
Reincarnated in Hajime No Ippo

Aspiring to become a boxer with almost no talent. Kenta went through blood, sweat and tears to have a chance at being known as a boxer, but... Luck wasn't on his side... The very first amateur boxing match of his career, Kenta suffered a very fatal injury to his knee. Everything he worked for tragically all went down the drain. 8 years of dedication just like that, went because of a injury. Ever since that moment in his life. Kenta dedication to the sport he loved, slowly died. But no matter what, he always hoped for a miracle. Hoping for a life changing event to happen, each year went past until Kenta finally acknowledge at the age of 28 that nothing was going to change. Just like that. Kenta worked a normal job barely scrapping living a normal life. To escape this painful reality, Kenta was lead towards the world of anime. Believing it to be disgusting at first, gradually Kenta came to love all sorts of anime ranging from Slice of life to Harem. But their was one specific anime that struck his heart deeply, Hajime no Ippo. An Anime that was based on his whole past dedication. Boxing I I I I I V Tags - Small Harem, No ruling System, Romance, MaybeNetori, comedy, HandsomeMc, KindMc, ChillMc, BadassMc, Smut, Lemons, R-18, Reincarnated, Hajime no Ippo and lastly, some drama. Warning - I do not own Hajime no Ippo neither the image, everything goes to its respectable writer/drawer.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: The Strength of Tachibana Kenta

She didn't know what to think about boxing. Seeing her brother come back beaten up and bruised, she couldn't understand what he was doing that caused her brother to be in such a state.

This was until she built up her courage to ask her brother about it. He tried to push it to one side and make an excuse for being in such a state. But Kumi knew he was only lying to not worry her. He had always thought of her first.

He didn't moan about the unfairness of the world. He sucked it up and thought.

After losing their parents 3 years ago, Ryō, her brother, took the role. Since than, it was like something changed. He became colder to other people making the only except herself.

It wasn't unusual for his behaviour. Kumi had seen it coming, before their parents died, Ryō would misbehave in middle school until high school when their parents died.

Despite his cold demeanor, seemingly ugly personality and aggressive actions. Ryō to Kumi, was like a Teddy bear. Soft, sweet and caring. Although, if you met him you'd say otherwise due to the hardship he had to bare.

Very much difficult compared to Kenta, yet the same at times. From her little hangouts with him and Nyoko, she had a rough estimation of his personality. Flirty, Proud and Funny.

That was only the tip of the iceberg for his personality. He would be serious at one moment than goofy. Horrible than nice. Strict face to laughing his guts up.

A person of unorthodox behaviour. Kumi had a guess of what his personality was like, yet, his actions were unreadable. Just like his thoughts. Although not the best at reading people, Kumi could somehow understand people's actions, the exceptions being him and her brother, Ryō.

Unlike her brother though, she didn't really know lots about. The amount of things she knew about him would literally be on one hand. His favourite colours being purple, green and black. His obsessive love for boxing. Lastly, the most surprising, love for dancing.

His serious face when he said that to her and Nyoko. Didn't help them from stopping their laughter and giggles. Seriously, just imagining the relative tall and muscular boy dance only increased the volume of their laughter.

However when he demonstrated personally, they were left awed. He was quite slick with it. Very nimble as well if Kumi could say, completely different from how stiff and slow she imagined him to be. Also, his body control was impressively exceptional, like he could do it with his eyes closed.

Apparently, from what Nyoko told her, he was also an extremely good cook as well. What couldn't he do. It was like everything he did was impressive, without no faults.

She was awed and immersed but she wasn't shocked with what she was seeing Kenta do at the moment. He would punch a circular bag, that seemed to be held up by two cables one going to the floor and one to the the top. So each time he punched it, it'll be thrown back to him with the same, maybe even more strength.

Yet, despite this, he still punched it. Whenever it would comeback, he'd almost effortlessly move his head to the side, step back and throw his right hand in the same intensity, sometimes as well his left. While doing this blindfolded.

Yes. Blindfolded. She wanted to scream in shock, however what did she expect. The days on end he spoke passionately about boxing, it was natural he'd be good. But, not this. How could someone be soo good. You'll have to be extremely talented or very dedicated to your craft.

She'll have to chart this up on the things he's fabulous at.

Nyoko: "He's good isn't he?" Nyoko said with a smile on her face. Her tone told Kumi she was very proud of Kenta.

Kumi: "...H-he's more than good." Kumi muttered underneath her breath. Unable to gaze away Kenta.

Kumi: 'How is he so g-good...' Kumi thought marvelling the training of Kenta's. Truly trying to grasp how can someone can punch it while before it comes back pivot into a different position while dodging at the same time.

Both of them stayed there. Looking intensely at Kenta. His left hand underneath his chin and lead hand resting on his abdomen. Never station and rigid, always on his tip toes with a slight bounce. Slipping after either a lighting fast combo, one-two or a jab. Mixing up what he was doing.

He didn't stop, the opposite, he constantly ramped up his efforts. Moreover, never dropping a little bit of sweat until she and Nyoko, saw him go through an hour of drills while keeping his blindfold on. Same intense effort, never slacking.

There was something about his style that made him unique. Like his style, was made to draw eyes. Flashy, based on excellent footwork and mastery on the basics. Though he was one of many people in the gym, eyes stared at him. Other boxers or regular people there to become more fit, would stop to look at his training.

In the ring, on the pads with Ippo. Coach Kamogawa, saw Ippo's eyes sometimes glancing at Kenta. He was getting that sucked in Kenta's display of skill and talent, he tried to imitate him.

Coach Kamogawa: "Kid stop!" Dropping his hands, Coach Kamogaw huffed, snapping Ippo out of his trance.

Ippo: "I-I-I'm sorry sir!" Urgently bowing down multiple times, Ippo didn't want to ruin his chance of becoming a boxer.

Sighing, Coach Kamogawa turned his body to look at the direction Ippo would sometimes look at. One of his most talented student, battling first with Takamura, was doing the new training regimen he assigned to him. Pretty extordinary as well. Yet, not so shocking.

Coach Kamogawa: "Kid..." Adressing Ippo without looking at him. Ippo stiffened up, hearing Coach Kamogawa's serious tone.

Coach Kamogawa: "Stop trying to be other people and stick to your own strengths... You do not need to be like other people to succeed in boxing..." Ippo listened on, hearing Coach Kamogawa's words of inspiration. For him to suddenly steer in his eyes with determination.

Coach Kamogawa: "Hone your strengths! Become your own man! Become your own boxer!" Coach Kamogawa shouted. Right now Ippo's eyes were basically twinkling in excitement. More riled up than anything.

Ippo: "HAI!!" Shouting loudly, Ippo jumped back into his orthodox stance. Excited more than ever, brimming now full of determination to become stronger.

Coach Kamogawa: "*PAM* Good! Show me what you got Kid!" Slamming the gloves together, Coach Kamogawa brought the mitts back up, intending to use Ippo's new found determination for the upcoming spar.


Seated in his office. Coach Kamogawa wore his brown suit with Mr Yagi on the arm cheer next to him. Everyday after training, he'd come up here to speak with Mr Yagi about the progression of the new faces in the gym. Or they'd speak normal business.

Today more specifically, they were talking about Ippo, Miyata and Kenta. The Youngest Three talented kids in the gym.

Mr Yagi: "How's Ippo coming along?" Mr Yagi asked in his black suit. Curious to know about the newest member.

Closing his eyes to think about it. Coach Kamogawa through this two months and couple of days, seen the drastic changes in Ippo. Although the kid still had the same lack of confidence. All his physical aspects had increased very good. His basics were good as well for a beginner.

This was all due to his willingness and talent for boxing that what years of training took ippo basically two months to get decent at. Still, Ippo had multiple holes in his style. Because of the short time he has until the spar with Miyata, everything was rushed to try and quickly force the basics in him.

As long as Ippo the rest of this months somewhat masters the basics and gets a knockdown on Miyata. It'll be a victory for Ippo. Currently, with the short amount of time, Ippo won't be able to win against Miyata. Yet, with a month still left, both will come out of the spar better and more determined. Maybe there will be a rivalry there.

Coach Kamogawa: "The kids doing good... Hopefully, if he's determined. He'll have a somewhat chance at Miyata." Mr Yagi's left eyebrow raised at this.

Mr Yagi: "So what was you intentions with this spar, if Ippo has a slim chance of winning against Miyata?" Mr Yagi said, confused by the reason of the spar.

Coach Kamogawa: "To create a rivalry." Coach Kamogawa closed eyes, saying these words seriously.

Mr Yagi: "A... Rivalry? What about Kenta? Isn't Miyata mainly focusing on Kenta?" When Yagi said this in more of a puzzled tone, Coach Kamogawa turned his head to him, eyes open and serious.

Coach Kamogawa: "I've spoken to him. He's going to go up to the Junior Welterweight division, after the All Japan Rookie tournament is over. The only thing keeping him at the featherweight division is Miyata, and now Ippo."

Mr Yagi eyes widened. Shocked at the revelation, of Coach Kamogawa's words. But now he thought about it, he can understand now why. Being 182cm, his weight was becoming a really bad problem if he keeps it up. If he stayed at this weight divisions, his organs will be damaged beyond repair.

So it was a risk even staying at this weight in the first place for Kenta. There will be no surprise if Kenta doesn't grown another inch or two. he's only 16 right now, he still has another two years before his height starts to slow down. Around that time he'll be at Takamura's height 185cm or taller. At approximately 187cm.

Mr Yagi: "Miyata's might take this bad Coach Kamogawa... Hopefully, the rivalry can be settled between them at the All Japan Rookie Tournament." Coach Kamogawa nodded. Miyata would have to accept it, and just like he planned, Ippo would be the perfect fighter to keep him focused on.

Coach Kamogawa: "That's where the kid takes role in the plan. Unlike Kenta, the boy is your classical in-fighter. Perfect type of fighter for Miyata to show that technique can beat power..." Coach Kamogawa paused at the end, closing his eyes, face almost scrunching up in the realization of something.

Coach Kamogawa: "Miyata would get no clarity if he fought against Kenta. It'll be only a onsided bloodbath. He would be lucky to even get out the ring alive." Standing up, Coach Kamogawa stood at the window, not showing his face for reasons. Mr Yagi could only listen mouth agape.

Coach Kamogawa: "I'd rather not watch them fight. In the face of Kenta's supernatural reaction time and instincts... Miyata's trump card won't be even able to land. Making it a one sided fight." Coach Kamogawa said with difficulty.

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