
Reincarnated in Harry Potter as a Wizard

Well read the book then

Adrianix1234 · Book&Literature
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Magic part 2 and Dungeon?

I tried to open my status but it appears it has changed, and now it's just a modded perk tree, from the game, there's also a lot more perk trees than before, things like cooking, hunting, business, Herbology, Basically more things to level up,

I noticed that most of my perks that affected health in game changed yo make me more durable, give me better regeneration or straight up escape death, rather than simply giving me more health bar

Which should have been expected, because the Magic exercise, is how mage's "level up"

Because if everyone could simply read a master level grimoire and cast it easily then titles like archmage would be useless, nope everyone starts as an apprentice and the more you evolve yourself with the exercise the more magic you can cast, and more powerful

I tried to see the perks, and i discovered to unlock them, there's actually, just requirements, not skill points needed, for example, Alteration mastery 1 (gives 20% more efficiency at casting alteration spells) only needed me to investigate an alteration spell for one week

Then this time i actually browse through the shop, and apparently, besides spells, there's not pretty much, just things like ingredients, books, and things that i can't get in this world, like were could i get Skyrim races corpses to analyze, or Werebeast or Vampire infections from skyrim

There's also two other functions (Dungeon) which apparently is where i can go explore Skyrim Dungeons, and a (Lab) which is my own Laboratory to experiment, Dumgeon does stop time but Lab does so I'll have to figure out what to do to get my alone time.

And that started my beginnings as an aspiring mage

The first thing i did was actually for one weak straight, used the Magical exercise into my arms, hand, and head, basically i woke up, go to school, come back to the orphanage, lock myself in my room unless i had to eat and meditate while making my body more attuned to Magic

I tried once to go full body but it gave me a killing headache that didn't go away even after a full day, so i started little by little, and i didn't even tried my legs yet because it causes a lot of pain, and if i did i problably couldn't walk to school the next morning

It didn't change me physically but oh boy, does my mind feel different, you an almost feel which plant is normal and which isn't, with just being close to one magical one, this is probably what they has meant when they said you can feel spells, you can basically feel magic everywhere, and to be honest my mind made a full on update from I3 to RTX8000 my processing speed is of the roofs, my memory is becoming clearer and clearer, and my learning roof is up as well, i guess this is what they meant by evolving

Then i started my research with Clairvoyance, i notice that before you cast spell there's actually no effect in your hands, probably just aesthetic for the game, and unless it was obvious stuff like using sparks, that created lighting out of nowhere nobody really could notice that i was using magic,

I started with little tweaks and stuff to make the spell more practical, use less magic while using it, better results etc.

Then i realized that while in the shop there's the option to re-do the tutorials, learning more from it, but there's also a limit, like i tried becoming better at researching, but the teacher simply said something akin "this is a basic's class search me after class for the questions you have"

Which basically meant i learnt everything i could and should probably buy the intermediate Research tutorial

Finally I had to enter my lab/gym because to Research Sparks i couldn't damage my room in the orphanage and lightning strikes are a little loud

Now, while you can modify some spells i found out that basically there a limit to it, like i can't make sparks an Apprentice spell but i can learn enough from it to make or recreate Lightning Bolt or another spell based on it

I also discovered that tutorials for recreated spells that already existed in Skyrim became free

Basically i made everything i could from the spells i had (took me 3 actual months, and basically that was thanks to spamming Ease Language Learning)

Before i actually went into a Dungeon, i had to basically create my own Illusion spell that could basically fool everyone who entered my room into thinking im busy and should probably come back later, (leaving me food in my room)

Then i made mini trips to dungeon, each one of less than 5 hours while i used Clairvoyance to gain the most loot of the trips i could that was until 6 months later when i could finally cast Detect Dead and finally started a bit of exploring, while killing Draugs

And slowly gathering money to buy every single novice level spell to gather a good foundation to the basics, then finally buy all theory books from novice and apprentice magical theory, which made it 9 months, a little longer than i thought but still gives me a full year to start my plan,

Basically i have at least high level Apprentice or Starting Adept for most subjects so it was finally time to make my own research

I started with buying every single race corpse from the shop then i started slowly analyzing their body, how magic affects them, their skin, any magical properties i could find, and finally i altered "Alter Body" so i made myself

1 more handsome because why not

2 more resistant, i already had 20% resistant to magic as a Breton but after analyzing Giants, Trolls and True Dragons i definitely made me almost 80% Resistant to all types of Damage

3 I really wasn't going to just Accept 1 Racial Ability, i wanted all of Them so i made my own Race that has them all

That Project took a lot more than i expected because now i was using the 5x boost to learning Almost 6 months, i was planning to make a Virus for my perfect Lycanthropy/Vampirism with all positives no negatives but I'll have to delay that for Summer next year, and advance with my third project

Thankfully modifying this new spell was easier and only took me 3 months

I remade Ease Language Learning, with a bit of Alteration and Illusion, so that not only its effects is longer it also the more i used it the more permanent it is, Basically i made it for it to slowly Adapt the Brain, making it believe it is the new Normal, in 1 months the 2x will become permanent, then by the time my Hogwarts Letter Arrive my 3x boost will also be permanent, by my Third Year i would have a Permanent 10x Boost making me a Natural Genius

Then finally with only three months left till my letter to Hogwarts arrive i bought Nobility Education tutorial which was basically Manners for nobles,How to manage, Government(how to be a Jarl) , Business (Merchant 101) and a lot more stuff i thought would be helpful

Then i repeated the tutorials again and again to the point it would be into muscle memory (like how to be elegant, at all times)

Now I'm just waiting just for my Hogwarts teacher (with my letter) to arrive