
Reincarnated in Highschool dxd with a nen system

To assist God with saving the dxd world, a random man is selected from earth he is granted a system and nen to help him along the way. The system will not have a lot of impact This deviates from canon. There may or may not be a harem; that hasn't been decided for the most part. I will also be drawing inspiration from other anime and other fanfics. Disclaimer: This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome. I own nothing other than the plot and my OCs.

xenoking · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

chap 2

I groaned in agony as I sat up after what felt like hours face down on the grass, only to stumble as I was suddenly hit with nausea almost making me throw up. My headache wasn't helping either.

Moving to lean up against a tree while almost eating dirt again I call up the system.

{What do you need host?}

What the hell happened to me? I asked while trying to soothe my headache.

{Oh! That was your body adapting to handle nen, while the headache was me giving you information on how to use all nen techniques while also giving you better martial arts.}

Why didn't you warn me of the side effects !? I yelled in angry before stopping abruptly to vomit once more.

{Mostly because you would have hesitated, lowering your chances of survival.}

I rolled my eyes at that response as if spending a few seconds thinking about it would really make a difference.

{Also because the barrier I created has vanished a monster has sensed you so let me heal you to increase your chances of survival.}

Because I wasn't paying attention to the system it took me a moment to realize what it had said. Jumping up in a panic and ignoring that my nausue had vanished, I ran only to stumble to the ground, luckily dogging an object that was about to pierce my head.

Looking at what tried to shesh kebob me, I noticed a rock shard and wondered who threw it. Then I heard a crunch behind me and saw a pokémon, specifically tyrogue, tossing a rock in the air before it lunched the rock right between my eyes forcing me to duck, which was a bad idea because it crossed the distance before I could raise my head to uppercut me.

Which I barely avoided by leaning back into a roll. As soon as I sat up, I had to block a roundhouse kick to my left side, causing me to skid to the side. I then had to block a blow to the face by pushing its hand to the side, causing it to stumble before it could recover. I jabbed at tyrogue's face, causing it to fall, allowing me to stand up while it quickly recovered.

Looking at the pokémon, I realized I'm only a couple inches taller than it reminding me that I'm in the body of a child. Before I could think about that any longer, Tyrogue let out an angry scream and began to glow, which was the only warning I got before it blurred.

Which hurt as I was thrown back several feet and into a roll that nearly snapped my neck if I hadn't twisted my body to the side in an effort to doge, but there is a positive side to this because I now understand what it feels like to be hit by a truck. Groaning as I forced my eyes open I tried not to think about the pain coming from my ribs and organs as I slowly sat up, and as I did a coughing fit being with blood and saliva exiting out.

Even though it hurts like a b*tch, I forced myself to finally stand up on my own two feet only to be met with a boom and a glowing fist. Given the damage my body sustained I have no idea how I managed to avoid the punch by a hair's breadth. I can only say that it's a miracle.

"Oh! Tyrogue overextended." I realized a moment later, as I watched its punch sail by my face missing by an inch quickly snapping out of my trance I planted my left foot and twisted my body to the right to give the pokémon a mean gut punch sending it a tumbling backwards with a scream of pain.

I was limping quickly towards Tyrogue when I noticed it had stopped moving, prompting me to slow down and approach it cautiously while keeping my guard up. When Tyrogue suddenly sprung up to deliver an uppercut I was able to avoid it by leaning back and countering with a kick to the chest, or so I thought.

When my kick phased through it's body surprised I barely heard the small boom as a glowing fist slammed into my head sending me flying back in a tumble before I blacked out from the pain.


Please I give me constructive criticism. _Singed by Xenoking_