
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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92 Chs

Great Hall - POV's

< Professor Quirrell's pov>

I had been a teacher at Hogwarts for a year, and today marked the beginning of another one.

I was assigned to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts, but I had a secret agenda: to steal the Philosopher's Stone and use it to restore the Dark Lord.

The Stone had eluded me at Gringotts, and the Dark Lord had punished me for my failure. Those creatures, the goblins. I had killed some of their kind, but they were cunning and skilled in magic, someone had already retrieved the stone from that vault at the time I got there, the entire mission of breaking into Gringotts was a failure, so I had to resort to steal the stone here at Hogwarts, below the nose of dumbledore.

But the most mysterious and dangerous being in the school was not the Dark Lord, but a student: Agustus Peverell.

He was amazing at both theoretical and practical magic. He was a genius. I was shocked when I sensed his magical power, which surpassed even Dumbledore's. I wanted to interrogate him, to find out how he had achieved such a feat. There was only one way to gain that much magic, and it had to involve a dark ritual or dark magic according to my speculations as I had looked everywhere for the same method.

I thought about taking him out of Hogwarts in his second year, but he had too much political power and influence or I was too cowardly to act that time. If he went missing from Hogwarts, it would cause a lot of trouble.

I was a brilliant student myself in my time at Hogwarts, a Ravenclaw who could learn anything easily. I craved knowledge, but my magical quantity and ability were average.

I had tried many ways to increase my magic, even visiting ancient tombs in Egypt, but nothing worked. But when I felt Agustus's magic, that was the last straw for me.

I decided to go on another adventure, to find a cure, to enhance my magic. I travelled to the forests of Romania, and that's where I met the Dark Lord.

Ever since then, the Dark Lord had been with me, feeding on my magic.

I had learnt a lot of dark magic from him, and it had improved my arsenal quite a lot.

Finding the Dark Lord was both a blessing and a curse. Now I had to steal the Stone under Dumbledore's watchful eyes, and deal with the presence of Harry Potter, the boy who lived. The Dark Lord got furious whenever he heard his name.

I had to avoid Dumbledore, Peverell, and Snape this year. They were all potential threats to my plan.

<Pov -End>

< Professor Snape's pov>

My mind was a mess as I looked into those familiar eyes of Potter.

The guilt and pain overwhelmed me, but I did not show any emotion on my face.

The boy reminded me of his arrogant father, James Potter. I hated that name, along with his friends, the werewolf and the mutt.

I turned my head towards another student who bore some resemblance to Potter.

Agustus Peverell, the heir of an ancient and noble family. He was known for his pranks on the Gryffindors, especially the Weasley twins.

But apart from that, he was nothing like Potter. He was not an amateur, he was perhaps the most mature and intelligent student in Hogwarts. He calculated the consequences of his actions, and never acted recklessly as he could handle anything by himself.

I remembered that meeting clearly, when he asked me to sign his application for the permission for going to diagon Alley. I don't think I can ever forget it, he was dangerous and I know it.

Since that time, I had ignored him as if he did not exist, and he had not bothered me either. Now I believed I had some understanding of his personality, he embodied the motto of Hogwarts: "Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" - Never tickle a sleeping dragon.

I just had to avoid him and make sure Lily's son did not get himself killed by Dumbledore's schemes. He was the only reason I was still loyal to the old man, despite his manipulations.

<Pov -End>

< Headmaster Dumbledore's pov>

There he was, sitting with the Gryffindors, Lily's and James's child. The tragic fate of those two parents brought tears to my eyes. I had made sure the little boy was raised away from magic, with his relatives, so Lily's magic could protect him.

He had a very rough destiny, as Voldemort was not dead yet, and only he could defeat him.

Oh, but I was wrong about that. There was one more person who could defeat Voldemort: Agustus Peverell. I believed it would be as easy as snapping his fingers for him, as I had experienced his mysterious power myself. It haunted me to this day, and that had happened two years ago, when he was only eleven years old. Now he was thirteen, and I was sure he had grown stronger since then.

The only thing that gave me some peace of mind was the love Augustus Peverell showed towards his friends. He was not someone I could manipulate, after all, he was the one who gave me orders.

I was also right about Millicent Bagnold becoming the Minister of Magic. She had caused chaos in the British wizarding world after a few months of her re-election. Amelia Bones had arrested half a dozen lords due to anonymous intel, which I suspected was also related to Agustus Peverell. They had shut down many illegal businesses operated by them. The dark families had suffered a major economic blow, but that only made them more desperate for Voldemort's return. They might have already figured out that Voldemort was not dead yet, due to the Dark Mark not fading away after his defeat by Harry.

The dark magic on Harry's forehead scar was worrying too. The Philosopher's Stone was set in its place as bait for Tom. I knew Tom was not a patient boy, he would definitely try to get the Stone.

This year was going to be really exhausting for an old wizard like me.

<Pov -End>

Current time <Omni pov>

Agustus said goodbye to Narcissa early in the morning and apparated back to his room at Hogwarts.

Narcissa, on the other hand, had been taking care of Agustus's house's political work. She had been taught politics since she was four and she was really happy to help her husband.

She looked over contacts, businesses and the families in his debt.

Today, the third year classes would start. Coincidentally, his classes were with Hufflepuff again this year, which was weird as they always changed for other year students.

Agustus took a shower, which he didn't have to, but he enjoyed the cold showers. He got ready in his Slytherin robes and went out.

He arrived at the Great Hall and saw the Slytherin first years already sitting at the table, reading their class schedules.

'First years seem to be excited for their first classes,' thought Agustus as he walked to the table for breakfast.

After breakfast, he got his class schedule. He knew beforehand that his classes would be with Hufflepuff. How?

About the subjects, Agustus, Dora and Cedric had taken Study of Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, while the twins had taken Divination and Care of Magical Creatures as their electives.

Agustus took the schedule and didn't even glance at it. He put it in his pocket and waited for Dora and his friends, as he was quite early today.

As he was enjoying his drink, Daphne approached him to talk to him about something.


Sup bros.


If given the choice between becoming the richest person in the world at 25 years old or having a loving and loyal (wife/Husband), what would you choose?