
Reincarnated in fantasy world as a scythe

Katsu after his death was reincarnated as a scythe and together with his wielder will explore the world of the unknown

Omni404_Sans · Fantasy
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5 Chs


There was a creepy silence for a second before Kiyoko said something that shocked others and triggered Sakura, Kiyoko blushed from embarrassment and said.

Kiyoko: "R-Realy can I call you dad?"

"Of course! we are family after all!"

Sakura: "That is not fair!!! how come she can call you dad and Rina won't call me mom!! why is the world so cruel come on Rina call me mom"

Rina: "N-no I won't it is too embarrassing!" she said while blushing.

And that is how the story of how Sakura made Rina call her mom she said to Rina that if she didn't she won't help her any longer meanwhile Yamato was looking at this with amusement and told to himself.

Yamato: 'If someone said to me that I would witness a day that old Amatar would turn out to behave like this I think that Zeon would think of me as an insane person to think that reapers friend or coffin as some called it would behave like this and wanted his wielder to its child for Sakura it is understandable she was trying to get Rina to call her mom from the time when she was young but this I might just witnessed a legend in making this is quite amusing'

Yamato: "Oh right young lady you need to rest a bit tomorrow you will be attended to the school alongside my little butterfly so you better prepare for tomorrow.

Rina: "Kiyoko wants to have a bath with me"

Kiyoko: "Um I-I don't know isn't it rude for a commoner like myself to be in the same bath as a noble."

Rina: "no fo course, not you are my friend after all"

Kiyoko: *sob* "Realy?" *sob*

Rina: "Of course are you alright?"

Kiyoko: "I didn't have any friends I was all alone until I met Katsu and managed to pass the test and now I have another friend I am so happy I Waaaaaahhhhhhh" she started crying from happiness.

"There there don't cry Kiyoko look at a shiny bird" Made a bird from a light element and control it around Kiyoko with great difficulty" Now that you passed you can make many more friends"

Rina: "Yes so don't cry lets go"

Sakura: "I am coming too" transformed into her human form, she had traditional Japanese kimono but it was pink her hair was a mix of pink and red, and her eyes were blue she had extreme curves slender seductive body with by the looks of it G cup size I am not a professional you may think how do you know that are you a pervert actually no I worked part-time as clothes designer so now I have a couple of ideas what I can make but let's not make it now I don't know if I can even find materials or turn into a human but she is damn hot as the sun and those thick thighs if I don't know better she looks like those cultivators from novels she looked at Kiyoko.

Sakura: "Are you coming?"

Kiyoko: " but what about d-dad?" she said cutely.

Sakura: "Hmph he doesn't even have a good human form just leave him somewhere"

(Sakura P.O.V)

Sakura: 'Just as I said that her weapon Katsu detached from her necklace and black smoke gathered and from it, a tall figure was created he wore all black with black coat and hat he was around 1.98meters tall with what seamed well muscular body by how his coat is filled seemingly stretching to the maximum making his 8pack faintly visible but when I looked at his face I could see a ridiculously handsome face with those purple-red eyes that seemed to look into my soul I could feel my face heating up so I hid it with my hands but when I heard his voice I knew that I must somehow make him mine and I don't have a plan to share with others no I am not a Yandere I just how would you like to see your man with another woman besides you but let's start slowly.

(P.O.V end)

"So Sakura what did you say I don't have human form do you like what you see?"

Sakura: "Yes...I-I mean no let go Rina" grabbed heavy blushing Rina s hand and started running while being redder than tomato herself

Kiyoko hugged me from the side I looked at her.

Kiyoko: "You look, cool dad!"

I can't believe how quickly she accepted me as her dad I patted her head and told her to follow Rina and Sakura to get a bath Yamato already left but what is this uneasy feeling that I have something bad will happen to the girls.

(Meanwhile Yosuke)

Yosuke: "Hehehe s they will take a bath together now I can watch Sakura-chan together with one chan and Kiyoko chan if I could save some pictures in scrolls I can blackmail them heheheheh just you wait I shall make my harem starting with you tree" laughing with 8ght grade syndrome

Back to MC.

" I am so Incredibly bored man I want to fight something they won't be angry if I go out for a bit actually who cares, mass genocide time hehe"

I used my shadow element to teleport to the shadow outside it is so strange using shadow movement I sink into the shadow everything seems like it moves in slow motion and it looks like I am passing through things like a ghost basically to me it seems like I am walking in this room just gray and I can pass through the walls well first let's give a quick check-up on girls I won't enter just pass by the bathroom I still have this uneasy feeling.

When I passed through the wall I had to see the same pervert from the last time is peeping at my little princess this means only one thing DEATH!

At that moment everyone in a 5km radius could feel the killing intent that made them sweat.

(Girls in the bathroom)

Kiyoko: "This is so huge!"

Rina: "Of course, this is the best bath in the capital"

After they entered the bath

Kiyoko: "How is that sister Sakura is so huge!"

Rina: "Why am I still here just to suffer this world is so unfair I hope I will grow too"

Sakura: "Well I just am what can I say when you grow up you will be similar to me," she said proudly

At that moment Rina sneaked behind her and jumped on her

Rina: "I got you now!"

Sakura: "Re-release me no ahhh let go of me"

Rina: "This world is so unfair you are so soft," she said while tears were falling from her eyes"

After a couple of minutes and lots of touching each other's chest, they were talking they felt immense killing intent Sakura could tell that it was concentrated on someone at the door they quickly wrapped towels around themselves and opened the door only to see Yosuke running and a chain pulling him back into the black smoke while he screamed and pleaded for forgiveness as he was dragged smoke disappeared only to reveal Katsukis angry face and Yosuke o the end of the scythe badly beaten up almost unconscious crying and apologizing.

Rina: "What happened!"

"He peeped at my little Kiyoko he deserves death also he took some pictures as it seams with his scrolls and is keeping them with him so if I burn his body they will burn too no"

Sakura: "That little shit I am going to castrate you!!"

Rina: "Please leave him to us for a second," she said as her hand turned into that of a dragon

Yosuke: "Save me one chan he is going to kill me," he said weakly

The two of them just smiled evilly at him and cracked their knuckles while Kiyoko was cowering herself tears threatening to fall from her eyes she re-entered the bathroom to put on her clothes because she wore only a towel now she then returned while crying and hugged me and said that she is scared I picked her up and hugged her while patting her head she is still a kid by the standards of this world and they are much smaller than in my world like ki of 15 can look like a kid of 12 years as for Kiyoko it doesn't help that she is half Elf as for an elf they are considerate mature when they are around 100 to 250 and because she is half-cat demihuman she will grow up like a normal human and stop aging when she is around 20 to 30 years old as for males it variates they can stop aging what they look like 15 years old 20,30 all the way to 70 that is why Elwes doesn't care for the looks too much for them you can say that they are looking for man from shota to elderly besicly no age restriction for them that counts if the other man or woman is 15 or older that is considerate mature in this world by human and demihuman standards.

Right now Yosuke was bloodied on the floor with his teeth broken but magic can fix that it will be just a bit painful but ower all I think he should be killed he basically peeped at a little kid he is a pedo and I shall keep him away from her from now on he is my target and one day I will kill him, I don't mind her finding a boyfriend or something but she is only 10 so it is a big no-no well currently we are shown around the town and Sakura and I are getting a lot of looks and whispers.

Random girl: "look how handsome he is pitty he already has a wife and a child I don't mind being his second and is that Princess Rina?

Random girl2: "I don't mind either just imagining him makes me feel hot.

Random man: "Look at this beauty how I wish I could taste her the princess Rina is good looking too"

I am kind of getting sick of these people and for lowe of god is Sakura bloody red? is this some bs or something it is not so hot outside or is she perhaps interested in me? I need to keep that in mind I may find a girlfriend finally I was alone in my last life too but for some reason, she looks so cute when she blushes as the two people said cute is justice besides she is stupidly hot that is a bonus and I am pretty sure weapons can't give birth so I think, ok let's not think for now maybe later but this is noted.

Rina: "And this is the academy on the left side is the girl's dorm and on the right side is the boy's dorm but we will get a proper tour tomorrow is someone hungry I am starving lets get something to eat!"

Sakura: "Finally I know that I don't need to eat but it is so good to eat let's go!"

"Food I didn't have that for a while"

Kiyoko: "um when was the last time you ate something dad?"

"Truth to be told I don't have many memories I seemed to lose all my memories until I have awoken the day before I met you so let's say around a couple of hundreds of years" masterfully using bs for not knowing my past in this form.

Sakura: "That must be awful not knowing almost nothing of your past and not eating for so long even as a weapon without food life seems a bit without taste It is decided we will have a great meal tonight!"

Kiyoko: " O-Oki let's go! I am so excited I wonder how will the school be tomorrow!" she said while jumping up and down

"So hell starts tomorrow I hope that your sanity will hold up"

Rina: "what do you mean by that... hey! don't ignore me what do you mean by that!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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