
Reincarnated in Horror Fiction

In the heart of the countryside lies a dilapidated mansion, shrouded in mystery and rumor. Benjamin Baskerville lives inside that mansion to discover the mystery of the world. ***Caution to the ENGLISH speaker*** *I only create this novel for a hobby with poor grammar and poor implementation of the story* *Updates are not consistent.*

GreedyQindian · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Can I sell it, System?


A wailing voice resounded as sirring pain that came from the holy bible managed to hurt the young lady. Its mournful howls seem to emanate from the depths of despair itself, echoing with an eerie resonance that sends shivers down the spine of anyone who hears it.







Benjamin curses the mission given to him by the system as he manages to get free from the young lady who is lashing out at him. bluish mist gathered around her as an icy feeling manifested in her surroundings.

He finds the opportunity to bypass her by using the rocks he acquired in the system. Throwing it against her and the spectrals that surround her. Ordinary rocks won't be effective against them but a rock covered by the paper that comes from the holy bible was another matter.

Benjamin no longer hesitated to dash out from the kitchen as he sprinkled the water bottle that came from the system with bits of paper from the holy bible on them.


(The system said that there's something in this mansion the corruption comes from! I just need to find it)

Benjamin thought in his mind while trying to look at the place where conspicuous-looking corruption would come from. mournful cries from afar can be still heard piercing the stillness of the night, echoing through empty corridors and forgotten hallways.

(Shit! I need to hurry up! those things won't let me come alive!)

Benjamin's heart pounds in his chest like a drum as he sprints through the hallways of the mansion, the destroyed flooring creaking around him and reaching out like gnarled claws in the darkness. Behind him, he can hear the chilling wails of the pursuing ghost, each cry sending a jolt of fear coursing through his veins.

His mind races with thoughts of mission, but the ghost's relentless pursuit leaves him feeling trapped as if there's no refuge from the supernatural force that hunts him. Every shadow seems to conceal a lurking threat.

But still, he runs, driven by a desperate need to outpace the specter that threatens to endanger him. With each pounding footfall, he draws farther away from the ghostly presence, his determination fueling his flight through the darkness.




The church looms ominously against the night sky, its ancient stone walls weathered and worn by centuries of neglect. Tall spires reach upward like skeletal fingers, clawing at the heavens with an air of silent desperation. As the moonlight casts eerie shadows across its facade, the building seems to take on a sinister life of its own.

Inside, the air is thick with the scent of decay, the musty odor of ancient wood and damp stone mingling with the faint aroma of incense long since extinguished. The pews are shrouded in darkness, their surfaces coated in a fine layer of dust, as if untouched by human hands for an eternity.

Stained glass windows line the walls, their vibrant colors muted by the darkness that pervades the space. In the dim light, the figures depicted within seem to twist and contort, their once serene expressions twisted into grotesque grimaces that leer menacingly at any who dare to gaze upon them.

"Something was messing with that mansion? No, someone was trying to acquire it. Interesting"

Deep inside the chamber was a young man with missing arms staring at the ceiling while muttering to himself. As he said that countless ghosts and undead bodies appeared in his surroundings.

The aura from each of them was more than enough to threaten a city. The murky and corruption were dripping on them but they did not dare to look at the young man who was talking to himself.

"It is the church? No, the ghost club? HAHAHA, maybe those mad doctors from that hospital? No matter, the opening was nigh, all factions would be obliterated, only one faction would dominate this madness world."

The young man no longer said anything as he continued his slumber. winds outside continued to pick up, it sent an eerie howl through the rafters, as if the very walls of the church were groaning in agony. It's a sound that sends a shiver down the spine, a haunting reminder of the secrets that lie buried within the depths of this unholy sanctuary.




In the depths of the abandoned mansion, the basement lies in a state of eerie desolation, haunted by whispers of the past and the spectral echoes of long-forgotten inhabitants. As Benjamin descends the creaking staircase into the darkness below, a sense of foreboding settles over him like a suffocating shroud.

The air is thick with a palpable sense of unease, carrying the faint scent of decay and dampness that permeates the stone walls. Shadows dance across the rough-hewn floor, cast by the flickering glow of a single, guttering candle that barely illuminates the chamber.

But it's not just the darkness that chills Benjamin to the bone—it's the sound. At first, it's barely perceptible, a faint scratching that echoes through the subterranean silence like the whispers of the damned. Benjamin strains to listen, his heart pounding in his chest as the noise grows louder, more insistent.

(Shit those guys are already coming!!!)

Benjamin no longer hesitated as he ran through the staircase with vigor. As he edges cautiously forward, the sound seems to surround him, enveloping him in its spectral embrace. Every step he takes sends echoes reverberating through the chamber as if the very foundations of the mansion are trembling with the weight of centuries-old secrets.

Suddenly, there it is—a chilling wail that seems to emanate from the very walls themselves, rising and falling in a mournful crescendo that sends shivers down Benjamin's spine. It's a sound that defies explanation but is more familiar to him.

But it's too late—the young lady is upon him, her ghostly visage twisted into a haunting grin as she closes the distance with an unsettling swiftness.

As he turns to flee, Benjamin feels a cold breath upon his neck, sending a shiver down his spine that freezes him in place. He dares a glance over his shoulder, only to find the ghostly lady with a distorted face hovering mere inches away, her eyes gleaming with otherworldly anger while smiling at him creepily.

With a blood-curdling wail, she lunges forward, her spectral form engulfing him in a chilling embrace that drains the warmth from his body. He thrashes and struggles against her grasp, but her grip is like ice, her touch searing his flesh with a cold that penetrates to the bone.

Through the darkness, Benjamin hears the echo of her laughter, a sound that sends a chill down his spine as he realizes the true nature of the ghostly and eerily young lady who pursues him. She is not merely a ghost, but a harbinger of doom, a specter of death that has come to claim him as her own.

"I won't be eaten by you!!!! EAT THIS BIBLE!!!"

With one final, desperate cry, the young man breaks free from her grasp using the bible to slap her yet again to her face then he stumbles into the near a fountain-like place where water can be heard.

"What the hell is that?!-"

In the heart of the basement of the mansion, amidst the twisted walls and crumbling statues stands a corrupted, ghostly fountain. Its ethereal presence seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy, casting a pall of dread over the desolate landscape.

At the center of the fountain stands a statue, its features twisted and contorted into a grotesque parody of humanity. Its eyes gleam with a malevolent light, seeming to follow the movements of those who dare to draw near with an unnerving intensity.




"Oh my gad! that fountain was worth 5,000,000 GP!!! Can I sell it, system?"


Thanks for reading ^.^

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