opposite. She and I had become friends quickly, and I really admired her.

I wanted to be like her—strong. She also took me on a trip to Diagon Alley!

But that day, I came to find her other side. She was too picky and indecisive when it came to buying anything.

She would compare the options side by side and ask for my opinion, even though I knew nothing about the things she was buying!

Later that day, I got my wand from Ollivanders. The old man was asking too many questions until Bella said I was living with Agustus. After that, he didn't say anything and focused on giving me my wand.

My wand had chestnut wood and a horned serpent's horn as its core.

He told me that chestnut wands were attracted to witches and wizards who were skilled tamers of magical beasts and those who possessed great gifts in Herbology, which was true, as I could feel animals' emotional states by looking at them for a few seconds.

I was excited after getting my wand and took Bella home as soon as possible to practice magic with her, though I was annoyed by the amused smile she was giving me.

Since then, we began our training. At the start, it was tough, but I managed to cast spells at a good speed. I was better at casting charms than Transfiguration; it involved too many formulas, which my brain couldn't handle.

Narcissa teased me about this and called me pea-brained. I wanted to hex her with a dancing charm, but I knew she was even better than Bella at magic, and I wouldn't be able to do anything to her.

I don't know when I started to call this place home and these people my friends. I guess I was too thirsty for affection. In just a few weeks, I fell in love with this family. They laughed, fought, played pranks, made fun of each other, and I was part of everything.

They didn't treat me as an outsider. They welcomed me with open arms.

I also wanted to meet Astoria, the little girl who was cursed like me, I wanted to hug her and ask her if she's okay, why? Because I wanted someone who would've asked me the same when I was trapped inside that cage! There was no one like that in my life.

I will take my revenge, but I was postponing it, as I wanted to be here more. Love is much stronger than hate, after all.

[POV end]

[ Draco Malfoy POV]

What was Dad thinking, writing this letter to me? This is unacceptable! Calling him F..Father? I can't do that!

That's so humiliating. No, I won't do that. I'll just ask him for help, but I'm not going to play any of the roles he laid out in this letter.

Dark Lord has been hard on him because of his incompetence,and now he wants me to be pathetic like him too!


Sup, seeya tomorrow. Throw some stones willya, Certified Lover Boy?